The latest website: The instruction of Grand College, don't need to say more.

Sulphur Rock, Gubo and various class instructors have encouraged many students on the high platform to have a large hourglass time. Under the leadership of each class instructor, everyone came to the airport.

There are already three very large balloon fortresses waiting quietly.

Many students boarded the balloon fortress, overlooking the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences and the main city of St. Glen Fort in the distance, and the balloon fortress gradually went away.

Full half a month.

Three balloon airships carrying more than 500 students came to the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

The prosperous age of the Principality of Finland.

Six Academy of Natural Sciences, hundreds of families of free scholars, large and small, thousands of re-students gathered at their own expense, brought huge economic benefits to the Principality of Finland, and also promoted the magical props and magic tools that are abundant here The Grand Duchy.


At the airport, the balloon fortress gradually stopped.

Lei Le, leaning against the window of the balloon fortress, put away "Information of the Powerful Colleges" and overlooked the capital city of Finland.

The dome-like castles resemble a fairy tale. They are staggered, yellow and green, and the tall spires are flower beds, which are completely different from the Grand Duchy.

Beside Rello, Magna looked sideways.

"It's a garden city. I want to come and see it for a long time. The capital city of Finland has the best quality magic props and magic tools. It is said that the first magic tool in the life of most advanced scholars is obtained here."

She flicked her soft, long hair, and her eyes inadvertently touched Raleigh, smiling gracefully.

"At Shilin Space, it is up to you whether our plan will succeed."


Rello responded briefly.

After a moment of deep anxiety and deep worries, he cast a decisive look and looked again into the distance.

Magna looked at Lei Luo's mature face, and the corner of her mouth accidentally showed a touch of arc.

Due to Dylan's relationship, the Neo family warned themselves and frightened them for a long time, but the family's secret investment in the prince Chen finally had some return in the near future.

This male student may be a better choice than Dylan?

It's just a pity that he doesn't have a title that matches his family, just because the family won't agree.

Tutor Jenny stood up in the front row, flames red lips with a warm smile.

"Class 11 students, line up and follow me."


In the capital city of Finland, huge shadows cover the streets.

"Wow! That Sansou airship, how big is it!"

The tourists under the airport looked at the three balloon fortresses in the sky, stunned and murmured.

The huge shadow almost covered the whole street.

In comparison, a normal balloon airship is only a quarter of its size.

"That was the balloon bastion of the Grand Duchy, which is said to be a special model developed by the Vladimir War Weapons Institute. During the graduation examination every year, Gran will send several magic apprentices to transport the graduation assessment."

The two were chatting. The shop owner pointed to a group of students who came down from the airport elevator and excitedly said, "Here we are, the magician of the Grand Duchy."

On both sides of the street, a long line of soldiers was in martial law.

More than 500 Grand scholars followed Gubo, Sulphur Rock and various tutors, led by several old scholars of the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences, and walked towards the direction of the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

"Wow, there are so many magic prop shops!"

"Gosh, that's a magical tool shop. In St. Gran Fort, the magical tools that can only appear at auction are sold like magic props here!"

"I heard that this is a holy place for alchemists, it seems that the rumors are true ..."

The Gran students were talking excitedly while walking.

At this moment.

Participants from Barda who came down from the other airport walked in a mighty way and met the students from Glen.

The leading Gubo and Sulphur Rock naturally looked at each other.

An old scholar riding on a black goat, rubbing two oily walnuts in his hands, his eyes glowing under his brows, also looking at Gubo, and at the back of the two, he was significantly less than his own. Students, smiled proudly.

Even if they are old, everyone can still feel the strong physique of the old scholar riding a black goat, as if there is a monster living in the body, a volcano that will erupt at any time.

The students from both sides went hand in hand towards the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

Balda scholars, who look shorter and stronger than Gran scholars, are generally wearing leather armor combat suits. Some even wear shirtless upper bodies to reveal various tattoo designs, while others use bones to make various decorations. , Caught in the body.

The fellow Glan students who covered them covered their noses one after another.

"Smelly dead, these barbarians."

Students who are accustomed to the smell of various perfumes can't bear the smell of Balda College for a while.

"Hahaha, a group of ladies."

The Bardas generally have barbaric ancestry, which involves the story of the ancient times.

Nowadays, although the ancient barbarians on that plateau have become extinct, their blood is integrated into the Barda people. Therefore, the Barda people are different from other human beings. The world ’s magnetic field is repulsed by nature. Talents are awe-inspiring, instead of being repulsed by the world's magnetic field, they will master some special talents.

The guards on both sides of the street guard the order, and the enthusiasm of the citizens cannot be organized.

The streets were full of people standing, looking at these magicians from other principalities curiously.


Everyone came to the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences, family free scholars and self-financing scholars, some even arrived half a month earlier.

Students from Zealand, Wellland, Finland, and Utoran Academy of Natural Sciences have all arrived, and they all look to this side.

"His, so many people!"

The students of the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences could not help but exclaim when they looked at the Zealand College, and there was a commotion.

If the number of students at Balda College goes hand-in-hand, then the number of students in Zealand is almost three times that of students in Granada.

Usually this is just a vague number concept.

But at the moment what they saw was believing, everyone was surprised. Even if the number of students from Willland, Finland, and Utoran added up, it seemed that they were not as many as these scholars.

"Hey, Hey Laoyang, do you look good, these little guys behind you."

The leader of the student in Zeeland was covered in thick smoke, and he could only see a pair of dark green eyes under the shadow of his cloak, exuding an inexplicable ghostly light.

The old man of Barda College riding a black goat looks proud.

"It looks stronger than the little guys behind you."

"Hahaha !!"

Behind the Laoyang demon, a Kui Wei bald student laughed.

"Watch me pinch the soft eggs behind him one by one."

It is impressively the size of [Destroyer] Kui's unscrupulous.

It was just his eyes, not knowing when there was an extra scar, running through the entire face.

Not mentioning Lao Yang's reprimand for Kui's incomprehensible rules, and the sneering sneer of the old Zealander, the ancient Bo, sandwiched between the two colleges, had a somber face.

Traditional rules ~ ~ The six colleges are headed by the Zealand and Grand College.

In the past years, there has always been a battle between Zealand and Gran. Other colleges stood sideways, but this year the situation is different.

The Zealand and Barda Colleges are also welcoming the golden generation at the same time, regardless of the number of Granite students and the strength of the top students, they have been competed by the two colleges.

For the college's graduation assessment results, the student base is the most important.

In this way, Gu Bo was regarded as the air, listening to the screaming of the two colleges, and his heart was angry and unacceptable. The huge sense of humiliation made him breathe a lot more quickly, but in front of people, he can only try to make himself It seemed calmer, and the old Finnish mentors smiled.


Sulphur sucked a cigarette rod.

"It's up to these little guys."

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