- Royal Army Perspective

A demon god of ice advances down Central Avenue toward the Royal Army.

The first to unleash an attack there were about ten court magicians.

"" "─ Weapons Projection (Weapon Shoot)!

With the activation of the spell, a great sword (Great Sword), a spear axe (Halvard), or a rock or iron ball emerges into the universe from a trolley positioned beside them.

They were then shot out of the air with nothing, at the temporal velocity of the Tai Arrow (Quarrel) where they were ejected from the crossbow (Crossbow).

The goal is, naturally, the Ice Demon approaching at an auspicious speed.

The surprised Ice Demon brakes at once, and at the same time brings his left hand forward.

Glowing on that finger is the "Ring of the Consumer Demon".

Seeing it, the court magicians giggle at you for doing it.

Weapon Projection (Weapon Shoot) spells are fairly high-end spells created by arranging commemorative (telekinesis) spells, but it's hard to say they're very good as attack magic.

A fireball (fireball) and equivalent mentor (wizard) class spell, but can only be used for stand-alone attacks, and the damage done to that stand-alone is not significantly different from a fireball (fireball), and you will need a weapon to fly in the first place.

If it's worth using, it's about when you want to pinpoint certain enemies, but that would be enough with less consuming elementary spells, magic arrows (magic missiles).

Therefore, it is usually not viewed as a defective attack spell that will not be used on the battlefield - except this time.

The magic erase space by the demon ring is about five meters around the equipper.

Various large murder weapons fired by weapon projection (Weapon Shoot) spells also lose the magic they were carrying the moment they entered its range.

But it is only magic that is lost, and the vectors already given are not lost.

A weapon of great weight arrives at the Ice Demon with inertia.

"─ Huh!?"

─ ─ Dogogagagagagagagagagaga!

The Ice Demon God still flattened and dodged with just a reflex nerve, but he can't fully make it.

The blade of the great sword swept across one arm, causing the blood to erupt, and the rock struck directly on one leg, hitting it hard.

Due to the robust ice armor, there seemed to be no damage enough to render the limbs irreversible, but for a moment, the unleashed ice demon kneels one knee on the ground.


"" "─ Ooh, ooh!

Dozens of elite knights of the kingdom swept across the military horses.

Shortly before the weapon projection (Weapon Shoot) was activated, they were running horses, killing before the Ice Demon could get into shape, slamming the weapon without mistake.

A blow by a horse spear (Lance) that uses horse propulsion, or an attack by a magical weapon that is increased in attack by magic, also pierces or severs strong ice armor and deals damage to the Ice Demon God somehow.

But neither is the Ice Demon.

Despite his disfigurement, he judges the attacks of the elites of the war, and knocks in a counter-attack, if not a slight gap.

Of the knights who headed, several had been blown away by the fist of the Ice Demon God and had clashed against the walls of the surrounding dwellings and stopped moving.

Alternatively, some were attacked by horses and dropped and rolled to the ground.

The knights, who crossed with the Ice Demon, ran across to the other side, showed slight agitation when they saw their fallen companions, but...

"Don't be frightened! Damage is done! You can win this fight!

King Andrew flies the knights.

The knights excited again with that voice.

They will now try to advance once and for all.


"What is that...!?"

─ ─ Slurpee, Slurpee.

Something grew (...) from the wounds of the Ice Demon God given by the knights, or by weapons projections (Weapon Shoots).

The meat mass grown from that wound stretches like a thick whip and begins to twitch.

It flickered like a vegetable monster. It was the right shape to call it a "tentacle."

King Andrew and Knight Commander Dylan laugh bitterly when they see it.

"You monster. Evolving one after the other is breaking our hearts."

"If that's the case, you can't let them break you the way they want you to, can you? Let's say it's something of a distress after damage."

"Dylan, you don't say good things. Hire it. ─ Look! Looks like he leaked (...) too many tentacles of suffering! Don't give him the time to change the amulet (...)!

"" "─ Ooh, ooh!

The knights storm again.

Shortly before that, a second shot by a weapons projection (Weapon Shoot) had been fired, but this did not work for the second time, and was all dodged by the Ice Demon God who regained his posture.

And the knights who stormed...



Several tentacles grown from the wounds of the Ice Demon God quickly cleaved and pierced the knights wearing sheet metal armor (plate armor), making their tips look like sharp blades as the knights approached.

A number of knights doubling at the crossing ahead are thrown to the ground like garbage.

Still, the most elite knights, including Andrew and Dylan, manage to wield their weapons through their tentacles and run under the Ice Demon.

Some of the weapons wielded were causing further damage to the Ice Demon God, but...

─ ─ Slurpee.

From that wound, further tentacles grow.

Dylan, the Knight Commander who saw it, finally says with a harsh look.

"Too bad. It still seems to be getting stronger..."

"I'd like to think you're doing some damage, but you don't like how it looks. ─ ─ James, how do you see that?"

Andrew turns to the head of the court magician.

Then one of the robes, who was by the trolley loaded with weapons, comes forward and replies.

"It's unknown about that individual, but some demons change form by taking damage like that. Similar to that, such a morphological change is certainly a sign of draining vitality, and then I wonder if the damage is above regenerative capacity."

"Right. That's good news, but I don't think that regenerative ability was quite as good as it was at the stage before eating the demon tribe under distribution. Most importantly, we're going to run out of power over here before we cut it off. ─ ─ Those who are still breathing want to retrieve them and let the service priests heal them, well."

Andrew sees the knights shot and fallen by the fists and blades of the Ice Demon God.

Knights Commander Dylan also opens his thin eyes thinly and sees the war situation.

"... I'm done. Our loss is almost synonymous with the demise of this country."

"You sure did. Was it a mistake to come here with a few elites?

"Hey, we just got all the heads together, and I guess the number of bodies just increased a hundred times over the place being confused. It must have more than a certain amount of power to inflict a scratch."

"That's right."

"There won't be anything better than trying to do it with this force."

"That's what I'm talking about. - James, if anything happens to me, I'll take care of the rest."

"... ok. But let's do our best not to."

James, the head of the court sorcerer who received his life from the king, says so and returns to his place of residence.

King Andrew, Knights Commander Dylan, carried a magical sword together and firmly drew the reins of a military horse.

Coming towards it is the one demon god, who loosened many blade-like tentacles.

Shah, shah, step on the earth, slowly approaching.

A simultaneous firing of the third weapon projection (Weapon Shoot) was emitted, but it was also avoided with fearful agility, or knocked down all by tentacles.

Nevertheless, Andrew makes the decree with a voice that echoes the whole city.

"Brave men, go on with me! There's no other way to defeat that worst demon king than to leave us!

"" "─ Ooh, ooh!

The elite knights of the Royal Army attempt a third assault.

And then the Ice Demon took the stand to intercept, and then...

"─ Dad, get out of the way!

From somewhere, I could hear the voice of a boyish but poor girl.


If Andrew looks up, a huge red shadow rapidly approaching the cloudy sky.

It's a dragon, the Red Dragon.

If a dragon can fly diagonally for a change of direction, you can see three little figures crossing its back.

The giant red flying body approaches the battlefield as it looks around.

From above, the girl's voice again.

"Please, Mr. Ildora!

"I'll take care of it!

The Fire Dragon (Red Dragon) opens its mouth towards the Ice Demon God.

Behind it is a swirl of brilliant, burning energy...

─ ─ Go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

From the dragon's mouth, a flame of light was emitted.

If it licks the cobblestone on Central Street, it instantly turns into lava, and as it were, it approaches the Ice Demon.

After a moment, the dragon's exhale (dragon brace) struck directly at the ice demon god.

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