I was flying.

Not by my magic.

It lies on the back of a giant creature.

The creature was flying mightily to tear the sky apart, over the magnificent landscape, as the bush and wind blew.

The creature wings one of the burning wings with a bass.

From the wings there is a brilliant and magical glow, which makes the giant of the creature float.

The appearance of that creature, with its bright red scales and reminiscent of reptiles, cannot be confused with anything else.

A dragon.

I was on the back of a dragon, flying in the sky.

"Ooh, Will."

That's when I heard a familiar voice.

Looking back, the girl was behind me.

A dark-haired girl dressed in a costume called a kimono.

When she asks me what I am, she says this as she rocks me.

"Will, he said it's time to get up. Wake up or I'll chew you up."

... Wake up?

What the hell are you talking about?

I tried to say that, but I don't have a good voice.

That's when I realize.

Oh, well, this is--

I mean, that's where I got out of my dream world and woke up.

"Okay Will, I'm really going to chu. Hmm..."

"Is there a reason?"

I pushed the satsuki that was trying to cover me with my hands.


Satsuki rolled over and fell out of bed.

I get myself out of the bed where I slept.

It was an inn room there.

There's nothing strange about it, it's just a bed, a desk, a chair, a costume box, a wall lamp, a normal room with about a window.

Seeing that landscape, it pulls me back from fantasy in my dreams to reality at once.

Well, that's...

"... what are you doing, Satsuki"

"Oh, hey, Will."

The girl who fell out of bed turned a snarling, tight smile at me.

He wears an empty kimono and inserts a knife on his lower back, a weapon specific to Samurai.

Dark hair made ponytail and eyes of the same color represented that she was from a far, far eastern country.

It's Satsuki, my fellow adventurer.

He is an awesome swordsman and recently improved his strength even significantly.

As a companion, I can count on you very much.

But that doesn't make it normal.

"Oh no, it's not. This is supposed to be my room."

"'Cause it's noon, right? I came to get it, and the room is unlocked. But it's unusual for Will to be a sleeper."

"Huh... you fell asleep to that hour"

Speaking of which, did you spend all night late last night?

The contents of the scroll I received on my last adventure were so intriguing that I became obsessed when I began to decipher them.

So late at night I finally lost my drowsiness and I plunged straight into bed, and I think that's why I forgot to lock my room.

It's a reflection that I don't have self control...

"If so, what about attacking sleep as a person, Satsuki?"

"No, I don't. Even jokes are jokes. You can't be serious."


"... oh, no, that... I watched Will sleep, and the devil gave it to me... you know, I lost my weak heart..."

When I turned to Zito's eyes, Satsuki took the beautiful front seat she showed me all the time and posed for reflection.


"Well, it's also my downfall that I forgot to lock my room. Consider yourself lucky that it wasn't the thieves who came into the room, it was the satsuki"

"Yes, yes. I am the goddess of luck! - It hurts."

So I slap Satsuki's head gently at the end of the cane and kick him out of the room, and then I get ready for the morning.

But although I said morning preparation, when I opened the window and looked out, the sun did hang directly on top, and I had no doubt that it was no longer around noon time.

"... this has kept you waiting for a long time to leave. I have to apologize to Mi and Cyril."

I left the room talking to myself and headed downstairs where my people would be waiting.

"It's so unusual for William to be a sleeper."

"It is. I thought it was William's hobby to live a regular life."

Going down to the dining room on the ground floor, two companions, besides Satsuki, waited for their seats on the round table for four in that corner.

It's Cyril, a cleric (holy order) girl, and Mi, an animal girl and a bandit (sheaf).

"Oh, I'm sorry I kept you waiting. The scroll I started reading was so funny that I stayed up late."

"Huh. I also think that staying up late with readings sounds like William. Scrolls (scrolls) sure were given to that guy during his last adventure, weren't they?

While Cyril says so, she's recommending me an empty seat.

I followed it and took the same table as them.

The cleric (Holy Order) Cyril is a beautiful girl wrapped in a white cleric coat with her maternal silhouette.

Platinum blonde hair is organized into a semi-short, with its purple eyes inhabiting the radiance of intelligence.

I should have been seventeen the same age as me, but is it because of that soft smile and tricks that I feel somewhere like a sisterly inclusiveness?

In my last adventure, I also got a glimpse of such a toddler side of her......

"Oh, that's it. Surprisingly, when I was a student at the School of Magic, there was a lot of overlap between the subject and the content of my research. I'm obsessed with reading it."

"Uh, I see. That's what William looks like when he's like a boy and he's greedy."

It's Mimi, the Beastman girl, who's going to fit in so well.

In a small body like a human child, dressed with an emphasis on bandit-like (sheaf) ease of movement, he inserts a dagger (dagger) one at a time, left and right, on his waist belt.

The cat ear with the hair of the head blockage and the tail grown from the glutes (dengue), plus the octagonal teeth glimpsed from the mouth, expressed the girl's loviness so much that it was still this way.

I turn to that Mi and give back my candid words.

"You're a shameful star. I couldn't stop being excited to read it. Maybe that excitement led to this morning's dream."

"... hmm? Is that a dream? What kind of dream?

"What a dream...... what I remember is the sight of you flying in the sky on the back of a dragon (dragon). I'm like a child."

"Heh, to the dragon (dragon). It could be a predictive dream."

Satsuki, who has interrupted the story, says so and laughs.

I hear it and I imagine it.

Predictive dreams...... no way, it can't be.

Dragons (dragons) are also said to stand at the apex of all creatures, both warcraft kings.

Its power is immense, and even a junior dragon (Lesser Dragon) is a monster like a toothless monster in a Monster Rank A ─ -like Adventurer Party.

Well, there is also a country in the world with dragon knights.

I hear you hand nose a five- or six-metre-long young dragon (Infant Dragon) by secret means and ride it to fight.

But that's an exception to the rule.

Well, I've only heard of flying in the sky on the back of a big dragon (dragon) like I dreamed of in a fairy tale world.

If one way or another, for us adventurers, dragons are still more hostile.

I just did, and I'm not the kind of enemy that a young party of e-rank adventurers like us would deal with...

And most importantly.

We now have terrible enemies to deal with before the dragon...

"Apparently," I'm on my way to the Wang Capital to hear more about it.

"Fair enough. If you wake up, we'll head to Wang Du as soon as possible. Eileen said," Demon King, "which is important, right?

That's what Mi says, and I'll take a seat.

Quick departure?

I woke up a little hungry, but the bad news is I slept with him.

I can't bother everyone any more.

"Oh. It's so important, it's so strange that the curtain that goes out on us comes around. At least there won't be any lies in the part about you turning around a job that pays well enough"

I tried to get up, but then...


My stomach rang slightly, complaining of hunger.

Cyril, listening to it in her ears, smiles at Nico delightfully.

"Oh, Mr. Belly Peco next for your sleeper? That's really unusual for William."

"... sorry. Maybe even when I was reading the scroll last night it was because I was too obsessed to drink and eat"

"It's usually lunchtime. It's still about half a day from this city to Wangdu, isn't it? Let's eat something before we head out."

Everyone agrees with Satsuki's proposal.

And we had lunch at an affordable restaurant before traveling to Wangdu, and it was only at dinner that day that we reached the Wangdu Graysburg.

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