Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 957: As kind as me

Yuanzhou has a solemn face and no change in his face. He just doesn't talk. It looks very light, but he has a lot of inner drama.

"Where is the trough, is this confession? I know this sister? It seems that I have seen it several times. It is not right. She seems to be joking. The tone and expression are very serious. It is the same as Jiang Yan. Is it ridiculous?" The state is in the waves of the waves, but the face is calm and calm, standing still and not talking.

Or do not know how to say it is appropriate, after all, Yuanzhou seems to have no impression of the girl, only know that the shop is more frequent diners.

Yuanzhou stood seriously, then watched the girl finish, naughty smiled at him, then turned and walked out of the store.

"Amount..." Yuanzhou took care of the Hanfu hem and didn't know what to say.

"It is still the most practical to wipe the table." Yuanzhou silently picked up the rag and continued to wipe.

On the other hand, the girl who walked out of the store stood a little, and the smile on her face disappeared at once, and there was water vapor in her eyes, and her brows wrinkled slightly.

"Hey, the little girl is you, what's wrong?" The girl who sold the girl at the entrance of Yuanzhou Xiaodian pub looked at the girl at the door and asked.

"Mother, you are coming at night too?" The girl smiled and said hello.

"I have to do more now, come at night." The old woman smiled and nodded.

"Don't work too hard for your mother-in-law, give me a cup of soy milk by the way, your soy milk is good." The girl licked her mouth and said.

"Come on, drink hot." The old woman took out the prepared soy milk from the back, and handed it over with a straw.

The girl took the old woman's soy milk and did not leave, and drank directly, and the old woman asked the girl what happened to her.

After all, the girl's face looks a little bad, and the old woman cares about it.

The Yuanzhou in the store heard the girl's voice and listened subconsciously. Hearing is good, and there is no need to eavesdrop. It is straightforward to listen to it.

"There is nothing wrong with the hurdle, the girl is not too sad." The old woman is gentle and gentle, with a deep concern.

"Mother-in-law..." The girl put down the soy milk. Under such care, after all, it was a little stretched, and the water vapor in her eyes slipped down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong with this, come here, my mother-in-law has paper here, and I can say anything." When the old woman cried, she looked at the girl and immediately rushed to touch the paper towel and handed it over. .

"Amount? Cried?" Yuanzhou was surprised to talk to himself and put down the rag in his hand.

Outside, the girl picked up the paper towel and wiped her eyes indiscriminately, and some embarrassedly lowered her head.

"Nothing, girl, if you want to talk about it, it might be better to say it." The old woman said gently.

"I broke up with my boyfriend." The girl may have been soothing because of the sore milk in her mouth.

"Yeah." The old woman nodded and said nothing, encouraging her eyes to look at the girl.

"I want to leave the city. I feel that he is everywhere. The road to go home from work is him. The fast food restaurant passing by is him. The roadside sycamore trees are all him, especially this small shop. We used to come. "The girl looked at the door of Yuanzhou store with nostalgia."

I thought about why Yuanzhou had not discussed the signboards that the two had discussed together, and where the flower stands were placed at the entrance of Yuanzhou Xiaodian.

The girl’s boyfriend had also asked Yuanzhou for his carved flowers. It was filled with sweet memories of the two, and it was sweet even when it was quarreling.

"He also said that when he got married, he came to the whole fish banquet of Yuan Boss, saying that it was a luxury at that time." The girl paused, and the voice said softly.

"So I won't come back later, I will leave here, I won't come back." The girl even said several times, it would be like saying goodbye to her love.

"The girl who is okay, my mother-in-law asks you to eat hoes, and it will pass." The old woman said comfortably.

"I will forget this, forget him, I will not come later, thank you." The girl finished the soy milk in one breath, two or three mouthfuls of steamed bread, and there was water in her eyes.

"Girl goodbye." The old woman looked at the girl gently and looked away.

This time the girl walked faster, not as hesitant as he came.

Yuanzhou, who was listening to the complete course in the store, suddenly smiled.

"It's a kind girl." The gentle way of Yuanzhou's expression.

Yes, the girl is really kind, she is very sad to say goodbye, but she does not want to spread her feelings to Yuanzhou and choose to leave by a joke.

And Yuanzhou feels such kindness.

"Well, it is just as kind as me." Yuanzhou touched the phone and looked at the bank's deduction information.

No, this deduction information comes from the boxer donation network. The deduction information starts with a lot of zeros, which seems to have donated a lot of money.

Donated in the name of Song An, Yuanzhou, who has no praise, naturally wants to praise his own.

"Boasting makes people kind." Yuanzhou put down his mobile phone, a serious self-talk.

"You can get rewards now, and you should have a new dish." Yuanzhou suddenly remembered the rewards that had not yet been received.

"The system receives the reward." Yuanzhou heart.

The system now reads: "The mission is completed and can be collected."

[Mainline Task] Become the next Sichuan cuisine base camp, Sichuan Province demonstration Sichuan food store. (completed)

(Task description: The Sichuan food demonstration store held once a year is about to be held. As a future kitchen god, this is the glory that Xiao Gai must win. As the successor to the party, glory belongs to you.)

[Task reward] Eight major cuisines, Sichuan cuisine (available)

(Reward description: How can an intermediate chef who has been evaluated by this system not have a complete cuisine? Now that the task has been completed, please ask the small comrades to receive the reward and go to the peak of life in Sichuan cuisine, cheering Xiao Comrade.)

"Cough, the system to discuss, change the name, small comrades are really spicy eyes." Yuanzhou looked at the reward, said a speechless voice.

The system now reads: "Little comrades, as a chef can not be disturbed by these unnecessary names, please receive awards."

"Receive." See the system is not repentant, Yuanzhou rushed to collect, he is too lazy to talk with the system.

The system now reads: "The reward has been issued and the host can view it."

After saying this, the system is silent, and there is a glowing light in the mind, like the light of the stars.

"I will see how rich the rewards are." Yuanzhou couldn't wait to see the light spot.

When Yuanzhou concentrated on the spirit, the light spot was also introduced into the depths of Yuanzhou's mind. This time, Yuanzhou had no time to think about anything else, and his mind was filled with all the knowledge and skills about Sichuan cuisine.

It is as if a top master has demonstrated his own specialty in Yuanzhou's mind over and over again. Yuanzhou looked seriously and couldn't help but draw up. It is Yuanzhou's digestion and absorption of these skills.


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