It goes down a longitudinal hole like a well without water.

The ladder installed was sturdy and of course the mild Mi, as well as the other three, including me, were able to get off without any particular danger.

By the way, I was prepared to use a soft landing (featherfall) spell for my mind in case someone stepped off my feet.

This is a spell that causes the subject to fall slowly, one of the few spells capable of instantaneous activation.

Fortunately, however, as no one would ever take care of this spell, and I succeeded in getting down to the bottom of the vertical hole, which was about twenty meters deep.

When I went down at the rear, at the bottom of the hole, it was the shape of three people waiting for me, Satsuki and Cyril.

Before I go down the ladder, Satsuki calls from a few meters down.

"Will, you can jump out of there. I'll take it from you."

"... and what's the point"

"I'm glad I'm holding Will."


I normally went down the ladder.

Sometimes what Satsuki says doesn't make any sense.

Well, aside from that.

At the bottom of the hole, in addition to the three satsuki, hangings were installed as expected.

At the end of the rope draped from the top, it creases.

There were also several hand-held trolleys left on the spot, which would be for carrying the mined ore.

On the other hand, from the bottom of the vertical hole, a cavernous horizontal hole continued towards its lateral side.

The horizontal hole that Mi illuminated with lantern lights was so high that the ceiling was low because Dwarf miners assumed to operate, and if I reached for it, I could get my hands on the ceiling.

If I jump lightly, I'm going to hit my head on the ceiling.

"At this ceiling height, William seems cramped."

"I'm going to get caught when I shake up the knife, too. Mi is good at times like this. It's because you're so small."

"Why does Satsuki sell fights so naturally? Can I cut your throat with a dagger (dagger)?

"Stop. Before you become the most powerful swordsman in the world, your people will kill you."

Cyril, Satsuki, and Mi., move on through the horizontal hole with such light mouths.

I listened to my buddies' conversation with a smile, and went on.

Now, "Rockworm Exorcism" is this quest.

The job required is to literally exorcise Rockworm.

So what is the liver of this quest, and how does it correspond to the properties of a monster called Rockworm?

Rockworm is a giant monster that grows to be more than five metres long in adulthood, plus a very powerful monster along with his offensive and defensive powers that rock-like black-grey skin is as hard as the rock itself.

But I'm not insulted by that, but I can tell you that the real problem lies more in the habitat of the monster and its immortality than there is there.

Rockworm is a D-rank monster, and if you look only at this point, for example, Satsuki with C-rank equivalent strength, you will be able to fight more than each other even if you are single.

But this is a value ranked only by the strength of a simple monster, and no additional conditions are added, such as what kind of conditions to fight against this monster.

For example, if Rockworm shows up in the middle of the prairie d 'oeuvres and he's going to rush this way from dozens of meters away, I don't think this can be as much of a response as it can be, or a particularly problematic opponent.

You can calmly tap into attack spells such as fireballs (fireballs) and thunderbolts (lightning bolts) where you're approaching, while being honest with Satsuki if you're approached to contact distance.

But in reality, this isn't the middle of the prairie, and it won't just be a few dozen meters away if you just shoot the magic slowly.

They travel through the ground.

Not even at this moment, if you don't open your mouth and show up from my feet.

That being said, I would normally do some sort of noise, and I don't actually expect to show up from my feet at this moment right now.

Besides, I was exercising a vigilance (alert) spell at the stage before I approached this pit.

This spell, which stretches a sensory membrane by magic around the outer circumference of the operator fifty meters, acts regardless of whether it is a monster traveling through the earth.

The alert spell still has no response to it.

It is therefore difficult at this stage to believe that there is a rock worm closer to my perimeter of fifty meters.

Either way, if you had the effect of an alert (alert) spell, you would be able to crush the vast majority of the marvels Rockworm has.

With that in mind, I went down a somewhat cramped pit after the three girls.

Meanwhile, around that time.

Another group of adventurers who visited the mining city of Noban with Williams had gone down a different pit from the boys and girls and started exploring.

"Damn, it's a low ceiling uze. Not if it's cramped."

That being said, it is the warrior (fighter) who is the leader of the line who is leading the way down the pit.

He seemed to be particularly concerned about his narrowness because of his good physique among his members, among others.

There, a bandit (sheaf) -style cat-backed man who was following from behind him speaks out to his liking.

"Don't be silly. It's supposed to be for Dwarves, so you have no choice."

"I'm not going to exorcise monsters from humans, so I want to make sure they're properly maintained for humans. I don't want to use it, Dwarves."

"I'm not being unscrupulous... And don't ever say that in front of a client or anything."

"Shit. I know. I don't know."

With that said, the leader's warrior moves forward in a grumpy manner.

Behind it, the three remaining men - Bandit (Sheaf), Mage (Mage) and Cleric (Holy Order) - continue sighing.

But the warrior's frustration still doesn't hold.

He hits his followers with his frustration in the name of flying.

"You know even so, you guys. My client thinks I'm lower than that picnic guy. Try losing to the naughty bastards who made those three women peel off. Our pride is rattled."

"I don't know... but he didn't seem so naughty. Besides, I felt like a big guy. Quiet, confident... races are different from ours in the first place..."

"Let it go! That's why they're making fun of me! Look, those guys are E-rank, and I'm D-Rank. Because you can't beat him. Nice!"

"Aye. But not dying is a priority, okay? You can't buy a life in pride, and you can't eat rice."

"Ahhh, it's already been minutes. That's it!

With such an exchange, the men go down the pit.

Also, even more about that time.

Another two adventurers were arriving in the mining city of Noban.

One was a well-fitted red-haired young man, dressed in pitch-black armor and black clothes and bearing a great sword on his back.

The other is a young woman with a black robe, leaning in to follow him.

Each of the two chests had a sterling silver Adventurer ID lowered.

That silver adventurer's card was a sign that they were B-rank adventurers.

At the entrance to Noban, the young man in black asks the woman in the straw.

"A request for a party of three good ladies - I'm pretty sure that's where you're going, Cecilia?

In contrast, the woman in the black robe answers in a decent way.

"Yeah, that's right. As I said first, there was also one man. All three of them looked like the man's arrangements."

"You have nothing to do with that. I don't know what you're looking for, but you just have to take it and eat it again.... But Cecilia, are you a little angry?

When a young man glances at a woman's face, the woman turns even more softly.

"I'm not angry, but I want you to forgive me for being jealous and grumpy because someone you like is trying to ask for another woman"

"Damn...... I like what you say. ─ ─ We're stopping by the inn. I wanted to eat you for an appetizer."

"Are you calling for an appetizer? Well, it's my fault that I like it, including Glenn's, so I'll dedicate it all. Enjoy."

"You're really the best woman I've ever seen."

"Thanks for that. I'm so happy."

Despite being in public, the two hug each other and kiss each other on the spot.

Then, as the youth said, they went to the Inn.

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