We eventually made it to the front of the cave.

When I stand in front of the entrance, I feel its immensity on my skin again.

The cave ceiling is about five times taller than my back length, and the width is the same again.

The red-brown dirt walls seem to last all the way to the back, except near the entrance where the sun illuminates, where it's dark and I can't see ahead.

The distractingly huge tunnel had a slowly descending gradient, as if invited to an endless abyss.

Someone on the spot spit on you.

"It feels like the entrance to the Underworld..."

Eileen in the lead leaks that sentiment.

Its frivolous side was just wrapped around the color of the tension.

But it doesn't change what needs to be done, whether it's the mighty opponent who's ahead of us.

Preliminary reconnaissance is needed beyond the cave where we are about to proceed.

I've always tried to exercise my magic eye spell.

That's when.

There was a sudden, sobering reaction to the sensing membrane of the alarm (alert) spell I was straining.

"... William? What's wrong with you?

Cyril, who was beside me, peeks into my face.

You must have sensed meticulously that I changed my complexion.

"There was a reaction to alert (alert). But..."

"When it comes to reaction, is it a dragon (dragon)?

Mi will look back and ask, but I'll let him shake his head at it.

"No, it's not that huge. The place doesn't seem to be behind this cave either."

The Alert spell is a magical sensory membrane placed 50 meters around the operator.

If there's an organism or something going through it, the operator will be able to tell me about it, and I'm almost always expanding the effects of this spell during my adventure.

The criteria for sensing by alert (alert) spells conform to the intuitive skin sensation of the operator.

The herd of ants and others that are not enough to be taken by the operator's senses are not subject to sensing where they pass by.

My gut felt chills passing through the sensing membrane.

But there are many strange things about thinking it's a dragon.

The physical size of what passes is human or smaller, and the place is not inside the cave, but outside.

When I was in doubt, the next thing I knew, Mi reacted.

The Beastman girl instantly becomes a nervous face and her two cat ears move tingly.

"The sound of treading gravel... walking on two legs... are you human? But it seems a little different... I'm coming closer."

In that case, we focus our attention on the direction Mi stares sharply at.

Waiting for a while while while with the utmost vigilance.

Eventually, he showed up there...

"What the lords. What can I do for you, man?

It was one girl who walked with the voice of a young girl, whose appearance was also unfortunate.

Back length and appearance age roughly match Mi's.

She has flowing silver hair and her eyes are flaming scarlet.

The outfit is wearing something like a black one-piece dress, but it is thinly dirty and seems to tear or flake everywhere, such as the hem area.

If I gave a wild child clothes, would it feel like that after January?

But I guess it's not right to be a human wild child.

It could be seen from the characteristic, unusual appearance of a girl.

From the girl's side head, two horns had grown.

From his back the red wings spread like the bat had enlarged it, and from near his buttocks the scaly thick, long tail was stretched.

There's no way that such a thing would just be human.

Also, that appearance wasn't the only thing that made the girl unique.

What she bears on that shoulder (...) was also unusual.

That was a big bear.

He was lightly responsible for the bear, which would be more than twice the size of a girl, with one luxurious arm.

When the girl came near us, she threw the bear she was in charge at us unconstitutionally.

Bear figures released incredibly high fell to the ground in front of us with the heavy sound of Tsushin.

It was obvious that the bear's life was running out some time ago.

When one girl rings her neck with the ladder, she then suspends her mouth unnecessarily.

Large red eyes stained the fierce colors and looked at us.

"Whatever it is for, do you know why humans are here? The dragon killer is an honor to a human warrior. Otherwise, a treasure thief... there's no reason to let him live."

From the little body of a girl, a violent aura blows.

It spread like a shockwave with no entity, and it made us.

─ ─ That's all.

Eileen, Satsuki and Mi put their hands on the weapon reflexively, and Cyril trembles frighteningly.

The aura just made me feel a little furry, too.


It's not, then you can't.

I took a small, deep breath, and then I spoke to the girl.

"Wait. Are you the Lord of this Fire Dragon Mountain, the Dragon? We're here to ask the dragons who live in this fire dragon mountain for help."

When I told her so, the girl turned around and gave her a decent look.

The violent aura that was directed at us weakens a little.

"What, cooperation...? A human being? Me?

"Oh, I've come to ask you a favor. Irene, your Majesty's sword."

"What, hey, wait a minute, Will. What do you mean...? Is a dragon really something that looks like that guy?

Eileen apparently couldn't swallow things.

Same goes for Satsuki, Mi, and Cyril, all with question marks over their heads.

I don't know if I can do it.

I express my view to my colleagues that they are guessing but can't think of anything else.

"Dragons -- no, not just dragons -- are in monsters in general, but rarely are they born with the ability to be 'humanized'. Those who possess that ability, apart from what the monster is, can be transformed into what they call an 'incarnation' resembling a person."

"Well, someone seems to know things very well. Exactly. I have the ability to 'humanize'. If you don't believe me, look, let me see what I am."

The girl who followed my words said so and began to take off the clothes she was wearing in the first place.

Irene and the others who saw it panicked compared to me and the girl, but the person in question wouldn't let that happen.

The girl then completely strips off the clothes she was wearing and becomes unwrapped.

Then the little body glistened suddenly, blindly.

The light in the shape of a girl changes its shape and size and becomes a large light that looks up.

Eventually, when the light stopped, the creature's appearance was revealed.

A look like a giant lizard with wings, wrapped all over its body in a scorching scale.

It looked prestigious and looked down on us.

Fire Dragon.

Nor is it the size of a young dragon (Infant Dragon).

If a young dragon (Infant Dragon) of the kind ridden by a dragon knight is a sense of weight reminiscent of a military horse, how can the monster in front of him be likened?

Cy, Kaba, or maybe even an elephant.

And of course, combat power won't compare to those animals.

I don't deny that rhinos, molluscs and elephants boast an extraordinarily fearsome strength in nature, but if you deal with a dragon (a dragon) that has sharp claws and fangs that tear iron apart as well, is dressed in dragon scales that are harder than steel, freely flies through the sky with wings on its back, and spits a scorching flame that melts rocks out of its mouth, it can't be an enemy at all.

"Ho, it was really a dragon..."


Eileen and Satsuki were pompous looking up at that huge warcraft.

Mi and Cyril similarly shudder and look up at it.

And having finished his transformation, the dragon (dragon) has opened his mouth lined with its sharp fangs and has uttered words with a voice that echoes to the bottom of the earth.

"Well, you asked me to do something for you. Talk to me, humans. '

─ ─ Looks like we got to the dialogue table somehow.

I took a sigh of relief and thought about what to do next.

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