Leaving King's Capital with Eileen in the early morning, hours after that.

The five of us were, by the way, in the depressed woods where the leaking sun fell.

To reach Fire Dragon Mountain, you must first pass through this dangerous area called the Forest of Demon Trees.

We go in the direction of purpose as we find a beast path, or tear it apart, in the midst of some gruesome, threaded trees.

In the middle of this, Satsuki, who along with Mi was leading the way, mouths a blur.

"It's pretty good to go on in this forest... Hey, Will, can't you just jump over the woods with Will's magic? Look, something's happened, magic that transforms you into an eagle. Wouldn't it be quicker if I used it on all of them and flew away?

That's what I'm saying. I'm just gonna throw my gaze behind you, Satsuki.

I think of one spell I've performed in front of her in the past and respond.

"I think that's talking about transformation (metamorphosis), but that's a spell that only works for the surgeon himself. I can fly as a big eagle by myself, but I can't do anything about this number of people."

"Oh well. I knew I'd have to go down the tunnel."

"Well, we're going to look for an easier path. - Satsuki, I like this one."

Mi observes his surroundings carefully and instructs Satsuki on the path to take.

I can say that Mi's observational eye as a bandit (sheaf) is just fine, because it does lead to a path that is easier to get by compared to the surroundings when you go towards it.

"Mi, you're amazing, you can't tell me apart at all. If Mi hadn't been here, we'd have gone a lot harder."

Eileen walks next to me and says so to Mi in front.

Then Mi scratched her neck with her fingertips.

"Yay, it's not a big deal, but you can praise me more.... Whatever, William can be headless after praising Mi, right?

That's what I said, a beastly girl who sends her gaze to expect something.

Like a little girl moving her cat ears tingly to shake her tail and demand something, she was gratefully attracted to me.

"... ah, oh. Mi is amazing."

When I held Mi's head so that I could be drawn to something, I said, "Nyahu, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Irene turns her fingers in some envy when she sees how it goes.

"Oh, good Mi...... yeah, that's Master Mi. - I mean, Will, isn't Mi teaching you something?

"... maybe. But Eileen, does that 'good' mean you have a desire to be like this, too?

"Heh...? also, no more... don't ask me seriously about such embarrassment. But that's true. Even I want Will to praise me. [M] You bet."

"Is it natural..."

I've heard that kind of thing is unpleasant when it comes from other than the boys I like... maybe people are different around it in fact.

And with that in mind...

"Yes, yes, that's about it to flirt with. Envy...... not because this is a forest where monsters are nagging. Not too distracting."

Behind me, Cyril walking at the rear slapped me in the hand with bread.

To the words, everyone on the spot stretches their spine just a little.

Though it wouldn't last even if I stayed nervous, I could certainly have been too lax.

I seem a little distracted because I'm using an alert (alert) spell.

This "Demon Tree Forest" is known as a zone frequented by plant-based monsters.

Satsuki, there are also two out-of-the-box genius swordsmen named Eileen. You won't be the first to take a pull on this current party, a hundred monsters, but still too alarmed is not a good idea.

Plus, many ancestors say that an operation called an adventurer is most dangerous when they think they've gotten used to it.

I've decided to get back on my nerves for once.

- Then we went on to explore the woods.

And we walked steadily in the tunnels, and when it was time for noon - we ran into our first monster in the woods.

With that monster was a place that was relatively open and a bit like a square.

"... what the heck.... a flower monster?

"That's all I'm saying."

Satsuki and Irene stare at it from behind the grass trees.

At the end of their gaze, a giant plant monster stood up, twisting and twisting a bunch of twisters.

Its giant plants, the total height exceeding three metres, have large flowers nearly twice the length of man's back.

The shape of the flower was tulip. It looked like it opened full of petals, and it was directed to the ground below the diagonal so as to look for prey.

Supporting the petal is a bunch of intertwined thick stems that are total and more than a person's torso, but it is not grown from the ground, but leads to countless roots that have gone out onto the surface.

It seemed that he could use its roots like feet to move around on the ground.

In addition, a large number of molluscs were similarly grown from the lower part of the stem and were irregularly mollusced as if they were autonomous organisms in themselves.

I was detecting the existence of that plant monster by a vigilant (alert) spell and passing it on to my people.

And now, this is how we hide behind the grass and observe the monster.

We are dense in a narrow hiding place, but in the meantime, Cyril, who is inevitably stuck against my back, whispers small.

"Does William know what kind of monster that is?

"No, I don't know the details. I know it's a kind of ibil flower..."

... Don't think about it like the exhalation blows vividly over her neck muscles or her softness and temperature coming through her clothes (robes).

We need to focus on the monsters now.

It should be noted that Ibilflower refers to the generic term for what is believed to have been monstered by a magical action against a type of plant with flowers.

It is said that in the age of ancient magical civilization, experiments of a kind were repeated that by magic gave some transformation to the organism, and it is the general view of the biologists that it, or its descendants, remains a monster in modern times.

There are dozens of variations of plant monsters classified as ibil flowers, even if the discovery is currently only confirmed.

I am proud to say that I remember everything about the discovered Ibilflower - a book that was in the library of the School of Magic - but in light of that database, I didn't remember anything that matched that look perfectly.

"Are you a monster that William doesn't even know about? Unknown monsters can be a little dangerous."

Mi with her hands on a hipster dagger (dagger) beside her shrugs like that as she keeps her attention off the monster in front.

"Mi, what happens if we bypass this place and move on?

"Hmm, I think you should stop. If we don't get through here, we're going to be very far away. And even if you avoid it, you don't have to run into this monster ahead of you."

I hear that, I guess.

And think about it.

It is true that unknown monsters are dangerous.

It's dangerous because I don't know how dangerous it is or how dangerous it is.

Eileen and Satsuki, on the other hand, who were listening to it, talk about this.

"But I don't think there's anything at all about that. Right, Satsuki?

"Right. I would be able to afford one person, and the princess and I would be fishing at a mountain level."

The two were warriors' inquiries, and let them analyze the power of the unknown enemy.

You don't even look very strong in my eyes, by the way.

The movement looks slow, and I don't think Eileen or Satsuki will get caught to that extent.

Make it a monster rank, probably an e-rank or something like a good, D-rank.

The vision of a talented swordsman with B-rank equivalent skill handing it by two did not come to mind at all.

Still, don't be alarmed, you can try hitting a rock squire (rock savant) as a reconnaissance first, or shooting a fireball (fireball) spell from this place, but it's a frank feeling that it's going to be just a waste of magic (mana).

But sometimes it's too late to leave it entirely to intuition.


"Okay, let's go with a compromise. First I'll try to jab in with a light spell. Then Irene and Satsuki will see how it goes and go in. Mi and Cyril are two backups. So what do you say?

When I say that, Satsuki and Irene look at each other.

"... it's still awesome and discreet, Will."

"I've been worried about you for a long time. But if Will says so, I agree."

"Oh, yeah, me too."

Irene and Satsuki say that and smile at me.

Mi and Cyril both endorsed my suggestion.

I think I'm trusted by my people.

"─ Okay, let's get started."

I set my magician's wand on target, chanting spells, and boosting the magic in my body.

It is the elementary spell, the magic arrow (magic missile) that exercises it.

The four girls also lay low and hoard their springs, preparing to enter.

And when the time came, we started fighting.

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