The mining city of Noban is also known as the capital of Dwarf.

A small city with a population of about a thousand people, but roughly 60% of its urban population is said to be Dwarves.

Dwarves are a sloppy looking species, and their image as craftsmen makes use of clever hands that are not commensurate with their appearance is common.

On the other hand, however, they are also known to be excellent miners because of their robustness and the spirituality with which they do not hate simple tasks.

The majority of the dwarves living in this noban were also miners, and throughout the city they were often seen pushing trolleys with soil stains all over them.

Also, the urban structure of Noban is quite special.

About three hundred buildings are dense or dotted from the middle belly to the foot of the Norvanian mine, in the form of ramps and lots of roads full of stairs connecting them irregularly.

For this reason, I have to go up and down repeatedly to travel around the city, and it is my personal feeling that it is very difficult.

But the Dwarves, the main inhabitants of the city, did not seem particularly bitter about the structure of these cities because of their stubbornness.


"Huh... Huh... you guys seem to have plenty of room..."

I raise my voice to the girls moving forward as I step up the stone steps step by step.

Having already gone up many stairs and ramps, my breath rose blatantly and my knees began to laugh a long time ago.

But on the other hand, at the end of my gaze, there was Satsuki and Mi going up the stairs lightly, and Cyril, who seemed to have some spare time compared to me, even if not as good as them.

I am also proud that I still have better health compared to the type of researcher skin mentor (wizard) I am often in the School of Magic, but it is also true that I am not specialised in moving my body.

Compared to Satsuki, who has monstrous physical abilities, or Mi, who weighs lightly on being able to use her life (Aura), even if she's not as good as she is, and Cyril, who is at least trained as a warrior, she's really inferior to her physical abilities.

"Heh, Will has a weakness, too. Something a little unexpected."

Satsuki, who looked back a dozen steps ahead, says so looking down at this one.

"Oh, it's obvious... What do you think I am..."

"Er... Perfect Superman?

"Is there a reason for that? Unless you can use magic, I'm a normal person..."

"You're also smart.... I mean, can't you do something with that magic?

"I can... I also regret that I should have done so. I should have used about enhancing endurance (enhancement toughness) without even using floating (levitation) or flying (flight)... But I can already see the destination in front of me, but I'm wondering if I'd like to use it now..."

As I looked up, a dozen more steps up from Satsuki's position, I could see the destination, Mayor Noban's mansion.

Almost there, so I came this far with a high that it would be okay, but my health residue and my estimate to my destination seemed a little off.

"Huh. You don't use magic because it's a waste of magic vegetables?

"Oh...... I'll catch up with you in a little while, so stay with the satsuki."

"Oh well. Then."

Then Satsuki came down the stairs with a ton of light footsteps about what she thought.

And when you come next to me,



Satsuki lifted me in an exhausted state, under the princess's cuddling instructions.

I know it's easy for her to use her lifestyle (aura) to strengthen her physical abilities.

"Hey, what are you doing...!

"'Cause if I carry it this way, it's early, right?

Satsuki keeps holding me and runs up the stone steps with a little extra foothold.

But as far as I'm concerned, not very much, but I don't care.

"Are you nuts!? Are you nuts? Satsuki!? This is the whole city! No, not that I wish it wasn't all over the city...!

"Hih. Oh, I feel good. I always have a hug for Will. Sometimes you want to help Will, right?

"It's not helping! Just put it down!

"Uh, but we're here now."

Satsuki quickly cut up to the top of the stairs.

She slowly lowers my body to the ground.

And there, I heard a voice inviting despair.

"... Huh?... what the hell."

That was the voice of a familiar man.

I roughly see what I hear.

Then, before the gate of the mayor's mansion, there were four senior adventurers who were looking at us in a dazzling manner.

The familiar voice was that of their leader like warrior (fighter).

He turns to me and speaks of a chase.

"Hey Hyoko. You were holding a princess by that kid right now, weren't you?

"... you can't deny it"

"Aren't you ashamed?

"... no, very embarrassing"

"I see.... you're in a lot of trouble too, Hiyoko"

Then, when the senior adventurers were guided by the mansion's servants, they entered the mansion, sending a pitiful gaze towards me.

And there, two of us, Mi and Cyril, arrive late from under the stairs.

"Satsuki... not much of that right now..."

"Heh...? Not really. What?

"William, I'll take a deep look. Dear Woe."

Cyril slapped me on the shoulder and I sneered.

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