Using the incarnation (metamorphose) spell to become a great eagle and fly in the great sky for a while.

I finally made it to the battlefield.

It is a certain small city in the kingdom.

The Royal Army and the Ice Demon King were confronted using the corner of the prominent stretch from Central Square as a battlefield.

But from above, the situation doesn't seem very fragrant.

The dragon (Irdola) seems to have already been driven out of combat, and the elite knights of the Royal Army have fallen and left the front.

Apparently, you were right to fly in without optimism.

─ ─ Irene, Satsuki, Cyril and Irdola, who were supposed to be there, were disappearing when Me and Mi finished attacking the ruins and acquired the Flaming Devil's Sword and other treasures and went outside.

From the placement that was left behind, it became clear that local circumstances had changed and that they had to take the dragon (Irdola) to the battlefield quickly.

So I had to leave Mi on the spot and fly this far using the metamorphosis spell.

My leg in the shape of a great eagle - my hook and nail - holds my wand, my robe, and my fiery demon sword.

The Demon Sword of Fire is a sword rippled with a flambellished body, isomorphic to what the imitator was imitating in the first room of the ruins.

I was carrying it all the way here with it in my sheath.

You should think that trump cards (jokers) are no longer the only thing this demon sword can do than that dragon (Irdola) has already fallen.

I looked over the war situation as one, and when I found the person (...), I dropped the Devil's Sword towards it.

He is by far the most trustworthy man in the field.

On the other hand, I myself descend across the Ice Demon King to a place located on the other side of that person to lift the spell of Transformation (Metamorphose).

And scream.

Turn to James Glenford, the man I entrusted with the Demon Sword of Fire, the head of the Sorcerer's Corps at the Royal Court.

"─ Father, let him fly!

James, who picked up the fiery demon sword, gave that word of mine a slightly reticent look.

But that's just how fast your head spins.

In the next moment I let my mouth hold up and laugh niggly.

"Using your father with his chin is something you've become a lot better at, William. ─ ─ I'm sure you know where to aim."

James said that somewhere looking happy, and when he pulled the fiery demon sword out of his sheath, he started chanting a spell.


I also take a wand, delay the timing just a little from James's spell chant, and start a similar chant.

But just so you know, the enemy hasn't seen it in silence either.

When the Ice Demon King compares me to James, he tries to run toward James, who has the Demon Sword of Fire in his hand.

But what I haven't seen in silence is the same thing as the Royal Army.

"Let it be!

"It's hard for you to forget about us!

Towards that ice demon king, King Andrew and Knight Commander Dylan rushed their swords into their hands.

The other knights, Eileen and Satsuki join the battle there.

─ ─ Gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah!

All the warriors with the aura started fighting at a tremendous rate.

Superhuman combat is so difficult to even recognize what is happening to a regular person.

"─ Will! How many seconds?!?"

Eileen's voice was heard from among them, so I kept the spell chanting unstoppable, anticipating the timing and letting my left hand open and out, pointing at five, four, and three.

"Olay, Will! Three, two, one. - Get away from me!

At the same time as Satsuki's hung voice, the warriors who had hung up on the Ice Demon King scattered simultaneously.

That's the proud elites of the kingdom, without the madness of dimensions.

And at exactly the same time...

"─ Weapon projection (Weapon chute)!

James, the head of the court magician, fired the fiery demon sword.

The subject, of course, is the Ice Demon King.

─ ─ But.

The Ice Demon King and his Demon Sword were the most dangerous.

"─ Huh!

Although the Ice Demon King was slightly disfigured by the onslaught of the Royal Army, he dodges the cutting-edge of the Flaming Demon Sword that flew in at high speed.

A move that I knew would come.

"Are you kidding me!?"

Satsuki's surprise voice.

But besides, my voice overlaps after the spell chant.

"─ Weapon projection (Weapon chute)!

"... Huh?

A voice that fell out between satsuki.

When I caught the fiery Demon Sword by magic, which the Ice Demon King had dodged and was about to fly away right next to me, I immediately redirected it and projected it towards the Ice Demon King again.

That's just the Ice Demon King, too, can't handle it.

When the tip of the fiery demon sword pierces the left shoulder of the Ice Demon King, it instantly burns and melts through it.

─ ─ Bump.

The left arm of the Ice Demon King blew out a thousand cuts from the roots.

"Become...!? Off the steeple!?"

Now Irene's voice.

But that perception is not right.

"─ No, now it's packed (checkmate)."

It was Knights Chief Dylan who said that.

When he caught the arm of the Ice Demon God flying to him, he threw it further afield.

I made sure of that, and I started a further spell chant.

James, the head of the court sorcerer corps, also begins his own spell chanting when he instructs the court sorcerers under his own command to exercise the spell.

Meanwhile, finally, the Ice Demon King, who also lost his left arm, growls toward heaven, opens his mouth and begins to converge his energy there.

Is that a breathing (brace) attack?

However, exhalation (braces) can take some time to activate.

Then it's too late.

Eventually, the spells of the court magicians will be completed.

"" "─ Fireball (Fireball)!

A mass of flaming magic appeared one after the other at the end of the staff set forth by the court magicians.

At the same time, the spell of James, the head of the court magician, will be completed.

"─ Purgatory Flame (Inferno)!

Exercised is the attacking magic of the most powerful flame attributes.

An ultra-compressed scorching magic ball emerges, even more concentrated than a fireball (fireball).

I still can't get to the realm where that spell works.

But if you compare the total firepower...


I activate spells almost simultaneously with court magicians and James.

There, in addition, the effects of unique skills are mounted.

"─ Multiple Spell Exercise (Multiple Cast)!

All the remaining magic vegetables (mana) were poured in and the resulting fireball was increased to three.

James, who sees it, opens his eyes to surprise.

But that's it.

Mutual work is a solid doctrine.

I throw three fireballs, James throws one purgatory flame, and every other court magician throws one fireball in unison.

The ring of the demon that was protecting the Ice Demon from magic was not under him when his left arm was lost.

That's what Knights Chief Dylan said about "stuffing (checkmate)".

The magic group of flames landed in the presence of the Ice Demon after a moment.

It is also raw to describe it as an explosion, a roar, or a

Audible information that instantly causes all sounds to swallow and disappear.

Along with that, a brilliant brilliance curled like never before seen, colored by red lotus, blast flames and burning heat.

And the light that gathered all the heat in the world eventually disappeared according to nature's cooking.

And then there was nothing left.

Every thing that was there dissolved, and the corner of the ground on Central Avenue became like a build-up of magma.

And what was once called the Ice Demon King had disappeared without a trace.

A lot of silence.


"" "─ Wow, wow, wow!

The knights raised the roar of victory.

I untie the tension with it, too, and sigh loudly.

Something seems to have gone wrong.

The Royal Army then begins a careful aftermath such as burning out the arms of the remaining ice demons as well.

James, speaking a word or two with King Andrew and thanking him, came to me.

And say something when you come before me.

"William-- you did a great job. As an objective observation, I can only assess that this country would have been doomed had it not been for you. Thank you, thank you. - But let me just say one thing."


"Time to get dressed. And the ladies."

That said. Ahead of James pointing out, Irene, Satsuki and Cyril, who covered their faces with both hands.

I'm sure you're worried about the flickering out of your fingers.

"... ah, oh. Right."

I forgot again, but I was naked when I solved the transformation (metamorphosis).

I rushed to weave the robe that was at my feet.

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