Confirming my people's resolve, I will begin the operation once again.

He pulled the rope holding the girls and proceeded to walk toward the elf settlement dominated by the Orcs.

As we proceeded for a while, we could see an oak watch standing at the entrance to the settlement.

I'll walk the girls to the front of it, which still looks far away.

The lookout oak noticed this way along the way.

I'm approaching you to some extent, and I'm walking over here.

And I've been speaking in Oak.

"Hey bro, isn't that a big harvest? Heh, bless me too."

With that said, Orc's watch began to squeeze the girls around the side of the satsuki.

By the way, all four of the satsuki are nagging with their dark faces.

Of course, this is an act.

Meanwhile, within the elf settlement at the end of the entrance in front of us, numerous oaks were walking wide in our faces.

And some of them look more intriguing at us.

It is naturally undesirable to make a scene here.


"Heh heh heh... I like this big, fat cleric."

That being said, the watchful oak tried to hang his martial bone hand on Cyril's jaw.

I'll just say this in Orc.

"Stop it, it's a tribute to the Admiral. If you put your hands on it, they'll kill you."

With my words, Orc, who was about to reach into Cyril's jaw, can pull that hand in frighteningly.

"... eh, a tribute to Emperor? Absolutely. Absolutely. I thought we had all the right prey. Oh, shit, even if I do, I'm eating it!"

"If there's nothing else I can do for you, I'm leaving."

"Ah, just go. It's a little too much for the ladies who seem good in front of me. Uh, even a broken elf woman is dying to smash it. Quickly, I'm done on duty."

With a bad watch oak on my ass, I'm taking the satsuki to the settlement.

That fold, I hear this kind of oak coming from behind.

"... Ked, did you have a brother like that?... well there you go."

For a moment, I assumed the exercise of the spell in secret, but apparently it was okay.

We'll keep moving through the settlement.

"... Phew. It's gonna work out pretty well."

From behind, I hear Satsuki's words by whispering.

I give it back in a whisper without turning back.

"Well, orcs are basic, stupid."

"Oh well.... but Will, can you speak the words of an oak or something? You looked like you were talking to that lookout orc."

"No, I'm not just doing anything like studying and mastering Oak. This has been done beforehand using a language acquisition (borough language) spell, which just allows me to speak temporarily. - More than that, if you move your mouth too much, you'll be suspicious."

"Oh, yeah."

Our presence clearly caught the eye of the surrounding orcs.

I don't speak in such a way that they will notice, but I forbid you to be cautious.

And a little further, the unpleasant sights in the settlement began to spread as if this were still the case.

Even though the Satsuki and the others are pretending to be nagging, there's no way they haven't seen them.

Above all, I hear the painful screams of the elves and the inferior laughter of the orcs from all over.

Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure it's not calm in my heart.

But we move on, pretending not to look at it.

If we make a scene here, everything will be ruined.

If anyone pops up without patience, it's over.

I told them that beforehand, and all I had to do was hope for their patience.

In fact, less than five minutes of walking time was felt as if it were many, dozens of times the long hardship.

The screams I hear even sound like voices accusing me of why I abandon them.

Such time as to illusion that the brain is gradually, being eroded by madness.

─ And eventually.

By the time I had five orcs in total and the right words that I had stopped by to say she looked like a good woman, I finally saw what my goal was.

Even in this elf settlement, an elf dwelling perched on the most splendid giant trees.

Beneath the giant tree, he was sitting in an attitude that didn't just say he was the ruler of the world.

The figure is so huge that I wonder if the distance has gone crazy, even though it's still a long way off.

Oak emperor.

Two and a half meters long, it's an oak when you're a giant.

And beside it are two oak roads and three regular species of oak.

My distance is about a hundred steps.

I don't slow down, I don't loosen up, I move on to it.

In my hand, the rope that pulls the satsuki.

The rope that holds the satsuki and their captivity carries an entanglement (entrangle) spell.

With one of my orders, the rope can be solved in an instant as if it had its own will.

Moving towards the goal.

About eighty steps left.

I'll tell Finola to start the operation, which is a telepathic spell.

'This is William. Attack Oak Emperor Soon'

Copy that. Then this one starts the attack as well.... don't die. I'm not happy to lose someone to give you a reward and make a whole lot of money '

'Naturally. Win and let them receive the full amount. I don't care if you color me. "

'Right. Appreciating how it works is going to be a lot higher, but let's think about it. Good luck, then.'

That's all I talked about and terminated the communication.

It's a short exchange, but that's enough.

It tells you what you need beforehand.

Go further.

About thirty steps left.

Before entering this settlement, Elf's magic pills have been drained.

The refreshing sweetness of the combination of fruit and honey was spreading all over my body, restoring my magic vegetables to their best condition.


Still moving on.

About twenty steps left.

I stopped there...

"─ Don't smell it."

At that time it was the oak emperor who remained seated on the throne of evil taste that emanated from the oak language.

He basically shakes his leg, which he was "eating" with in his hand.

Orcs nearby to show surprise.

The emperor

"It's not just human, it's females, it smells like males."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"─ Liberation (Release)!

I gave my orders to the Entangled Spell.

Meanwhile, flying in and approaching "legs".

Probably that of the elf that has already become a corpse, but not while I think it hurts.

It's trying to hit me straight.

Shortly before that, a figure interrupted in between at instant speed played that "leg" using a shield.

The "leg" rolls straight onto the ground nearby.

"Thanks, Eileen."

"I often tell you that I broke the rope with the intention of letting you do that."

The interrupted figure is Eileen.

And not only Irene, but Satsuki and Mi stand in front of me, and Cyril comes to my side.

"... Damn, I thought you'd go crazy until we got here."

"Not at all. I want to kill the orcs right now."

"I agree with Mi. I don't know if I'm a cleric (Holy Order), but..."

This may be the first time I've heard such a violent voice from them.

But that would also be unavoidable.

In the deep part of my belly, too, violent thoughts of liberation boil down.

There's no reason for me to look the same as the object who should hit that anger anymore.

Solve the disguise (Disguyz) and reveal what it is.

And immediately, he started chanting the next spell.

"Ahhh...? What the hell, Temee and the others? Humans come all the way down here to get eaten by cats, rats."

An oak emperor is about to rise from the throne stacked with the body of an elf.

And he had this huge stick standing beside him, and he looked down at us and...

And "ho," he gave a slightly admirable look.

"Dude, do three 'usable' women nag you? - Ha, ha, ha! The best prey jumped in from me."

With that said, Oak Emperor breathes in heavily.

And... I barked.

"─ Hey bastards, come on everyone right now!!! The one that didn't come within thirty seconds, I'll smash you to death!!!

It was an angelic, awfully loud voice.

Billy and so much audio vibration that the air trembles.

With a loud (loud voice) spell, the voice seemed to have spread all over the settlement.

Sounds like the soul dare to summon all the orcs in this settlement to crush them in numbers.

He may have figured out exactly how powerful Eileen and Satsuki were and decided that head-on battles in the few were dangerous.

It's an unexpectedly pitiful tactic that looks lavish.

And in fact, no matter how sharp this one is, there's no reason we can survive if nearly a hundred orcs are gathered and surrounded from this entire settlement.

Around beating down to about twenty or thirty, it is visible that one person, and another, begins to be ravaged.

And if Lord or Emperor intervenes with me full by then, even Satsuki and Eileen will be easily defeated.

─ But naturally, I won't let that happen.

I've been chanting for a while now, finishing the spell for it.

"─ Doors of different spaces (Dimension Gate)!

My magic ran on the ground in an instant, creating "it" on a land about fifty meters square centered around me.

It was a huge, strange-looking "door" that appeared against the wall on the ground.

The "door" opens through us and the orcs, as if it were illusion.

That was how the door opened, and the ground with its big mouth, was turned into a black darkness.

That darkness swallowed all of us and the orcs that were within range...

And then again, the "door" closed.

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