Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 178: Cinema

"I don't have a chance? Hahaha... Arrogant! Student Sun Suo, I warn you! If you insult and slander a martial artist like this, you will never have a chance to enter the Central Plains Martial Arts Academy!

"Heshi No. 1 Middle School has such an attitude, condoning students' insulting and slandering the martial arts masters of the Central Plains Martial Arts Academy, and don't even think about getting recommended places in the future!

"You can figure it out for yourself!"

Hong Dao was furious, got up and walked to the door of the conference room.

But before taking two steps, he suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Everyone looked strangely at Director Hong who was lying on the ground, but no one went to help him.

Director Hong himself is also very strange... Why is he suddenly weak? Weak as a newborn baby, it was difficult to lift his head up.

"This kind of **** scum, you have your own day!" Sun Suo laughed.

"You..." Director Hong doesn't feel right... This is witchcraft, right? Before Sun Suo plucked his hair...

Just as he was about to say something, Director Hong suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, followed by an unbearable pain in the depths of his soul. All kinds of screams.

"120? We have an accident here..." Principal Huang quickly took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance.

Hong Dao's nose and mouth began to bleed, and then all seven orifices were bleeding...

Sun Suo's mobile phone was placed on the desktop in front of him, and the only thing displayed on the screen in the eyes of others was the screen saver.

But what Sun Suo saw was Director Hong's attribute panel.

When Director Hong got up and left the conference room, Sun Suo changed all of his basic attributes to 1 point. In an instant, Director Hong became as weak as a newborn baby.

After that, he kept adding and confirming Hong Dao's various martial skills and exercises.

After more than ten seconds, a strange sound was heard in the conductor. All the internal organs could not withstand the damage caused by such a forced lift, and burst open one by one under the impact of the uncontrolled internal force.

In the end, Hong Dao's brain exploded, and the whole Tianling Gai flew out, causing a burst of brain fireworks.

Then the whole person lay on the ground motionless.

Everyone looked at Sun Suo together.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what happened... Maybe some people are so evil that even God can't stand it?" Sun Suo looked innocent.

When the ambulance came over and the paramedics came to the venue, Director Hong was too dead to die.

Jiang Lan also rushed over with the investigators. After investigating, he was convinced that the cause of Hong Dao's death was unknown, but no one attacked him at the scene. The specific reason can only wait for the autopsy results.


training room.

"Thank you for taking the lead for me, but it's too heavy." After confirming that the monitoring was not turned on, Li Shiying thanked Sun Suo.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Sun Suo pretended to be confused.

"Seeing that scum died so tragically, I'm really angry." Li Shiying did not continue to expose.

The people present at the time, no matter how stupid, could see that Director Hong was killed by Sun Suo.

Sun Suo is too powerful now, right? A few words can kill a person alive!

Moreover, the other party was a martial artist, and he was scolded by Sun Suo so that his seven orifices bleed and died! How terrifying is Sun Suo's strength?

"The Hong family is one of the top-ranked families in Hengshi, so you have made a grudge again..." Yao Xue was a little worried.

"Even the martial artist is not his opponent. If the Hong family dares to take revenge, it will be destroyed!" Li Shiying replied domineeringly to Yao Xue.

"Don't make things simple. The death of a martial artist is not a trivial matter. Someone from the Central Plains Martial Arts Academy will definitely come to investigate, and someone from the provincial government will come to investigate. I told you not to tell him about it, but you won't listen." Yao Snow is still worried.

After what happened last night, Li Shiying told Yao Xue first, Yao Xue said she would tell Yao's father to see if the academy would deal with Director Hong, and then told Li Shiying not to talk to Sun Suo for the time being, she was worried about Sun Suo. The explosive temper will cause trouble.

As a result, Li Shiying didn't listen to her and told Sun Suo anyway.

Fortunately, Sun Suo even killed the martial artist.

Although no one saw him do it, anyone with a discerning eye could guess that the death of Hong Dao was definitely related to Sun Suo.

Sun Suofang's ruthless words clearly meant that Hong Dao died, and then Hong Dao died. Who would believe that Hong Dao's death had nothing to do with Sun Suo?

"It's all my fault. I'll invite everyone to dinner in the evening and then go to the movies." Li Shiying raised it to the two with a little guilty conscience.

Yao Xue glanced at Sun Suo and waited for Sun Suo to express his position... It should be more suitable for two people to watch a movie, right?

How do three people sit?

"You can eat, but forget about watching a movie. The college entrance examination is almost over, we should hurry up and cultivate." Sun Suo has no interest in watching movies.

"Tonight's movie is different!" Li Shiying's expression was mysterious.

"A small movie? This one can be." Sun Suo thought. One man and two women, when they see the rise...

"Go away!" The two girls kicked Sun Suo together.

"Have you heard of Hezhong Cinema?" Li Shiying asked the two of them.

"Isn't it the Hezhong Cinema on Pedestrian Street? Everyone in Heshi City has heard of it, right?" Yao Xue didn't know what Li Shiying's purpose was in asking Our family recently invested in that cinema. . "Li Shiying continued.

"Oh, you can watch movies for free, right?" Yao Xue was a little interested.

"The reason why our family invested in that movie theater is because supernatural events are starting to happen in that movie theater. Some viewers who go in to watch the movie, when the movie starts, find that there is only one person left in the movie theater.

"Or only you and your friends are left, and then the movie shown is not the one you bought a ticket to watch, but a horror movie you have never seen! A super scary horror movie!

"And if the movie is not finished, there is no way to leave the cinema, you have to watch the horror movie.

"According to expert analysis, this movie theater is likely to be turned into a testing ground. After my father heard about it, he invested in the movie theater. Once it becomes a testing ground, he can make a small fortune." Li Shiying said. .

"If that's the case, it's worth a visit." Sun Suo became interested after listening to Li Shiying's story.

Yao Xue did not object.

After school in the afternoon, the three of them ate dinner at a restaurant near the school.

Then I took a taxi and went to Hezhong Cinema together.

The last movie started at eight o'clock, which is still early.

The two girls took Sun Suo to the pedestrian street.

Li Shiying and Yao Xue walked in front of each other hand in hand, and the two looked like best friends who had a very good relationship.

When you meet a clothing store, go in together and try on all kinds of clothes.

Sun Suo followed behind with a mobile phone. After they tried on the clothes, they would always come to let Sun Suo evaluate whether they looked good or not.

Sun Suo all said perfunctorily that it looked good.

It's only halfway through the pedestrian street, and it's almost eight o'clock.

Sun Suo hurriedly urged two girls who were still trying on various clothes to go to the Hezhong Cinema with him.

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