Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 463: The beautiful legend of Sicily (Part 1)

Principality of Zealand.

"Master of Sicily."

[Touch of the Starfish] Anemo, the old woman with a pleated face and a smile, finally placed under the surveillance of dozens of people around him, and placed this genius female scholar who created the Alpha catastrophe weapon.

She is very pretty.

Is much younger than he thought. He is arrogant and arrogant. Even if he just sits there, he gives himself a feeling of looking at himself slightly.

Although Anemo was an academician of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, he was secretly contacted with [Solar Source] Lei Luo and was shocked by his knowledge and wisdom. Luo Qi's famous Zealand scholar, of course, also maintained considerable respect.

In the puzzled gaze of the other party, the old lady handed over an invitation letter.

"A month ago, [Solar Source] Dr. Lei Luo, who had caused great panic because of secret research in St. Grand Fort, so my visit to the Principality of Zealand this time, in addition to explaining at this time, to prevent misunderstandings in your country, Also, on behalf of the Gran Royal Academician Committee, I sincerely invite Your Excellency and several well-known academicians to attend the Gran Royal Scientific Seminar and Exchange Conference. "

"Solar source Rello ... attending your scientific exchange meeting in the Grand Duchy?"

The eyes of Sicilian blue are very large, and the eye sockets are very deep. The high nose bridge sets off the typical three-dimensional facial features of the Zealander and frowns slightly at Anemo.

"Isn't it only two years since the last seminar and exchange conference in your Grand Duchy? And ... you even invited our academician Zeeland to participate in your exchange conference?"

The other party's question, Anai Mo understood.

At this time, anyone will suspect that this is Gran's conspiracy.

"Oh, Master, please rest assured that this invitation was personally authorized by His Majesty the King. As for the reason, it was because the exchange meeting was a special communication meeting held by the committee for Master Lei Luo. An important research result was announced at the exchange meeting, which is enough to produce a huge reversal in the history of scholars. Your Majesty also hopes to take this opportunity to ease the Cold War relationship between our two countries ... "

Sicily took over the invitation letter.

"To the great Sicilian predecessors, your wisdom has made me no longer lonely, and I invite you to participate in my great discovery of the superhuman human of the other world, Ray Lokobo."

Looking at Relo on the cover of the invitation, Sicily thought about it.

【Biodestructor】 In Sicily, the discovery of the study of alpha particles can be traced back to the past 80 years ago by extraordinary scholars.

That year.

The 125-year-old, although she has been cast into a perfect body of energy, is limited to the assessment system of extraordinary scholars, but is to go beyond the eyes of the wind to find the remains of unknown civilizations. The scholars explored together and left the star screen.

Explore the death storm, the minimum requirement must also reach the level of the mysterious scholar, so that the energy shield can resist the death storm.

But it's just the minimum requirement.

In that cruel death storm, there are really too many dangerous creatures, and I do n’t know how many scholars have embarked on a path of no return.


Over thirty years have passed, Sicily escaped three times and died in the land of the Star Curtain, and reorganized and set off three times, but found nothing.

Until the fourth time she fled back in nine lives, she was completely desperate.

Even, she began to hate the degree assessment system specified by the three pioneers 800 years ago. There is too much luck in it. She obviously has the knowledge and power of extraordinary scholars, but she can only enjoy The social status and treatment of new posts by second-level upright scholars.

Amidst anger and frustration, she wandered in the land of the star curtain and finally had an amazing surprise discovery!

It is a ruin of a magic eye pyramid that has never been discovered by humans.

In the research of Quran civilization by anthropologists, this ancient prehistoric civilization seems extremely advocating to rely on the Devil's Eye Pyramid.

At the beginning, scholars believed that the Devil's Eye Pyramid was probably a war machine invented by the Guran civilization and the crystallization of the fighting wisdom of the Guran civilization.

But later, scholars gradually discovered that its function seems to be more than that.

There is no doubt that in the ancient period before the Qur'an civilization ruled the land of the star screen, more specifically, it should be an era 30,000 years ago. The land of the star screen once had a huge eye, even more than today The scale of the wind eye is even larger.

Countless unearthed paleontological fossils have proved this point.

But suddenly one day, this huge eye-catcher seems to disappear suddenly for some reason, or it shrinks, or weakens?

all in all!

The death storm came.

Countless creatures became extinct, and a huge historical chronology appeared in the fossils of paleontology. Until the appearance of the Qur'an civilization, the prehistoric history of the war with the land of night began.

As far as the ancient star-gazing land is concerned, there is no unified answer to what has happened in the academic world so far. It can only be speculated from the theology of the Holy See that those ancient creatures seem to be tired of surface life and entered the underground world.

Until Sicily discovered this magic eye pyramid, very few humans finally learned the cruel historical truth from this magic eye pyramid!

The reason why the Qur'an civilization worships the Pyramid of Magic Eyes is indeed not only a war platform, but also a mini wind eye supporter and a device for refining high-level magic guide materials.

The wind eye area it can support is not large, and each one is only equivalent to the area of ​​a province in the Grand Duchy.

In the prehistoric period, except for a few barren areas centered on Pangula, which were not covered by death storms, most of the areas were in the area of ​​weak death storms, which belonged to the transition zone between death storms and calm areas.

The Magic Eye Pyramid is the walking eye of these transitional zones. The Guran people developed various magic guide materials by enslaving those lower slaves ~ ~ through the huge amount of energy in the Magic Eye Pyramid, they gathered to Some high-level magic materials are attacked by law.

With the development of civilization, the Qur'an civilization, which is closer to the history of ancient times, has undoubtedly also discovered the fact that this star land, once seemed to be ruled by an unknown powerful civilization, but suddenly disappeared. .

So, a magic eye pyramid dedicated to studying the history of the ancient times in the land of the star screen, trying to spy on some powerful forces from the history was born.

It did live up to expectations and found something!

It is a pity that with the advent of an extraterrestrial civilization claiming to be the human of Aurora, in order to return to their so-called Aurora, they looted and attacked the Devil ’s Eye Pyramid, trying to repair the giant metal flying device, an uncoordinated war between the two contradiction.

This war not only destroyed the Qur'an civilization, but also destroyed the Devil's Eye Pyramid and drowned somewhere in the land of the star curtain. Until ten thousand years later, a frustrated female scholar from Zeeland discovered it accidentally.

Sicily also opened an unprecedented door and entered a hall of knowledge that she could never imagine!

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