With all that happening, we got on the table, including Satsuki.

The four of us go to dinner as we thank each other for the meal.

"I'll have..."

But Satsuki's voice still didn't feel well.

She usually talks about this more than she needs to, but today she said it was a treat, but she wasn't feeling very well, and she carried the dish into her mouth in a dark atmosphere.

And actually, if Satsuki doesn't start talking, it can be this party where the conversation doesn't roll.

To put it this way seems like you're making a fool out of Satsuki, but I think that a person who talks about something carelessly without thinking too deeply is necessary in a place of communication.

However, more than the current satsuki is not functioning in that regard, an alternative actor is needed.

I'm not good at those things, but I have to.

So when I tried to open my mouth...

"... hey, Will"

Satsuki spoke first.

Less words, less like her.

"Oh, my God, Satsuki"

"The... I knew it, I'm sorry"

Depression happens, that's what they say.

After all, Cyril's "rough treatment" didn't work that dramatically either.

Cyril and Mi also sigh small to see how it goes.

Both of them, trying to say something, also appeared to include it only.

On the other hand, I didn't feel like doing anything more to Satsuki.

Perhaps Satsuki herself speaks words of apology without even knowing what she's apologizing for.

─ ─ If something fails or doesn't work, people take damage to their hearts.

If that piles up more than once in a short period of time, the damage will be enormous.

For example, I have these memories.

When I was a kid, I was careless and broke an expensive vase in my house.

That was something my parents had told me beforehand to "be careful because it's expensive," and I thought I'd done something irrevocable.

I'm just as young as I am, so I was honestly shocked by the fact that it would be worse to keep such expensive things out of the reach of children, etc., without the clever wisdom of shifting responsibilities.

But the mother who watched the whole thing didn't scold me.

He crouched down in front of me, gazed at me, said, "When your father gets back, I'm sorry," and when I nodded, he said, "Yeah," and smiled, and gave me a head.

That would have been better.

And then right after -- after cleaning up the vase that I broke, before my father came home.

In addition, I removed and broke a cup of pottery that I tried to drink with water.

I finally got my head white and my feelings messed up.

As a result, I cried so loudly that my mother couldn't seem to do anything.

Then I got scolded by my father when I got home, but I don't really remember the sermon.

I just remember that the only time I felt like I'd been denied myself and beaten to heart with words lasted for dozens, hours.

And even at the end of sermon time, that day was long before I went to bed, and all I wanted to do was wander around the inside of my chest, sad, hard and bitter and disappear from the world.

I don't know how I can escape that grief and suffering, all the time thinking about it, nodding around in bed, crying, crying.


The feeling had gone to sleep overnight and had generally disappeared the next morning.

And when I got there, I was able to organize my thoughts.

I told my father the day before that I made all the excuses I could not say.

My father, James Glenford, when he was still a little younger than he is, said, "Okay."

I don't think that man, as a father, was always incapable.

In any case...

I think there is an aspect of hearts that are scarcely broken by beatings without help that can only be repaired by time.

And now Satsuki is probably in that state.

I've overlapped my failures, I don't even know what to do, I'm just sad, hard and painful, in such a mental state.

It would be my kind of ego that would want to do something about that impromptu.

So I...

"─ Satsuki"

When I called, Satsuki, who was eating face-to-face, trembled freaked.

Those eyes don't try to look at me.

He seemed like a frightened little animal by something.

I speak to her like nothing else.

"I'm fine. I want you to smile again when it's tomorrow. I'm out-of-the-box, and he likes the way you smile. And this soup, it's gonna be pretty good."

"What... is...?... Ugh, yeah.... Oh, really, it's good"

Satsuki, who looked surprised when she dyed her cheeks bright red, then rinsed the soup as I had recommended, expressing only a few positive thoughts.

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