Let's sort things out.

There are ruins in front of us.

But I can't find anything like an entrance anywhere.

Instead there are stone tablets and stone statues, and what they show is that perhaps only a total of two men and women can challenge this dungeon.

The investigation around the stone statue by Mi has also been completed, and the remaining four - Eileen, Satsuki, Cyril and Irdola - are also called around the stone statue.

It should be noted that Ildora is already humanized and looks like a girl.

"Well, who are you going with?"

I look over at the five of us.

The girls sidelined in front of me and all four of them except Ildora looked nervous.

Who and who will head to the site exploration.

Considering one man and one woman at a time, I'm sure of one.

Then as my partner, who should I choose?

Compare the abilities of each member.

First Irene.

A genius in the handling of swords and auras, melee ability is one of the best of the five.

Compared to Satsuki, Aura's power is thick and her abilities are less biased.

It's a lot of trouble being an employer or a princess and all the surrounding circumstances, but Eileen herself won't care about the area, and I don't feel the need to be particularly conscious either.

Satsuki next.

Its combat abilities were previously inferior to those of Eileen, but now it has almost mutual combat abilities, and there is God beyond Eileen, especially when it comes to its ability to spot.

Half-sided, slightly inferior to Eileen in pure aura power, and I'm a little worried about that because my words and actions are frivolous.

Third person, mi.

Being able to excel as a bandit (sheaf) and very dependable in the search for ruins that you don't know what tricks there are.

Hiding in the shadows of Eileen and Satsuki again is not noticeable, but it is also quite capable of fighting because it can use Aura.

It is inferior to offense because the weapon is a dagger (dagger), but if only agility, it is comparable to Eileen and Satsuki, as well as excellent instantaneous judgment and driving.

Fourth person, Cyril.

As a miracle user of God, he has a high strength of Samurai Festival (Acolyte).

However, the melee combat capability using hammer (mace) is to a minimum trained, which is quite uncomfortable compared to other facets.

Sometimes I don't have the ability to fight weapons myself, and this time I'll have to exclude them from the candidate first.

Finally, Ildora.

His abilities are unknown, but he indicated Eileen and Satsuki by saying, "Power in a humanized state is a good battle with your daughters and children."

Being a dragon figure would definitely top the fight, but that ruin low ceiling seems impossible to turn into a dragon and fight.

It should be noted that I am now yawning so badly that I don't seem interested. I feel like you're going to do it if you ask, but basically you don't seem motivated.

Now, who do you choose in this?

Considering not only the combat power, but also the balance of things...

... Well, it would be her in due course.

I make up my mind and stand in front of the girl.

"Mi, will you come with me?

I turned to the Beast Girl and gave her my hand.

but mi at the time looked surprised.

"Heh...? Mi, is that okay? Not Eileen, not Satsuki?

The girl looks up at me with a face mixed with anxiety and joy.

I don't think it's a strange decision...

Hi, this girl named Mi seems to be the type who doesn't get very high on her self esteem.

"Oh. If you look at Mi's abilities as a bandit (sheaf) and combat skills in a comprehensive way, I think Mi would be the most appropriate partner for me to go exploring the ruins"

"Oh really... Ha, it's a little unexpected..."

Mi was out of sight, necking and about to illuminate.

"Ha, have I been shaken? - Then Mi, please."

"Ma, don't be shy. But I feel safe with Mi. I got it."

"Mi, please tell me about William, for our sake."

Eileen, Satsuki and Cyril send Yale to Mi in a slightly unfortunate or hospitable manner.

By the way, Ildora doesn't seem as interested as ever.

"Awww...... ok. Whoa, it's a serious responsibility…"

Mi, entrusted with my buddy's expectations all by herself, dyed those cheeks, then looked up at me shyly and took my hand in a way that was probably rough.

"Well then William...... thank you......"

The girl who had said that looked like a miracle cute creature.

A while later, me and Mi were inside the building thinking it was inside the ruins.

In conclusion, when me and Mi got on the pedestal, the teleporter worked fine.

The "conjunction" that was written on the stone tablet meant that it didn't have to be a couple.

The tip, which was moved by the teleporter, was a small stone room.

As a precaution, Mi made a snack, and I prepared a light (light) spell to illuminate it, but there was no raid immediately after the transfer that I feared as a possibility.

On the contrary, the ceiling of the small room even had magical lights.

"Lighting using persistent light (Continuous Light) spells? It's an exhaustive service for the Explorer. You mean you're welcome."

"On the contrary, it's creepy. This one is a treasure hazing. It's strange to be welcomed."

While Mi said so, she carefully ran her gaze around her and at the same time seemed to pinch her cat ears and rub her ears.

Around here, it's always helpful for Mi, an expert in perimeter vigilance, to be concerned.

Thanks to that, I can concentrate on another thought.

"Mi, it's always helping. Thanks."

"Heh...? What is it?

"No, it would be tiring to always be concerned for perimeter alert. He's not complaining about it. He's doing it for granted. I just have to thank you."

"Well, that's Mi's job... but I'm so glad you admit your job... Thanks for coming..."

Mi looked terribly lit and softened.

As I've thought before, maybe she's not used to being praised for her work.

It makes me want to see more praise and reaction when I look at these things, but - unfortunately - I'm in the middle of a dungeon exploration right now, let's just keep it that way.

With that in mind, Mi takes a breath to see if she's completed her perimeter alert, and then she looks at me more chilly.

"... Speaking of which, I kind of feel like it's the first time William and I have been alone like this. Actually, maybe not."


No satsuki, no cyril, just the two of us could be a rare opportunity.

"I'd love to run out, but they trusted me and sent me out, so you have to do your job properly."

Mi said that and ran patsy over to the door on the other side of the room.

The little room we're in is a murderous landscape with no furniture, no conditioning, and there was a big magic formation on the floor.

The magic team had emitted phosphorescent light shortly after the transfer, but now it's also lost.

Other than that, it's about two metal doors - one on the front and the other on the rear wall, respectively, from the first position of me and Mi.

Mi headed for one of them, the door that was on the rear side.

"William, here's another letter from earlier."

That's what Mi tells me I was checking the door.

I saw the metal plate that the beast girl pointed to, rather than walking to her, by the door.

The plate reads, in ancient civilized letters, "If you want to retreat, you can do so. However, you will not be able to try again."

Mi on the side, he looks up at me.

"What does it say?

"You can go home, but in that case you'll never be able to challenge this ruin again."

"Does that mean this is the exit?"

When Mi examined the door and then opened it, the small room ahead was arranged with the same two stone statues and pedestals that were outside the ruins.

I know you can get back on that pedestal, but... well, you should stop trying.

"I don't need you here for one second. Mi, can you check the other door too?"


Mi looked happy somewhere and headed to check the other door.

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