When Andrew and the others headed to the city's central square, there was a tragic sight there.

The treasure of extreme hell was not broken.

But inside it, a few demons besides the Demon King were littered with light (...), flesh pieces scattered everywhere, and green fluids spread across the ground.

The Demon King said that now we were about to start cooking the last piece of shit.

Demons frighten at the edge of the energy field made by the treasures of extreme prison.

There the Demon King walks over unconstructively.

The Demon King's body was originally about the shape of a muscular and physiologically privileged human being, but now it was monstrously inflated, and his bumpy obese body, similar to an oak, appeared to put together muscle and ice armor.

From its body, the aura of pitch black is emitted overflowing.

Having seen it, Andrew speaks to James Glenford, the nearby court magic master, with a rugged look as he stays outside the jewels of the extreme prison.

"You're changing. James, how do you see that"

"Well, I don't know the precedent for oligarchy, but I thought it was probably the result of co-eating."

"I guess. I hope you're going to hit the food and destroy yourself, but it's going to be kind of empowering."

"Yes, at least you should rethink your tactics assuming they are"

"Is the result of the military debate that took half a day blank? Don't give me time."

Even while they were doing so and talking, the Demon King was attacking the last of the Miscellaneous Fish Demons.

No longer will the breasts of the demon people, who rebelled against the demon king, be skewered with a single knife unleashed by the demon king.

And the Demon King's hand pulled through the heart-like organs of the Demon Clan that were there.

Gaaaaaaaaaa and screaming and agonizing, the devil clan wandering around the ground.

As he steps on it with his feet, the Demon King carries his organs to his mouth, blushing and chewing (shuddering).

The rest was already just a brutal slaughter show.

The demon king, who is finished eating his organs, next eats off the arms of the demon clan, and even eats his legs, his tail, and then eats up on the flesh of his torso, and finally bites off his head.

Along the way, the Demons stopped moving and the slaughter drama turned into a merely grotesque dining landscape.

And when he had finished all his meals, the flesh of the demon king shook.

Then, its flesh rises one step further, and the aura of lacquer black clumped into its body increases in concentration.

Eventually, the Demon King turned his gaze toward Andrew.

Between the two, an energy field by the jewels of extreme prison.

The Demon King slowly walked over to the wall of energy and finally stood before that barrier.

A bulging giant fell quietly and stood fisted at his waist in a manner reminiscent of a master of bareback martial arts.

On that fist, the Demon King's aura of pitch black concentrates.

"... James. But I think we talked about the energy cells that the treasures of the Polar Penitentiary can never be broken by force."

"Yes, we should have checked all relevant historical material that exists, but the precedent of forced destruction by physical and magical or other forces does not exist in any literature"

"Right. By the way, this is my idea, but I'm going to have to add a new page to that historical material."

Shortly after Andrew made that prophecy...

─ ─ Gago-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!

Multiple times the impact sound of crashing a castle hammer into the fortress echoed around.

The Fist of the Demon King had been struck by the energy walls made by the treasures of the extreme prison.

─ ─ V, Vun...!

The cell of energy, only slightly but brightly extinguished.

That immediately regained its original shape, but compared to before the fist was punched, I don't allow that to look somewhere.

The demon king exhales once and puts up his fist again.

The most elite men of the kingdom gathered on the spot began to groan.

Having confirmed them, Andrew gives quick instructions to his men.

"We have an emergency call for Eileen - things have changed, fly right to the ground with the dragon (Ildora), and you don't have to get the Flaming Devil's Sword. Then inform all the brave men in this city. Get ready for battle and assemble immediately in the square and tell them the party's scheduled to go faster due to the selfishness of the other side."

The men who are instructed by Andrew and run to the preaching.

With that sidelined, Andrew speaks to the other side - Dylan, head of the Knights of the Kingdom.

"To be honest, it's unexpected that a demon king is such an opponent. - Do you think you can win this fight?

The opposing Knight Commander, Dylan, gives a thin grin that looks even lighter on his face about thirty ways, while shining his eyes as thin as that yarn.

"Come on, what do you think? But if you win, it will be the demise of virtual nations, so there's nothing more to it than winning. ─ ─ Nevertheless, Your Majesty, isn't that such a dimension as' Demon King 'anymore?

"Well, you see? Then what if you're not the Demon King?"

"That's right... if you're a Demon King, shall I call you 'Demon God'?"

"That's cheap naming sense. But I liked it. Let's write that down in the history of our country as" The Ice Demon God. "

Knight captain Dylan, who heard that, asks Andrew to shrug his shoulder.

"I wish I could beat that one and go home alive."

"What, Dylan, are you willing to lose?

"I need to actually try. Whatever. I just don't know if I'll ever meet someone again in my life, someone I can fight alongside Andrew the Wu King. We're going to have a great time."

"I've been busy and blunt in my country's business lately, too... Do you want to just do it?"

At the end of the conversation, the King and the Knight Commander begin preparatory exercises and flexible gymnastics on the spot.

James, the head of the court magician, sighed at the two.

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