Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 151: map

Sun Suo immediately resurrected the clone with the hair stuffed into the phone in advance.

All martial arts have a cooldown.

The same is true of Sun Suo's sluggish thunder stick, and the same is true of the general's martial arts.

But the resurrected clone is brand new, which is equivalent to eliminating all bad states, including the cooling time of previously used martial arts.

Therefore, while the general's martial skills were still cooling down, Sun Suo immediately struck the general's head with another sluggish thunder stick full of internal strength.

The sound of bone cracking appeared again...

Although he didn't get a headshot, Sun Suo felt that this time was different from the previous situation where he didn't break his defenses at all.

Damage is effective.

As long as you hit a few more sticks, maybe you can smash the hard brain of this general.


Hard work pays off.

After more than three hours, after spending more than 500 hairs, Sun Suo finally burst the incomparably hard head of the general, knocking the general to the ground.

A mass of thick black mist all drilled into Sun Suo's body.

There are 2193 more free points in the account.

Seeing these 2193 free points, Sun Suo's tears were about to fall.

More than 500 hairs!

In addition to the fact that the thorns in the early stage haven't grown out yet, now he is really going to be alopecia areata.

You have to wear a hat when you go out tomorrow.

The battle with this general also gave Sun Suo a deep understanding of the strength gap between him and a real martial artist.

That is, you have to die more than 500 times to have a chance to defeat the opponent.

Therefore, in the future, I should refrain from challenging those martial masters and soul masters. They are really eyeing them. It is very easy to kill him now!

In addition to the 2193 free points, there are several new things on the ground after the general's body disappeared.

A black gold stone.

It should be an upgraded version of Soul Crystal.

But the use and soul crystal are very different.

It is the raw material used for forging soul weapons. It is added to ordinary weapons in a certain proportion for sacrifice and refining, so that ordinary weapons have the opportunity to become soul weapons.

At the same time, it can also improve the rank of Soul Wu.

Some soul masters have reached a bottleneck in their cultivation, or have found that they have no room for improvement.

So he switched to specializing in soul martial arts.

Using the extremely rare black gold stone, the ordinary weapons were sacrificed and refined into soul martial arts.

At the same time, it can also improve the rank of the soul martial arts, so that the soul martial arts can exert greater power.

Just like the two soul weapons in Sun Suo's hands now, the Soul Chopping Saber is of the first rank, and the Ruyi stick is of the third rank.

After he reaches the spirit master realm, he can use the collected black gold stones to improve the rank of spirit martial arts.

As for handing over the money to other spirit masters and letting them help build it... It's not Sun Suo's consideration for the time being.

After receiving the black gold stone in the inventory, Sun Suo checked several other things.

One of them is an old map.

It says……

The four words 'Ancient Ruins'?

Sun Suo couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The fragments of the golden hoop of the Ruyi golden hoop stick are left in the ancient ruins.

He was also angry that the Buddha did not give a map.

Unexpectedly, I got a map here.

But obviously, this is just an ancient ruin.

It's not certain whether the fragments of the golden hoop were left on the map at this spot.

You can only find out by looking for it on the spot.

The ancient ruins basically belong to the kind of extremely dangerous trial grounds.

Entering the ancient ruins with Sun Suo's current strength is purely courting death.

But it doesn't matter if you consider that you can go in and investigate.

The ancient ruins in the map are in the depths of the Wu'an Mountains.

Wu'an Mountains is a large mountain range covering hundreds of kilometers in the west of Tianhu Province.

It is a long mountain range, the thinnest part is more than 20 kilometers from north to south, the thickest part is more than 50 kilometers, and the east-west length reaches more than 200 kilometers.

Jiang Pu practiced in the Wu'an Mountains.

But Lingtai Mountain, where Jiang Pu is located, is located on the outskirts of the Wu'an Mountains.

The location of the ancient ruins marked on the map is in the depths of the Wu'an Mountains.

It is more than 100 kilometers away from Lingtai Mountain, where Jiang Bo is located.

Even the route into the mountain is different.

If you drive there, you have to enter from two cities that are more than 100 kilometers apart.

The highest peak of the Wu'an Mountains is called Wumei Snow Mountain. In the map, the ancient ruins are near Wumei Snow Mountain.

Wumei Snow Mountain and its surrounding areas are covered with snow and ice for many years, and a large avalanche will occur with a slight disturbance.

The local city government strictly prohibits the approach of idle people.

There are always some ALICE friends who don't believe in evil, bypassing the city government's warning, and trespassing into Wumei Snow Mountain without authorization.

Sun Suo decided to collect more information about Wumei Snow Mountain before deciding whether to go to Wumei Snow Mountain to find ancient ruins.

Free points, black gold stones, and maps are not the biggest surprises after hunting the generals.

The biggest surprise is that the military general burst out with half a soul outfit!

Soul equipment can protect the body, and it is a rarer existence than soul martial arts.

At present, those spirit masters who are sacrificing soul martial arts have not yet found a method for sacrificing soul equipment.

The soul equipment that can be seen on the market is all the residual equipment that exploded from the proving ground.

The soul suit that the general revealed was the breastplate he was wearing.

But only half of it, the chest is intact, the back is badly damaged.

Soul equipment is different from ordinary metal equipment on the market. Metal equipment needs to be worn one by one. Only when there is a war, soldiers will spend a lot of time wearing these metal equipment before the war.

Soul equipment can be directly equipped on the body. After being equipped, it will be bound to the soul. It will not be burdened. It is in a semi-invisible state and will only appear when it is attacked.

And even if it is a piece of residual equipment, it can be equipped on the body without worrying about falling.

Sun Suo tried to equip half of the breastplate on his body, and then let the hair clone lightly slash his chest with the Soul Chopping Knife...

Sure enough, the flash of the soul outfit resisted this slash.

It is equivalent to adding another layer of protection to his body in addition to Yuanyang Shield

It would be great if I could get another helmet. During battle, the head was the most vulnerable part to be injured and killed by a single blow after the heart.

Unfortunately, once the monsters in the proving ground are killed, they cannot be refreshed in a short period of time.

Like this kind of general, it is estimated that it will take a year to refresh one.

This is also the case in the mobile phone p. Although the monsters were full when they were just downloaded, they disappeared after killing them.

I don't know if going to the proving ground and downloading it again will refresh all the monsters?

The ancient building test field is a private test field, and you can enter it by paying money.

Moreover, it is the proving ground managed mainly by the Lin family, so it should give this face, right?

Sun Suo sent Lin Yi a WeChat message, and asked about the ancient building trial grounds.

Lin Yi quickly replied to the message, saying that the ancient building proving ground has been taken over by the government due to the previous murder case and the mental abnormality caused by the statue.

It seems that there is no way to go to the ancient building proving ground to test this idea.

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