"By the way, William. Is there any basis for that thing you were saying?

That's what Cyril asked me when we went down the pit, just like yesterday, and started exploring.

We go down the tunnel in two rows of columns, Satsuki and Mi in the front row and me and Cyril in the back row.

That's what Cyril, walking sideways, asked me as I walked with the same attention to the low ceiling.

"'That one you were just saying', which one do you mean?

When I looked at Cyril on the side, it came into my eyes that her chest, pushing up her white clergy coat, was swaying loosely according to its gait.

... where are you looking at me.

Put your gaze back forward and make an effort to erase the clutter.

…… Um, look, when I sold Glenn the fight, I said, "Can you really beat him? 'When I heard that,' William said, 'Probably not a problem. I was wondering if that had any basis."

"... oh, that"

Her tricks peek into my face strangely.

I try not to be conscious, but I squeeze out words.

"First of all, it's not a very definite win, but in terms of a simple number of advantageous and disadvantageous elements, we're a lot more advantageous. One of them, for example, is this."

With a cane in my hand, I tap the low ceiling of the pit with a cone.

Parachus, fine sand scum fell.

Hearing that makes Cyril look good at it.

"Glenn certainly had a big figure. With this low ceiling, it seems likely that you won't be able to outperform it."

"Oh. And that man's weapon is a great sword (Great Sword) about the length of his body. You won't be able to swing satisfactorily here."

Then there comes Satsuki, who was walking in front, pinching his mouth.

"I think so. I'm cramped about swinging a knife. Not very much, but that prey, it's not going to help you properly here. You could use it for poking, but that doesn't have the strength of a sword."

I nod to that word of Satsuki.

that her sensory opinions can be relied upon when it comes to weapons-used combat.

But the satsuki adds another word in a low voice.

"But still, he'll be stronger than me."


Once fisted in the bathroom, Satsuki must have felt the man's strength on his skin.

Perhaps Glenn's power rating she gives is accurate.

And Satsuki has as much strength as he can defeat Rockworm almost alone if he gives him magical and easy cover.

That brief cover could be given by Cecilia.

This would mean that the Glenns do have the ability to tailor the Rockworm as well.

"So over here and over there, the power is almost mutual? Doesn't that mean a battle of luck?

Mi walking forward asks me a little worried.

Cecilia is also a magician with B-rank Adventurer prowess, and I don't know if I'd think so if I'd listened to her so far.


I put my hand on Mi's head - and it wasn't until later that I realized I'd lost her magic - that I could sneeze her hair.

"No, still. There's something here that's not over there, right?

The two men, Glenn and Cecilia, were going down a different pit from the Williams.

Glenn, moving forward, tried to bend his head and seemed cramped, but walked with a sight like a large carnivore.

"Chip... the bastard was confident because he knew the pit for this dwarf"

Glenn bent his mouth to the letter to and was only facedown.

Surely this terrain is detrimental to Glenn.

He himself was best aware of the matter.

It is still his humanity and pride not to try to hit the other side with frustration or discontent.

Incidentally, the great black sword (Great Sword), which is also as long as Glenn's back length, was carried around so that Cecilia walking behind him could hold him obliquely, as he himself would stand in the way of walking.

And rather, it was that Cecilia who was dissatisfied.

"It's such a clever little thing. Not even masculine at all. If I were a man, I wouldn't be able to compete head-on with my strength. This is why the magician (Mage)..."

So bumpy and complaining Cecilia.

Glenn pinches his mouth there.

"I didn't do it. Wisdom, tactics and tactics are power. You're more or less a magician, Cecilia."

"That's why. Men are powerful and straight, and I like people who hug me as much as a gyu is going to break my body. Like Master Glenn."

"... you've really changed. I thought you were better, but now you're really good."

"Uh, hey, it's an honor. ♪ - Uh-huh."

They say they're exploring, but they talk to each other.

But when Glenn tried to hug Cecilia, Cecilia's hand slapped her bang and Glenn's armor.

Glenn frees Cecilia.

"What's up?"

"Ha... there was a reaction, on alert (alert)"

"Are you a bug?

"Yes, maybe"

There was a reaction to a warning (alert) spell that Cecilia had exercised beforehand.

Glenn asks as he runs his gaze around.

"Where does it come from? The timing."

"... I'm sorry, I don't know. There was a reaction down front."

Cecilia points to the ground in the direction of travel.

Glenn is a rare face again.

Cecilia tells Glenn she looks sorry.

"Excuse me, Master Glenn. If only I had enough strength to use a Clairvoyant (see-through) spell..."

"Oh, what, you don't have to know. Don't worry about it."


Then for dozens of seconds, the two were on perimeter alert while waiting for the Rockworm to strike.

Scared by a raid that doesn't know when or where it's coming from, Cecilia leans over to Glenn.

Glenn holds Cecilia with one arm and receives the great sword (Great Sword) she has with the other.

He doesn't sharpen his beastly sensibilities.

"─ Cecilia, get out of the way!

"What... Yikes!

Glenn grabbed Cecilia and threw her backwards.

Cecilia with buttcakes on the ground.

A moment later, Glenn's overhead ceiling collapsed, from which the rockworm fell with a large mouth open.

Rockworm's big mouth swallowed Glenn's upper body from his head...

"Dear Glenn, oh!

Cecilia's screams echoed through the pit.

"─ Something that's on us and not over there...? Is that about me or Mi's ability?

I nod to Cyril, who asks.

"Oh. Mi's ability to respond to surprise attacks will be different if he doesn't have the ability to fight them. Not if Cecilia can use a clairvoyant (see-through) spell, but assuming she could, that should be tough to cover just because it consumes a lot of magic (mana) and has a short duration. It's our big advantage to have competent bandits (sheafs) like me"

If I could say that and get Mi's head off, Mi would shudder and move his tail pretentiously.

"... of William. Then it's a cat ear clan (Myr) kill. I'm not satisfied with anything else..."

"Hmm...? What is it, Mi?

I thought Mi said something in a whisper, but Mi said, "hey, it's nothing!," he shook his head beside him.

I doubt it a little bit, but I'll move on to the conversation, okay?

"Still, they're powerful too, they won't be so easy to fuck. But it should be hard to keep repelling Rockworm without a single hand wound. When that happens, without a good healer like Cyril, this is another big difference."

"Well... maybe that's true. You were thinking that far. 'Probably not a problem'. That's right, or what..."

Cyril had her hand on her chin and nodded in a convincing manner.

I'll add there.

"And one more thing..."

"What... there's more?

To Cyril's surprise, I nodded loudly.

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