Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 129: grab business

Yao Xue retreated instinctively, and didn't stop until she retreated into Sun Suo's arms behind her.

"This car is not bad! We even take people up the mountain at night, shall we take this car?" Sun Suo supported Yao Xue and suggested to her.

"Do you dare to get in this car? Why does it look so strange?" Yao Xue had a frightened expression on her face.

In the middle of the night, who wouldn't be afraid to see such a car? Like... a ghost car.

"We are warriors, how can we be so timid? It's a backcountry here, and there's no one on the street just after nine o'clock. How new do you think the buses here can be? They must be old cars that have been eliminated in the city! Come on, it's alright." Sun Suo said and got into the bus.

" it really okay?" Yao Xue followed to the door, but was still hesitant.

"Come up, it's alright, I'm here! You'll see your father in an hour!" Sun Suo stretched out his hand and pulled Yao Xue into the car without any explanation.

There are... already some passengers in the car.

Looks like the local mountain people.

The driver gave Yao Xue a friendly smile and started the car.

Yao Xue was a little stunned...Is this driver familiar?

Oh! I remembered! He looks like Wu Yanzu!

So handsome, why do you drive a bus in the mountains?

Sun Suo took Yao Xue and walked straight into the car.

"I haven't bought a ticket yet!" Yao Xue grabbed Sun Suo, then took out her mobile phone to scan the code, but found that there was no code.

"Oh, here." The driver reached out and turned over a sign beside the driver's platform.

" much is a ticket?" Yao Xue asked.

"Where are you going?" the driver asked.


"Oh, Tiankeng, ten yuan apiece." The driver stretched out five fingers and gave Yao Xue a friendly smile.

"Ten yuan or five yuan?" Yao Xue was a little confused.

"Oh, one-five-one, two-five-twenty... I'm sorry, I'm not very good at math." The driver had to stretch out his other hand and gesture for a long time.

"Twenty dollars in total, right? Stop counting and concentrate on driving! Hold the steering wheel..." Yao Xue didn't dare to ask any more, and hurriedly scanned the code and paid twenty dollars.

As a result, Sun Suo's mobile phone rang a reminder to receive payment, but Sun Suo quickly pressed it off.

Fortunately, Yao Xue didn't notice.

"Don't worry, I'm very familiar with this mountain road. Even if I close my eyes, I won't drive the car under the cliff." The driver comforted Yao Xue.

"Don't close your eyes! Quickly hold the steering wheel, okay?" Yao Xue was even more worried when she heard what the driver said.

Sun Suo had already found a seat and sat down. After Yao Xue bought the ticket, he also came to Sun Suo and sat down.

"Why do I feel that this driver is so unreliable?" Yao Xue was still very worried.

"Why is it unreliable? It looks like an old driver, I think it is quite reliable." Sun Suo disagreed.

"I always thought you were a very cautious person, why is tonight a little different..." Yao Xue looked at Sun Suo suspiciously.

At this moment, Yao Xue's cell phone rang.

It was her father who called.

"Have you settled down in the town?" Yao Dad asked.

"Ah? Well, rest in peace." Yao Xue promised Yao Dad not to go up the mountain at night.

"Oh, that's good, don't go up the mountain at night." Yao Dad emphasized again.

"Why?" Yao Xue asked.

"I chatted with the local guide just now, and he said don't get on the old car that looks like a bus at night, there are some evil spirit disciples and spirit masters living in this mountain, and the kind of bus that appears at night 100% of the old cars are the Horcruxes of those evil spirit disciples and spirit masters.

"They cruised on the mountain road at night, collecting those lonely ghosts who died in the mountains in an accident, and they would trick them up when they encountered warriors. Once you go up, you won't be able to get down, and they will be refined into soul dryness." Yao Dad explained.

"Ah?" Yao Xue was dumbfounded.

"Are you and Sun Suo together? I'll be relieved when you rest in the town. Okay, I won't bother you anymore." Father Yao hung up the phone.

"It's over!"

After hanging up the phone, Yao Xue looked at Sun Suo in horror.

"What's wrong?" Sun Suo asked.

"My dad said..." Yao Xue quickly repeated what Yao's father said just now to Sun Suo.

"Is there such a thing?" Sun Suo was speechless, how could it be such a coincidence?

"What should we do? This bus must be the Horcrux of an evil spirit master! We will be refined into spirits." Yao Xue panicked and looked around.

All the passengers in the car showed a friendly smile to Yao Xue.

"Why are these passengers so strange? No matter who I look at, everyone smiles at me!" Yao Xue panicked even more.

"Maybe the locals are more hospitable!" Sun Suo guessed... The illusion in this Horcrux is not easy to operate! It's superfluous to have a few passengers in there.

"My dad said that this bus might be a Horcrux, why aren't you nervous at all?" Yao Xue felt more and more that Sun Suo was a little weird tonight.

Shouldn't it be... This is not Sun Suo at all? But an evil spirit master?

At this moment an old bus pulled over from the opposite side. After seeing the bus here, the bus blocked the mountain road and stopped the bus.

"Hey! Who are you from? Why haven't you seen it before? Tonight, I said it's my turn to collect my soul. What do you mean by running this trip? Are you robbing business? Hurry up and hand over all the goods in your car to me. , or this will never end with you!" A middle-aged man got out of the dilapidated bus and scolded the bus.

"What's the matter? Black eats black?" Yao Xue saw the middle-aged man through the car window, and became even more worried when she heard what the middle-aged man said.

It seems that what her father said is true! These night buses, buses and the like are absolutely not allowed to get on!

"Move your broken car away! We don't make water from the well, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!" The driver, Wu Yanzu, got out of the car and threatened the middle-aged man.

"Hahaha, it's you who broke the rules and are rude to me? Since you refuse to hand over the goods, don't blame me for being rude!" The middle-aged man was not at all cowardly, and counter-intimidated Wu Yanzu.

Wu Yanzu lost a four-stage soul-piercing technique full of soul power!

"Grass! Dare to do it! I think you don't want to live anymore!" The middle-aged man's spirit armor resisted the attack, and immediately counterattacked with a spirit skill.

Wu Yanzu had been prepared for a long time, and sacrificed the Yuanyang Shield of the second-layer realm.

Unfortunately, the low-level Yuanyang shield is mainly used to resist martial arts attacks, and after reaching the high-level, it can more effectively defend against soul-type attacks.

Although Wu Yanzu sacrificed Yuanyang Shield in time, he was killed by the middle-aged man on the opposite side!

The strength of this middle-aged man has reached at least the eighth and ninth dan soul disciple realm, right? It may even be in the spirit master realm!

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