Flatten the rockworm larvae that had about twenty left, one after the other, as Satsuki and Glenn compete.

"What is it? Show up now and take away your prey. I don't know."

"You didn't say anything small, woman. If that's all you've got, stay dignified. ─ Oh, no, you, you didn't hear the name. Tell me."

"It's satsuki. Ugh, so you talk to me familiarly, motherfucker."

Satsuki and Glenn, both slaughter giant larvae with one another while they exchange a word.

When I say larvae, if you're a warrior in line, you're supposed to be a monster who can't spare the whole struggle, but it wasn't as if you were opponent when it hit you with a bunch.

Glenn's style of combat seems simple: just wield the Great Sword (Great Sword), which is as long as his height.

It is not without moves, but it can be said that the strength is the Lord and the moves obey, and that the part of his battle that depends on his blessed strength is great.

But on the other hand, that seems to be the right answer.

In that man's case, it would seem far more sensible to twist the enemy around with that overwhelming violence than to rely poorly on moves.

In evidence, Glenn slaps and slashes Rockworm's rocky skin with his sword, slaughtering the giant larvae one after the other.

Regardless of whether he was blunt or heavy because he was a giant, Cecilia's acceleration (haste) effects combined to bring down the enemy as if it were a storm or a storm.

And the other satsuki.

Speaking of her standing around, it was more than Glenn.

Dive through the bugs with a dancing gorgeous figure and wave a sword as nature progresses.

If Glenn symbolizes power, Satsuki's symbol is a move.

With that move, Satsuki was slashing and dumping three while Glenn snapped them down.

The difference is probably what magical enhancements are bringing.

In Glenn, enhanced only by acceleration (haste), and Satsuki, who also has the effect of a thermal weapon (heat-weapon) after receiving a higher spell, physical enhancement (physical burst), it could be said that it is normal to make a difference in its offensive power.

And eventually they both destroy the last unity at the same time, finishing.

All the larvae in Rockworm lay low on the ground and stopped moving, and only two of them stood on the spot: Satsuki and Glenn.

If we saw it in the confrontation between Rockworm and mankind, it was mankind's overwhelming victory.

So, normally, this completes the quest.

Return to the city, make a report, receive a reward, and live.

Only this time, there is another major problem.

I spoke to Glenn, who is at the bottom of the underground space with Satsuki, to clear up the remaining issues.

"─ Well, what do you say, Glenn? Which one do you think wins this battle?

Below and above the rind bowl shaped space.

Glenn looked up at me, looked around lightly, and then,

"Wait a minute."

That said, he went into a tunnel with a mother lockworm that Satsuki had exorcised.

Mi, who was watching it beside me, leans her neck strangely.

"William, 'Which one do you think wins (...)?' What do you mean? You compete with the number of rock worms you defeat, so there's no room for subjectivity to enter?

"No, it's not. Do larvae count for 'One' or does Mother Rockworm only count for 'One'? There are many ambiguous parts of the rules of battle. If Glenn had knocked down some rockworms by the time he got here, there's a chance the Judge would be less clear."

"Ah...! So, but if it is, then the battle won't be over? Is this all the hard work and no game?

"No, I don't think so. Well, look at that."

Even when I heard those words, Mi had a bunch of question marks floating over her head.

Well, basically, Mi's right.

Me and Glenn have agreed to compete for Rockworm's exorcism to "compete" and are challenging this quest.

The rule of battle is that it is better to defeat more Rockworms.

But I didn't really think that "rule" would make much sense.

The nature of this battle is not there.

The essence of this battle hangs on the point of "whether Glenn is convinced or not," that's what I was thinking.

─ ─ And after a while, Glenn came back from inside the big tunnel of the incident and showed up.

And he looks up at me and he shouts his voice up.

"I don't care, there's nothing! Make sure you lick me. I know this is up to Temehe and the others to win, but the bastards!

When Glenn said so irritably, he headed up to the tunnel where Cecilia was located, up the soaking bowl of ground.

Seeing how it goes, Mi makes me squeeze my eyes.

"Uh... you mean now, you admitted to losing? Did Glenn count the number of rockworms he knocked down?

"No, you probably made your decision intuitively. Those are the creatures."

…… "Intuition"?

"Oh. So I intuitively judged my battle and our battle, which is up there, and recognized that my own is down there. That's the man who doesn't lie to himself in that part. I don't feel comfortable admitting his ideas or his doctrinal claims, but only there is enough faith"

While I was talking to Mi about that, Glenn seemed to demand something from her when she went to Cecilia's.

And when Cecilia took a roll (scroll) out of her luggage and gave it to Glenn, Glenn walked up to me.

"Take it, mage"

That's what I said, he's throwing the scroll at me.

When I catch it, I untie it and gently check inside.

It was like a document written in the letters of ancient literature - perhaps a spell.

When I retie the scroll, I turn my gaze back on Glenn.

"Is this... an excavation from an ancient ruin?

"Oh. I found it in a ruin I used to dive on a whim. I was going to take something important from Temehe. You don't sit well without losing and nothing. If you don't want my precious Cecilia, you'll have to replace it with something of social value."

"Sure, it's not what people are worth..."

This is an immense treasure.

I can't say for sure without trying to load the contents, but if I sell this off, it's likely enough to build a fortune.

This stuff usually shouldn't be like being able to give it to Pong in the mood......

But while I'm surprised, Glenn adds even more like this.

"And magician, what's your name?"

"... it's William"

"Right. William, you stay with the tavern later. I'm interested in you. I want to drink once and for all."

Glenn just said so, and when he went to Cecilia's without waiting for my reply, the two of us disappeared straight into the back of the tunnel.

Eventually Satsuki comes back and smiles at me and says.

"Will's a real hottie."

"... I'm not happy that you're hot."

When I gave it back, Satsuki laughed like a jerk.

Meanwhile, I'm the one who pulls my robe if you want to.

"So is William happy to be hot on the Mies?

"... well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy with that"


"It's yeee!

Satsuki and Mi were meeting their hands with bread to make it look like they were having fun.

... how do I react, this situation.

Still turning around, there was Cyril sitting on the ground of the tunnel, teary-eyed as she held the hammer (mace) all the way back.

"Gu... Done, of...?

"Ah, oh.... You really didn't do anything this time"

"Higu......!... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'll do anything to make this up to you... you can punish me, don't abandon me... rather punish me..."

"Oh well. You seem very emotionally unstable right now, so we'll talk about it another time if we need to."

Completely childlike, Cyril looked like something very dangerous, coupled with her appearance.

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