~ side: william party ~

Me and Satsuki, Mi, and Cyril are waiting for us in a slightly enlarged area of the pit.

Lockworm showed up from the ground about five meters from where we are.

─ ─ Gyuuuuuuuuuuuu!

The rock worm, which opened its big mouth, raised its ambition and appeared in the pit, quickly crawls through its giant.

But the appearance of it was clear by the effect of fluoroscopy (see-thru).

"─ Thunder strike (lightning bolt)!

I turned the tip of my wand forward with the last passage of the spell I was chanting, from which I unleashed a magical lightning bolt.

The lightning emitted with the roar shoots straight through the lockworm that has just appeared on the pit.

Since the lockworm has a long shape with its body back and forth, the spell of a linear penetrating thunderbolt (lightning bolt) had the effect of surface (tempered).

The giant rock worm, about five metres long, emitted a burning smell when its epidermis and inner meat were busted from front to back, and even charged and frightened.

But I don't really think a powerful rock worm can be defeated by that blow either.

In fact, that giant monster, who was temporarily stalling, was starting to show signs of moving forward by shaking itself all the time again.

Look at that, I call on Satsuki.

"Satsuki, can we do the rest?

"Ooh.... No, but you're almost dead, aren't you?

"That being said, it's also true that it's troublesome when you can get raped. I want to get rid of it while I'm weak."

"Well, well, well."

Satsuki convinced me that when he kicked the ground gently and instantly made contact with Rockworm, he wielded his sword daddy and rarely cut off the head of a giant rock worm.

Satsuki's knife has been granted the effect of a Magic Weapon (Enchanted Weapon) spell beforehand.

Coupled with her own high aggression, she had slashed and torn the epidermis of rock-hard rockworms without so much bitterness.

That's how the Rockworm quickly turned to counterattack, lightly losing all of its vitality.

The rear torso, which was in agony, grows up, too, lying on the ground of the pit.

Confirming that, Satsuki came back with a knife.

"Uh... this quest, hey, that's it?

Satsuki was leaning her neck.

It seemed that I was not convinced.

I'll explain to her.

"If you do defeat the whole thing, you won't have fulfilled the minimum achievement necessary to accomplish this D-rank quest called 'Rockworm Exorcism'. I don't know if I want more than that."

"I hear there's more than one rockworm."

I nod to the side supplement by Cyril.

And if you get rid of multiple lockworms, you'll only get extra rewards for that.

"Oh, I still have plenty of leeway left, and you can try to get extra rewards"

"Right. Now I've done my quest. I have to feel like it. Hot springs don't feel good until you've done your job properly."

That's what Satsuki said, and he was stretching like he wasn't moving enough yet.

Incidentally, the fact that there was a hot spring facility for tourists in Noban had already been confirmed at Satsuki's strong request.

Mi, on the other hand, comes to me and asks me this.

"But William, are there that many rockworms? There's no way this guy was in that pit over there?

This Mi's view is the best.

If we consider that Rockworm has the ability to travel through the ground, it is possible that this individual that we just defeated was submerged in multiple pits.

"Oh, I can't deny the possibility of Mi saying it. but it is possible that it is not, and given the safety of this Noban people, I think we should explore a little more for confirmation, but what do you think?

When I asked Mi's head at all costs, all three girls said yes.

By the way, as always, Mi was a statement of intent while being made to feel as good as a cat.

As a matter of fact, for the first time since I got to that stage, I am aware that my own hands are making her...

It was still a charm to be afraid of.

He is unconsciously holding his head.

"Mi, can it be some sort of secret trick that you pass on to the Cat Ear Clan (Myr)?

…… What are you talking about, William?

"No... nothing"

I thought I heard something stupid while I was at it.

That must be my distraction, but I blame Mi, etc...

I embarrassed myself by that, but I started exploring the pits again.

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