Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2315: Queuing committee

To sum up the busyness mentioned above, there is still the queuing committee completely taking over the disputes of the queuing diners, Zhou Yu and the others can barely get over so busy.

"Bring these sour plum soup to the front intersection, and to the people on duty there at the back intersection, so that they can quench their thirst. It's hot today and add more ice cubes." Jiang Changxi directed Ruo Ding.

Even if there are so many people, there is Queen Jiang and everyone is busy and busy.

In the past two days, Queen Jiang usually sits at noon for the activities, but Queen Jiang’s company is very busy and only has time for noon. At night, Wu Yungui or Zheng Jiawei needs to be in the middle of scheduling.

They were also there, and the fifth anniversary of the store went smoothly to the third day.

Today Yuanzhou is preparing to celebrate with a discount. Of course, the main thing is to invite the backbone of the queuing committee to have dinner in the evening.

Yuan Zhou knew in his heart that the queuing committee had helped a lot. Now it's the fifth anniversary, everyone can celebrate together and express their gratitude.

"I always said that when Xiaoya came back, I would make a fruit banquet for her to pick up the wind, but because of her busyness, she hasn't realized it, otherwise we will take advantage of this opportunity.

In the afternoon, when Yuanzhou was thinking about what to do in the evening cooking, he suddenly thought of a full fruit table.

I still remember that there was a fruit tasting conference before, and everyone liked it very much. If you combine fruit and vegetables, you will definitely like it better.

Just thinking of doing it, Yuanzhou started preparing it early in the morning. Because there were so many people who came and had dinner ingredients to prepare, so soon after lunch time ended, Yuanzhou went into the kitchen and started busy.

When the shop just opened, the queuing committee soon came into being. It can be said that the God of Cookery shop has developed to the present, and the queuing committee is also growing.

From the previous few people to the current backbone, there are more than fifty people. This is the result of Jiang Changxi's strict control.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the amount of more than fifty people, and they are all with a big stomach. If Yuanzhou does not start preparing early, his speed will be a little bit unable to keep up.

The dinner on the last day of the 5th anniversary was more popular than before. I probably knew that if I wanted to have this opportunity again, I probably had to wait until the 6th anniversary.

Unfortunately, no matter how enthusiastic it is, there are only two hours of business hours.

At the end of the business hours, the diners consciously put the last bit of food into their mouths and began to leave in an orderly manner, waiting for the business hours to begin the next day.

Because people who are queuing up for the committee have to have dinner, the tavern is in a state of leave today. Not only in the small courtyard, but also in the tavern, including the small shop, are all requisitioned.

"Hahaha, I ate two fewer dishes for dinner today, and I will definitely eat more in a while." Wu Hai said very shrewdly.

"Xiaohai also has to do what he can, and can't eat too much." Zheng Jiawei said with concern.

"Papa Papa"

Wu Lin straightened her fingers and said with a gentle smile on her face: "It's okay, if he can't control himself for a while, I can help."

As for how to help look at the moving fingers, Wu Hai trembles reflexively, only to realize that he is now a family member.

"Fat bear, cover me." Wu Hai hid directly behind Mao Xiong.

"Brother Hai has me watching, Linlin, don't worry." Mao Xiong smiled.

"There is a sister-in-law here, I'm definitely relieved." Wu Lin returned to her tenderness and looked at her without any horror.

The attitude towards Mao Xiong and Wu Hai can be said to be different from Tian Yuan. There is no way Wu Lin feels that there can be someone who can accept her as a heavenly brother. It is simply a matter of thanking her ancestors, and she must be confessed. Otherwise, it will be bad if you run away.

"I don't know what delicious Boss Yuan prepared today." Su Mu finally rushed back from abroad.

After all, it is the fifth anniversary of the shop. As a member of the queuing committee, Su Mu still hopes to be able to be there on this special day, because the Chef God Shop has always held a different position in his heart.

Of course, this has something to do with his wife Mana's support for him, after all, he is now a family member.

"I am looking forward to the dishes prepared by Boss Yuan. It must be delicious." Mana can be said to be very familiar with Yuan Zhou.

Not only my husband said, the chef of the restaurant in Chinatown that I visited before is also very respectful of Yuanzhou, and it can be said that he has been admired for a long time.

"Xiao Sheng would be crying if she knew she had missed the dishes made by boss Yuan." Su Mu's delicate flowery face showed a very happy smile.

He was talking about his younger sister Su Yuesheng, who has fallen in love with God of Cookery since she was brought to the restaurant by Su Mu to have a barbecue. However, she was young and studied abroad, so she didn’t have much time to come back. After Su Mu settled abroad, she had less time to come back, so she hadn't come to Kitchen God's shop for a long time.

This time Su Mu came back with his wife, and did not inform Su Yuesheng, who was about to be on holiday. It could be said that he was the plastic brother.

"Does Xiao Sheng like it too? That's really a shame." Mana covered her mouth and chuckled, apparently used to the way the siblings get along.

Like Su Mu, there are also a few who bring the family, but not many, because many of them are single.

Today Wu Yungui brought his wife You Xue and two children. This time, Wu Jiakang and Wu Jiaan are completely different from the last time they came. The atmosphere between the four members is very harmonious.

"I don't know what dishes Boss Yuan will prepare today. They must be delicious." Wu Jiakang said with anticipation.

"Anyway, I only ate an apple at noon. I'm just waiting for this evening meal. I must eat more." Wu Jiaan said, clutching his stomach.

"You thought it was a buffet, no wonder if you asked if you had dinner at noon, you said you had it." Madam Wu gave Wu Jiaan a blank glance.

"I want to eat more of the dishes made by Mr. Yuan, and I missed a bowl of rice at noon." Wu Yungui interrupted.

"Cough cough cough, I only ate fruit." Wu Jiakang said embarrassedly.

Then a family of four, you look at me and see you, and laughed involuntarily.

Most of the members of the queuing committee knew each other. They greeted them, found a place to sit down, and waited obediently for their meals, a little bit more obedient than the kindergarten kids.

Yuanzhou was almost ready here too, Su Ruoyan and Mao Ye both came to help, and Yin Ya and a few people served food together, and soon every table was filled with vegetables.

There are three dishes for one person, randomly placed, and you can eat whatever dish is in front of you. Of course, other people on the table can also give you other dishes.

There are no repeated dishes. All dishes are different, but the same is that they are all made of fruits.

"I really like eating pineapple rice. I was lucky to have it today." Tang Qian couldn't help cheering.

"This is the cold watermelon rind, it looks so beautiful." Manman also exclaimed.

"I'm amazing. The seafood melon boat is so beautiful that I can't bear to eat it." Mengmeng looked at the lifelike dragon boat and the clear food on it, and was almost drunk.

Girls couldn't resist beautiful things, so as the dishes came on, all the diners were in awe.

Although as the backbone of the queuing committee, at least they have spent more than half a year in the God of Kitchen Store, and know Yuanzhou very well, but today's banquet still surprised everyone.

There is no end to admiration and exclamation. Everyone has not maintained the various tall images when they were outside. Here is an ordinary diners with only this identity.

Yuanzhou not only prepared a full table of fruits, but also prepared freshly squeezed juices, buckets by buckets, placed on a small table, waiting for people to take it.

"It's the fifth anniversary of the Chef God Store today. Thank you for taking care of the store. I respect everyone." Yuan Zhou raised his glass and thanked everyone before the dinner opened.

The gorgeous watermelon juice in the cup seems to be Yuanzhou's mood at the moment, very festive.

"Hahaha, thank you Boss Yuan, we just like the food you make and the environment of the small shop, no thanks."

Although the diners have not practiced before, they are all surprisingly similar. They have a special feeling for the chefs in the God of Cooking shop and are willing to maintain its calm and peacefulness.

"Let's start to eat." Yuan Zhou is not too talkative. After thanking him, he greeted everyone and started eating.

Now everyone let go of them completely, and went straight to work.


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