Golden Fox with System

Chapter 564: Heavenly Divine Tribulation – Part 2 Not yet edited

"…No, unfortunately, but whatever, I've never been attracted to any males before, and I've always been dedicated to cultivating, you've changed me. Take responsibility~"

"Oh sure, but only if you..."

"If I do that, it doesn't arouse a woman's curiosity and stops in the middle!" Helena almost freaked out when Theo stopped talking and smiled instead, 'Damn, how can it be so beautiful?! He is a bandit, a great and the greatest bandit in the universe who stole this lady's heart!'

"Well, I'll let you know later, can you be patient? If not, forget it~" Theo teased with a predatory smile and his canine teeth got bigger.

"... I can wait." Helena waited, breathing fast, she looked like a runner who had just run a marathon, her big breasts rose and fell seductively, making many male divine beasts swallow their saliva.

The hatred for Theo only got worse. Why does he just not accept her, and have to be teasing her in front of them? Damn, they wanted to hit him, but what they'd seen him do to Abdul before made him think twice, even three times.

Theo created a clone after leaving everyone trapped in his illusions and went to Yumi.

After going through the entire process, it was the same with Theodorus, he only needed to be left with half of the last attack of the Divine Heavenly Tribulation.

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[Filled in 552,156,713 Lineage Cells.]

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After that, they left again.

Helena was calmer, however, but seductive, her eyes were looking at Theo with love, and even at little Yumi as if she were her daughter.

Actually, she wasn't bad, just a little too crazy, Theo isn't silly or anything, he searched her mind. And he found out a lot about her, that's why he didn't mind having her if after she gave an answer he wanted, and because he was attracted to her, even if it's physically, it all starts like this, then you learn to love yourself, although he was surprised by how much she desires him, her desire for him, was not weaker than that of their current wives.

After leaving, everyone thought it was the end, but then another girl appeared, she had golden eyes and silver hair. It was Valentina.

"My son too. With my other wife." Theo smiled at Helena before she asked.

"Oh, she's beautiful~" Helena didn't seem to mind and smiled. She looked at Valentina and was surprised to learn that she was actually in the Monarch Realm, and would go to the Venerable Realm.


A wave of sighs echoed. That's because they were able to know that Valentina was only 3 years old at most, but she was so powerful and also with a powerful divine Bloodline.

And something prevented them from investigating further. In reality, they were only able to see what they saw, because Theo allowed it. If he wanted to, they wouldn't even know what Realm she was in.

However, he was doing it on purpose. Not because he wanted to use his sons as bait, but to see who was more impulsive and would show the least enmity and he would read their minds. If it's an enemy, he'd go after it before it even reached his kids. He varies the entire universe in search of them if necessary.

So when he did that, he used the illusions not to notice that he was looking at them with his divine eyes with the slower time without them even realizing it was slow, and seeing every change in their expression.

'Five...' After doing that, he read practically everyone's mind, and five of these divine beings had different plans for his children.

Theo suddenly laughed coldly, everyone was startled but didn't ask.

After that, Theo created a clone and went to help his daughter.

This continued until the last flash.

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[Filled in 1,564,222,321 Lineage Cells.]

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This time he can only share 30%. But it was a big help to Little Valentina.

Next up was Nicolas Volts, he had silver hair and golden eyes just like Valentina.

Now everyone was puzzled.

I had 4 children with Divine Lineage! And all very powerful, or at least they thought they were. Yeah, they couldn't see through Nicolas.

They didn't even know which Realm he was. This was also another test. Theo wanted to eliminate all kinds of possible enemies, especially those divine beings who knew and knew about him and where he is.

It was easier to discover the enemy and go to him than to stay in the dark.

After that, another 10 showed different kinds of intentions with Theo's children.

'I was right to do this…' Theo was getting colder and colder. His eyes passed over the 15 divine beasts, and he remembered very well the coordinates of each of their planets.

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[Filled 1,602,014,541 Lineage Cells.]

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After helping Nicolas, Theo left with Isis, she noticed some changes and had 1 or 2 guesses of what Theo did, but smiled and said nothing.

After that, he came back with Noah, he had golden hair and honey-colored eyes. The moment this happened, the divine beings were deathly silent.

"Five…" Some mumble as they come out of their daze.

It needs to be said that it is rare to be born with Divine Lineage, even inherited from parents.

Now, they saw five appear from the same father and they all seemed to be of similar ages, but more different.

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[Filled in 1,224,964,758 Lineage Cells.]

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After helping Noah, Theo returned with Veronica.

Red hair and golden eyes, she was very pretty and cute.

The hearts of many twins pounded because of her cuteness.

Veronica managed to pass easily as well as the other children and she also managed to support 30% of the essence of the Divine Heavenly Tribulation.

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[Filled in 1,312,332,567 Lineage Cells.]

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After a few minutes, they were already looking at Theo and wondering if his Divine Bloodline isn't a rabbit instead of a fox.

Now it was Luiza who appeared, with dark skin and black hair and golden eyes. She was also very beautiful, stealing the hearts of many maidens.

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[Filled in 1,317,869,793 Lineage Cells.]

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When Oliver appears right after Luiza, they have already given up on understanding something. It was very abnormal. Perhaps not even a divine rabbit would be so fertile. How was that possible?!

The appearance of Olivier with dark skin and golden eyes and black hair left the women's hearts melted into his cuteness.

He also passed with a gold medal, managing to accept 30% of the Divine Heavenly Tribulation at the end.

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[Filled in 1,399,987,655 Lineage Cells.]

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Barely had they gotten over the shock, Sophia appeared, she has blue hair like Shina's and beautiful golden eyes, currently 2 years old.

She was even younger, but also in Monarch, and went to the Venerable Realm.

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[Filled in 1.421.231.003 Lineage Cells.]

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After her, it was Gustavo who appeared, he inherited Theo's golden hair and sapphire blue eyes from two-year-old Shina.

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[Filled in 1,390,006,236 Lineage Cells.]

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It didn't even take 10 minutes, two-year-old Olivia appeared. She was cute with blonde hair and blue eyes.

The eyes of the divine beings looked at Theo as if he were a breeding deity of divine offspring, and again Theo found he had made other enemies.

In total, he has already found 31 of them. There were more than 2000 of them, but of these, 31 may seem like little, but it's from all over the universe, they appeared from all over the universe.

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[Filled in 1,345,238,000 Lineage Cells.]

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After finishing helping Olivia, 10 minutes later, Henrique appeared. He inherited Theo's golden hair and Ariana's blue eyes.

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[Filled in 1,358,339,546 Lineage Cells.]

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After he finished, Theo looked at Helena and said, "That's it, I already have 14 children. 12 of them you saw now, and you already know the two oldest."

"Mm, they are all very cute, and I don't mind that you have a lot of wives, it also showed how capable you are. I understand now, and even now, I don't change my mind, I still want to be your wife." Helena was serious.

"All right, meet me at Planet Arcane, and we can talk better." Theo wasn't one to give butts without a knot, he kissed her, taking her by surprise, and also saw who would go against him because of her.

Leaving there, he found that he had... '111 enemies...'

That was the biggest reason for not wanting to accept Helena before, except that she gave him more enemies than his children. He couldn't place the people he wanted to protect, but now he was confident of accepting Helena.

Some were even women who liked her romantically and that's why they wanted him dead.

'Why does this make me happy?' It was strange, having so many enemies made him excited, in fact, he was eager to return and go hunting starting with the weakest of the divine beings.

'I want to see who kills who...' Theo took one last look at these divine beings and memorized the coordinates of all his enemies.

"Dad, moms are going to be upset~" Olivia giggled as she said this. She was 2 years old but was very smart, and understood 1 or 2 things, at least she knew her dad shouldn't kiss any woman.

Theo rubbed his daughter's hair and smiled. Yes, he was indeed in trouble, but he had already warned them about it and they agreed, although they would only accept Helena after spending time with her and getting to know her better.

From beginning to the end of the kiss, Helena was frozen in place, her eyes were shaped like a heart and she was ecstatic. She still couldn't believe what just happened.

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