Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: see

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After learning the secret of Tongtianzhu, Lai Luo also resolutely decided to climb and visit the highest mystery of this absolute zero civilization.

The extreme cold was continuously released from the inside of the Tongtian Pillar.

Under the force of this biting cold, even Lei Luo must activate the rootless source in his body to ensure that he will not be affected, and if it is other scholars, his strength will be greatly limited.

to the opposite.

The frost creatures that inhabit the Frost Continent, when they are on the Tongtian Pillar, will have an extra strength out of thin air because of this extremely cold and frigid legal environment. Extending the effectiveness of the will of the world and turning the void land of battle into the main battlefield, even the most primitive hand-to-hand **** battle, the Frost Continent does not seem to be without the power of a battle.

In this way, coupled with the addition of Stormwind Continent, it is no wonder that the top officials of Frost Continent seem to still maintain full confidence in this war.


As Lai Luo continued to climb higher, the ice layer here gradually showed a blue light.

If you look closely, it is like frozen ice flowers flickering in the ice layer. It turns out to be the mystery of the power of time and space unique to the absolute zero civilization. The accumulated cold power and the prevention of the external intrusion of heat flow to the curvature of space-time is a deep application technology of the power of space-time unique here.

Flying upwards, the snow and ice here gradually became bright red.

Lai Luo is no stranger to this. This is the color of blood. For thousands of years, countless frost creatures have been climbing upwards, fighting to the death of the superhuman people who tried to destroy this miracle. The top of the originally pure white Babel Pillar gradually became reddish.

A huge white bear in front was limping down the Tongtian Pillar, which aroused Lai Luo's interest.


After it recognized Lai Luo's identity at a glance, it showed considerable hostility, but after noticing Lai Luo's strength, its expression suddenly changed, and it didn't say anything more.


Lai Luo was originally just curious about why the other party didn't get off the plane after he was injured. Now that he found that the other party seemed to be quite hostile to humans, he couldn't help but be even more curious.

"You seem to be very hostile to humans, and I want to know why."

The giant bear clenched its teeth, and after a while, it finally said angrily: "The Frost Bear clan, originally a small clan living in the North Wind Mountains, relied on paying tribute to the snow troll clan to maintain peaceful reproduction, it is your human beings. Come and occupy the territory of the original snowfield troll family, the North Wind Mountains, we once expressed our surrender to you and kept the tribute, but you rejected it."

"It is not good?"

Lai Luo understood that the anthropologists who arrived here in the early days did not receive tribute from these small clans, and expressed his understanding that after the academic world has experienced the Battle of the Void, there is no shortage of resources. What is lacking is population, and what is lacking is time.

But the giant bear said angrily: "You really don't need our tribute, what you need is my body, to satisfy your endless desires, to make so-called specimens and display them in the exhibition hall! It's your pride, but our pain!"

Lai Luo heard the words and was speechless.

But this is also impossible.

Scholars need to adapt and grow in a new environment. This is an unavoidable experience and process. The environment in which anthropologists live is always unavoidable from destruction and death.

But in some respects, the process of suffering these creatures experienced is also the process of recovery and rise of anthropologists, and as a member of anthropologists, Laidlaw did not feel falsely sad when he heard it, but felt relieved. a lot.

"Is it."

Lai Luo was noncommittal about this, and said sternly: "You should be participating in the guard war when you went up. Since you are already injured, why don't you come down in a spaceship?"

Hearing this, the giant bear seemed even more angry.

It gritted its teeth and said: "Every time I save a power stone now, I can save a child from the North Wind Mountains, from the persecution of your anthropologists, and can save the life of a tribe. In comparison, this little pain counts. what!"

Shrugging, Laidlaw said no more, bypassing the loneliness

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The giant bear continued to climb upwards.

The energy in the air here is getting thinner and thinner, and it is already possible to see the floating Star Island, as well as various debris left over from the long battle.

All kinds of flying machines are constantly shuttled, and while the elite frost creatures are continuously transported up, they also send the wounded back to the ground.

Look around.

Because of the influence of the El Niño cataclysm, the weather in the Frost Continent is no longer the eternal cold after the ancient times. In just a hundred years, deserts and neighbors have begun to evolve. This was almost unimaginable in the past. Therefore, the creatures of the Frost Continent The degree of mass extinction is no less than that of Stormwind Continent. This is a disaster for the entire world.

Rumble rumble.

Further up, it is the real battlefield.

This should be the edge of the world, the junction of the void, the area where the world's will is difficult to reach.

However, under the action of the Tongtian Pillar at this moment, although the atmosphere here is extremely thin, it still exists, and continues to spread upward with this iceberg as a carrier.


A superhuman miniature aircraft fell.

This is a superman's single-soldier aircraft, without a cockpit, like a flying skateboard or a bazooka. The superman relies on the outside to navigate in the void. After being shot down in the war at this moment, it struggles desperately, and its mental tentacles try hard to Stretching out and leaving the will of the star screen world, it seemed to be suffering from suffocation, and then it gradually dissipated in front of Lai Luo.

In just a moment, several frost creatures flew over.


These Frost creatures are only second-level. They belong to the lowest creatures here. After seeing Lai Luo, they showed considerable fear and respect. Obviously, anthropologists have been in the Frost Continent for a hundred years. The creatures have formed a considerable influence, and their status is no lower than those of the royal family.


Laylo knew that their mission was to recover the aircraft that the superman had fallen, and said sternly: "The superman has suffocated and melted."

These frost creatures have no doubts about this. After greeting Lai Luo, they began to collect the resources here on their own.

Lai Luo continued to fly forward.

He passed by a land of snow lotus, where hundreds of frost creatures were being healed, and Lei Luo recognized the central area of ​​this land of snow lotus at a glance. The mentioned guardian, Bing Ling.

She is like a bee elf, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, lying in the heart of the snow lotus.

The meaning of her existence is to give spiritual comfort to those creatures who are about to freeze to death, so that they die less painful and feel warm at the last moment of life. This is also why many people who freeze to death often strip off. The reason for the clothes.

It can be said that this is a very powerful guardian!

"As great as you, are you forced to participate in this war?"

Lai Luo can see that the power of the other party's law is also constantly passing.

There is no doubt that the opponent's status on the Frost Continent is even higher than that of Quanzu, and he belongs to the world's true top-level law guardian.

Bing Ling didn't care about it.

"That's what I should have said."

After she just glanced at Lai Luo, she looked at the void of endless battles again, and said faintly: "As great as you, are you forced to participate in this war?"

Lai Luo was dumbfounded. He knew the bad mood these guardians were facing. The world was inevitably approaching the end little by little. They seemed to be able to see the countdown of their lives, but they were powerless.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A figure flew over, and it was the first step to come here, the Shura Road that sensed Laylo's You are finally here. "

"It seems that you have gained a lot."

Lei Luo looked at the other party, and found that the other party's injury had not only recovered, but also seemed to have improved. First, compared to the small half-star body that dissipated himself, it became an irreversible damage, and the gap caused him to sigh slightly.

Shura Dao licked his tongue and said excitedly: "It's really interesting, if we knew there was such a place, we should have

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It's time to come, this may be **** to others, but to me, it's heaven on earth. "

Lai Luo knew what he was referring to, and was somewhat envious of his ability. This kind of eternal battlefield, where countless creatures gathered, and always maintained the war within a constant range, was indeed the paradise he dreamed of.

To provide you with the fastest update of the "Gran Academy of Natural Sciences" by the Great God and the Egret on the Blue Sky!

What you see in the 1100th chapter is free to read: https://,!


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