When I opened the next door, I went out into the hallway.

Wide, just about when me and Mi spread our hands and lined up on the side.

The hallway is straight towards the front.

Me and Mi went straight down the road there.

I send a glimpse into my left hand, Mi's rear half step forward.

The cat-eared girl was carefully running her gaze around and walking carefully.

Not so much a cowwalk, but slow.

I'll follow her quietly so I don't get in her way.

At that time, Mi's eyes, which were throwing her gaze around, turned diagonally back, and fumbled with mine.


Then Mi's cheeks turned bright red at once.

Mi hastily takes her gaze off me.

He seemed kind of twitchy.

Then we go a little further.

So Mi opened her mouth pompously.

"... William, I'm sorry"

…… What is it?

"Mi, maybe not anymore. I'm ending up as such a distraction, bandit (sheaf). self-loathing."


"But William is also bad. I can't do this. My chest is going to be cut off.... If I wasn't on an adventure right now, Mi..."


Mi's tail shakes loosely as she seems restless.

The side of the little girl from behind was bright red with her ears and cheeks.

Love creeps up in my chest.

My body is about to be taken over by impulsive aspirations that do not contemplate time and circumstances.

But... somehow shake it off and keep it under control.

"... sorry"

I didn't know what I apologized for.

But Mi seems to have made some kind of interpretation.

"I can't if I apologize. It's a joke. Because it's before the joke was built. If you apologize for that, the joke won't be a joke.... Oh, but Mi is bad. It's all Mi's fault. Yeah, it's already a mess in my head."

Mi seems confused too.

When I shut up without responding, the Beast Man girl keeps her words with her back to me.

"But it's because William doesn't seem like William. I can't believe I'm joking about something that's not a joke, William."

I was surprised to hear you say it.

Surely I should have hated that sort of thing.

At that time, he came out with his mouth shut to deceive something, but...

But there's no reason to know what's inside of me like that, and Mi spins more words.

"... but this is also Mi's assumption, isn't it? William said it, so that's what William says.... Nice stuff, isn't it? When I transferred, the truth is, Mi's the only one who's been transferred, and William's still outside the ruins, and now William behind Mi's is actually -- oh, my God."

I thought the idea had flown in strange places, but I will answer immediately because it was something that I could clearly reply to in a long time.

"No, that's not it. I'm real."

"... right? I'm sorry, listen to something weird."

"No, I don't mind."

Nothing. Sometimes when I say I'm real, I call myself Nice Things Real, so it's no guarantee, but Mi convinced me that.

By the way, on the contrary, there is no guarantee that Mi is the real thing - it just fits into the swamp of thought, even though there is no such thing, no other discomfort.

I just asked too much for certainty or something in the reality in front of me, and ultimately I'm the only one left because I think I am.

We always live in a world so uncertain that we feel so certain.

"But I calmed down a little because I thought about something weird. I think it's okay now. I'm sorry I disturbed you."

"No, I'm sorry about this one"

"Yes. ─ ─ If you seduce Mi too much, you can't because you're useless as a bandit (sheaf), can you, William? Please finish it all and go back to the inn. Then I'll accept as much as I want."

That's what Mi said, she's been smiling at.

I thought that was this dialogue, but I didn't put it in my mouth.

After going straight for a while, the hallway eventually turns to your right.

Mi, who sneaked up on the corner ahead, glances ahead and then invites me to follow.

When I went to Mi's place, I imitated Mi and glanced at the end of the bend.

At the end of the bend, it was a little further around the corner.

There are doors around, with one stone statue on the left and right side slightly in front of it, two in total.

The stone statue was both imitations of the same monster.

On the pedestal, a monster of the human form sits in a rounded position with sharp claws on both hands on the pedestal, bat wings on the back, two horns growing on the head, and sharp fangs sloppily lining the beastly mouth.

When I checked them, I put back the neck I was putting out and headed back to this side of the bend.

Mi will stare at me.

"... William, what do you think?

"No matter what they say. I'd like to question another possibility if it's so obvious."

"... hmm? What do you mean?

Mi snapped her neck.

I get caught up in it, and I get my neck kicked too.

I'm not talking to each other.

"Mi, hey... don't you know that stone monster?

"Yes, I don't. Mi is not like the know-it-all William who learned a lot at the School of Magic. I want you to let me know if you know."

"Well... no, it doesn't mean I learned it at the School of Magic"

I see, not everyone is an adventure story enthusiast.

Are you saying that even a regular presence of numerous adventure stories is not as commonly known as dragons and goblins?

While I'm surprised by a little cultural shock, I teach Mi that.

"It's a gargoyle - a monster waiting for adventurers in the form of a stone statue. He is clever enough to ambush where the adventurer approached or passed by alarmingly with just a stone statue. Similar to an imitator in that sense, but -- speaking of which, Mi, you knew about the imitator, but you didn't know Gargoyle? Crate imitators are pretty minor, I think."

"No, imitator......? I didn't know that was a monster either. I just thought it was as suspicious as an asshole."

... I see, is that what you mean?

I thought Mi was a lot more of a rational type of thinking about things than Satsuki and others, but that means it's separate from rationality and amount of knowledge.

Maybe there's a lot more we don't all know than I think.

"William, so that gargoyle is a pretty strong monster?

"No, say it at Monster Rank. E Rank, so there or something. Speaking only of the speed of movement, I think Mi could flirt with both of them by following them. It's just as hard as a real stone statue, so Mi's dagger won't let much of the blade pass."

"... I knew it. I felt that way somehow."

I say it like Mi did you.

Rockworms, dragons, and gargoyles and all those monsters here that are hard as rocks but hard as iron are tough on less aggressive mies.

"So what do we do?

"Right - you can get Mi's dagger (Dagger) to work hard with a heat weapon (Heat Weapon), but it's also possible that the worst is not Gargoyle, but a trap with a cavity inside the 'mere stone statue imitating Gargoyle' and poison gas stuck there, etc. I want to avoid assuming a melee from the beginning."

"... William sometimes has more of a bandit (sheaf) idea than a bandit (sheaf), right?"

"I'll take it as a compliment - so I want you to tap in the magic arrow (magic missile) first, and if you can't take it down with that, I'll have Mi cut you in"

"I get it. Magic Arrow (Magic Missile) That works great."

"The elementary spell consumes less magic (mana). Plus, if you're not a high-ranking monster opponent, you have enough attack power and user-friendliness. Ideal for keeping magic vegetables (mana) warm"

"William is going to be a good husband."

I then went out to the corner of the hallway completing the chant of the spell and unleashed a magic arrow (magic missile) spell toward the gargoyle and the two stone statues.

The arrows of magic, each assigned two shots at a time, are crushed through the head and abdomen of one stone statue.

The other stone statue stabbed Todome with a leaping mie responding where he was attacked in a more wind hole in his chest and abdomen.

That's how I broke through the second gate, and Mi and I went further.

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