After adding the abilities of the enemy, reconsider the spell to be exercised and determine the enhanced configuration that you think is best.

Discuss the residual amount of magic vegetables (mana) and consumption, and derive an optimal solution.

As a result, there were four spells that decided to exercise.

One of the first spells we use against Satsuki...

That, above all, is physical enhancement (physical burst).

I cast a spell and let Satsuki live the effect.

And then...

"─ Ugh!? What is this, power gushing out of your body...! Seriously, that's awesome...!

Satsuki's tension rose all at once.

From her body, the power mixed with magic and aura was so brilliant that it could be seen with the naked eye.

"Oh, I know that spell, too, Mi! That's the spell you used against Mi and Eileen in your fight against Oak Emperor?

"Oh. It's advanced magic that has the effect of greatly enhancing physical abilities in general, including muscle strength and agility. With just one spell, the power difference of about every rank has the power to just flip it loosely. ─ Okay, next."

Subsequently exercised are thermal weapons (heat wepons).

This is intermediate magic equivalent to the superior compatibility of magic weapons (Enchanted Weapon).

When I finished chanting the spell, the flaming red orange magic glow dwelt on Satsuki's sword.

"Hmm? Magic on the knife......?

"Oh. Then Satsuki, try slashing this rock wall lightly with that knife"

That's what I said, I put my hand on the rock wall beside me and point it at Satsuki.

"... to? No, if you're just rocky on the skin like a rockworm, bee rocks are just as tight to slash..."

"No, you don't have to be so uptight. It doesn't matter if it's light."

"Hmm? Lighten up, like this...? ─ ─ Whoa, what the hell!?"

As Satsuki gently slashed him with a knife on the rock wall of the tunnel, a drop of rock melted from the area where the blade tip of the knife touched him and the blade passed softly to put a knife in the soft butter.

"That's the effect of a thermal weapon (heat weapon). The calories in which its magic resides are comparable to those held by volcanic magmas. Don't worry, the weapon itself is protected by the magic of heat protection."

"Huh... what is this? It's easy to beat the skin of a rock worm like this."

Satsuki was moved and with that sword he was slashing and tearing apart the rock wall with a spa.

In fact, it is only with Satsuki's skill that he can be slashed at that speed, but in any case, there is no doubt that it is a spell that greatly increases his attack power.

Then I cast a third more spell.

Advanced defensive spell, physical barrier (Force Field).

The spell is complete and the magic is sucked into Satsuki's body.

"Uh... what's this?

"Physical Barriers (Force Field) ─ You just have to think of it as a spell that puts an invisible barrier around the subject's body. Even that monster attack should totally disable the damage up to two shots. I just want you to think this is only insurance. Basically, you're not going to get a blow. Try me."

"Ok, roger.... Oh, but damage doesn't prevent me from getting tangled up in my tentacles?

"Oh, that's what happens. If you use a Tightening Attack, it will absorb only that damage, but the last of these spells will take care of the tentacles."

That's what I say, I cast a fourth spell.

And when I finish explaining the effect of that spell...

"... hey, seriously? I don't want to lose anymore, do I?

"It's terrible... rather my tentacles are getting pathetic..."

Satsuki and Mi leaked that sentiment.

I laugh when I hear that.

"Well, not all threats within sight are meant to have crushed. That's why... come on, Satsuki. My magic will protect you."

Satsuki makes an impression on my words.

I think I'm going to cry now.

"Will... I want to hug you right now about Will!

"... please don't. Are you going to kill me? Didn't you hear the explanation for the effect of the fourth spell?"

"Fuhihi. Then I'll do it when I get back!

"... right"

I feel kind of scared after the battle, but then it's time, and then we'll figure out the best we can do.

"Ugh, I'm tense! Then... I'm coming!

Satsuki says so and flies gently out of the tunnel.

Then he ran down the ramp at a tremendous rate.

That speed is out of step compared to that of a rock squire (rock savant), several times faster.

I face out of the tunnel and speak on Satsuki's back.

"I just wanted to say Satsuki - be careful, but maybe this word is counterproductive to you! That's why I'm gonna change my mind. - Do your best! You better know how to do that!

When that voice arrives, Satsuki raises her hand gently.

And Satsuki, who ran down at a rate like a wind, quickly entered a herd of lockworm larvae.

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