Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 158: corpse tide

"Shh!" Sun Suo made a gesture, and then lay down beside the car window.

"Didn't you say that neither sound nor light can get out?" Jiang Lan also leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I forgot." Sun Suo continued to look out of the car window.

The forest in the forest where the two of them camped was not dense. With the moonlight shining from the top of the forest, they could clearly see a group of zombies tens of meters away, lining up and jumping and passing by.

"This is not a proving ground, so why are there groups of zombies?" Jiang Lan was taken aback.

"Looking at their clothes, they seem to be some donkey friends or something. They are probably the missing people who came here to explore before." Sun Suo analyzed.

The line of zombies was very long, and it looked like a hundred people. At the end of the line, there was a tall figure wearing a Taoist robe and a black and gold mask. It seemed that he was driving the zombie team forward.

When the two looked at the tall figure, the tall figure suddenly stopped in place and looked in the direction of the camp where the two were camping.

The entire zombie team also stopped together, and all the zombies also looked in the direction of the campsite.

"Have we been discovered?" Jiang Lan asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Sun Suo manipulated his clone to create some movement in front of the zombie team.

The tall figure seemed to sense something, he turned his eyes back to the front, and drove the entire zombie team forward.

It was not until the zombie team disappeared that Sun Suo and Jiang Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can zombies appear in the non-trial area? This is not a good thing." Jiang Lan was deeply worried.

Regarding the formation of the proving ground, the scientific community of the Federation has not yet reached a conclusion.

But there are some rules that have never been broken.

That is the ghosts that are not raised by human beings, and the place where they appear will form a trial ground, and the trial grounds have boundaries.

The ghosts, zombies and the like inside will not easily leave the scope of the proving ground.

And the ghosts raised by humans, obey the orders of their masters, and will not attack others for no reason.

With such a large-scale zombie team appearing in the non-trial area, there is a big problem behind it.

The most important thing is the tall figure with the black and gold mask. Is it a human or a ghost?

"If you're scared, I'll send you back. I feel that this area is really weird." Sun Suo asked Jiang Lan.

"If there is danger in the back, it's a big deal that you keep on your back! I won't fall off if I hold it tightly, and it won't affect your movement. If your life is in danger at a critical moment, grandpa's soul will save your life." Jiang Lan really A little scared, but also very exciting, I don't want to go back like this.

"Okay." Sun Suo felt that Jiang Lan was right.

With his current super high basic attributes, even if he carries her behind his back, it will not affect his mobility. With her there, it is equivalent to the presence of Jiang Bo's soul, which is equivalent to an additional insurance.

At the critical moment, as long as Jiang Pu's soul splitting erupts, with his ability, he can at least guarantee escape from the dangerous area.

The two lay down again.

Sun Suo lay on her back with her eyes closed, breathing evenly and motionless.

Jiang Lan stared at Sun Suo for a while, then took off his pajamas and lay down beside Sun Suo.

After a long time, Sun Suo did not move, as if he had fallen asleep.

Jiang Lan was tossing and turning a little and couldn't fall asleep. Seeing that Sun Suo had been quiet, she pretended to turn over and put one arm on Sun Suo's body.

Sun Suo still didn't move.

Jiang Lan moved her hand down.

Sun Suo still didn't move.

Jiang Lan moved her hand down again, about to...

"Not good! Lay on my back and stop talking!" Sun Suo took out his phone and looked at it, suddenly turned over and squatted up.

Jiang Lan was taken aback, not knowing why, so she could only lie on his back at Sun Suo's request.

The next moment, Sun Suo put away the Horcrux bus, and the two appeared in the forest. Sun Suo strode towards the depths of the forest with Jiang Lan on his back.

Not long after the two left, a group of zombie wandering spirits appeared in the place where the two were camping, swept through like a tide.

Sun Suo kept turning around in the mountains and forests. Jiang Lan, who was lying on his back, didn't know what was going on, but she could see that Sun Suo was panicking, and she must have found danger and was running for her life.

Finally, Sun Suo stopped, took out the wishful stick, summoned Li Gui and Xiuxiu, and put on a fighting stance.

Jiang Lan finally saw what happened.

Densely packed zombies and wandering spirits, like migrating ant colonies, surrounded them from all directions!

The night in this area of ​​Wumei Snow Mountain is so terrifying! No wonder officials have set up no-entry sentries.

After the zombies and wandering spirits approached, Xiuxiu was the first to let out a howl.

A large number of wandering spirits exploded in the corpse tide like detonated bombs, blasting the zombies into pieces, and a blank area was instantly cleared around the two of them.

But the tide of corpses rushed over again without fear of death!

Fortunately, Xiuxiu's whistling just now opened one of the weak gaps, and Sun Suo immediately turned around and ran towards the gap.

Xiuxiu and Li Gui each stretched out a ghost claw and grabbed Sun Suo's shoulder, and Sun Suo's body flew up like a streamer.

While flying, they also looked at Jiang Lan behind Sun Suo.

"What the **** is this? Not only did I rob someone else's I also stole someone else's daughter? I didn't see it, I was only seventeen years old, and I have a wide range of hobbies..." Jiang Lan was in a coma that night , I haven't seen Xiuxiu before, this is the first time I've seen it.

Sun Suo rushed to the left and right, with the help of Li Gui and Xiuxiu from time to time forcibly rushed to the corpse tide, trying to escape to the periphery of the corpse tide, but the corpse tide seemed to be endless, and it kept coming from all directions, why? Can't escape.

Fortunately, although the number of corpses is huge, their combat effectiveness is average, and they basically cannot get close to Sun Suo within a few meters.

The terrain of the mountains and forests is complex and there are many trees, which also gave Sun Suo room to move around, making it difficult for him to be surrounded by the corpse tide.

Half an hour later, Sun Suo, who was running wildly, accidentally bumped into a group of people.

It is a group of living people who are also besieged in the corpse tide.

"Sun Suo? Jiang Ju?" Some of the living people actually recognized Sun Suo and Jiang Lan!

"Grandpa! Open the talisman and let them in!" The man shouted to the leading old man.

Sun Suo also recognized it. The person who called them just now was Chen Min.

The woman who entered the proving ground with Lin Yi and Liu Hao at the beginning was Chen Min, the representative of the Chen family of the homicide investigation team in the ancient building proving ground.

"Who are they?" The leading old man didn't know Sun Suo and Jiang Lan.

"The Sun Suo who saved Lin Yi! He is very good at healing! Let him in! Dad is saved!" Chen Min said anxiously.

The old man was dubious, but he still roared loudly, shaking off the large tide of corpses nearby, and then opened the talisman formation to let Sun Suo enter quickly.

Sun Suo glanced at the endless tide of corpses behind him, and had no choice but to carry Jiang Lan into the Chen family's talisman formation.

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