Golden Fishery

Vol 2 Chapter 747: .You are the leader (7/10)

  It’s okay. Bladder cancer is a disease that recurs easily, so you just need to treat it again.

  But the problem came. Until now, in mid-July, Omar was still told by the hospital that he needed to wait for the scheduled surgery, and the time was uncertain.

This is more painful. Cancer recurrence is inherently a terrible thing. It is a terrible physical and psychological shock to people. Omar naturally likes to go to the doctor to deal with this matter quickly, but the hospital delays and delays, which is too much. !

  In fact, this cannot be simply blamed on the hospital’s inaction. The Canadian medical system determines that this is the case.

  It is undeniable that compared with other countries in the world, the fairness and transparency of the Canadian health care system is top-notch, but he has a very serious problem, which is the slowness of medical treatment, which is the case in all hospitals.

How slow is   ? According to an authoritative survey report, the average waiting time for Canadian patients from getting a referral issued by a family doctor to receiving in-depth treatment at a major hospital is about 19 weeks!

  Among them, the national average waiting time for CT, B-ultrasound and other examinations is about 5 weeks. For individual items such as MRI, if it is not an emergency, it will take nearly 1 year to wait...

  Of course, if you have a Black Gold Centurion Card, these times can be greatly shortened. Before Winnie did a B-ultrasound, the hospital took less than ten minutes to arrange medical visits and take the film.

  But, with 30 million people in the country, how many black gold centurion cards are there? !

  Qin Shiou knows this matter well. When he returned to China for the first time, he met an immigrant compatriot who had returned to China for medical treatment, and he also changed his first-class cabin to that family. Thus won the favor of Winnie.

  At that time, the immigrant family was a victim of the Canadian medical system. From a certain perspective, Qin Shiou was naturally the beneficiary. Otherwise, how could he and Winnie meet again?

  But Qin Shiou didn’t understand what the rigidity of the Canadian medical system would look like, and what would cause such a situation?

  Hughes sighed when he heard his question and began to explain to him.

  The reason for this situation is the Canadians themselves. Because in Canada, social equity is the foundation of traditional values, and medical equity is related to birth, old age, sickness and death, and it is the top priority of social equity.

  In this way, in order to maintain the principle of fairness, Canada explicitly prohibits private insurance from purchasing health care services covered by provincial government insurance. Medical institutions are public, and there are no private hospitals or “noble hospitals”.

  In Canada, most hospitals are non-profit. Their operating funds are provided by the local government according to the budget, and a considerable part of it is provided by private charities.

  The service items of the hospital are covered by social insurance, and the services of the hospital are not chargeable. The remuneration of doctors is based on the content of their services, and it is determined by the government and the doctor’s association through a negotiation agreement that doctors cannot charge for the services specified by social insurance.

  For Canadian residents, regardless of their income, they can get the same level of basic health care services.

  Even patients who have purchased commercial insurance. Although we have the ability to choose higher standards in terms of ward level, private care, and self-funded medicines, there is no special treatment during the waiting period during inspections and treatments, and there will be no people jumping in the queue in the hospital.

  Hearing here, Qin Shiou smiled and said: "No, this is fake. I took Winnie to the hospital a week ago. I had to queue up, but I took out the Black Gold Centurion Card and I successfully jumped in."

  Although this is not something worth showing off, it is a fact. Qin Shiou can overthrow Hughes' introduction.

  Hughes blinked. He said incredulously: "It's impossible. The Black Gold Centurion Card only works for private hospitals and private companies. Maria Hospital is a public hospital and does not accept the privileges of the Black Gold Centurion Card at all."

  Qin Shiou opened his hand and smiled: "But that's the truth. At that time, it was an expert named Odom who treated Winnie to the disease...Oh. Sitt, I understand what's going on!"

  Speaking of Odom. Qin Shiou understood what was going on. Maybe the last time he enjoyed the hospital's preferential treatment, it was really not the credit of the Black Gold Centurion, but the credit of a piece of information recorded by the Black Gold Centurion.

Last year he went to Boston to participate in a charity donation event organized by Harvard Medical School in conjunction with major hospitals in North America. At that time, he donated a million dollars. It seems that someone would tell him that he will enjoy all public hospitals in North America in the future. The VIP service was just useless, he forgot about it.

Qin Shiou talked about his donation, and Hughes suddenly realized: "That must be the case, but, oh, man, how many people are as rich as you? We can't even come out with a donation of ten thousand dollars! "

  The two chatted all the way, and soon arrived at the agreed meeting place for the demonstrators, the small wharf.

  More than 200 people participated in the demonstration. The leader was Omar, a middle-aged man with a sad face.

Qin Shiou couldn't bear to see Omar who was sluggish. His impression of this man was a bright smile on his face forever. Now there is no smile at all, only the misery on his face, and the whole person has no spirit. , Like a big withered tree.

  Qin Shiou went up and hugged Omar, patted him on the back and said: "Relax, brother, there is no hurdle in the world that can't be passed. I will help you. You will be able to enter the hospital soon."

  His plan is to use his VIP authority to jump in the line and send Omar to the hospital.

  Assembled, the group of people took the ferry to the pier in mighty force. This time they were so powerful that Hamlet specially prepared a unified T-shirt for attacking the O’Kevel Group.

  The fisherman on the wharf saw so many menacingly disembarking from the boat, and quickly let go, for fear of unsuspecting disaster.

  Qin Shiou finally understood why so many people wanted to take part in the parade and demonstrations, and a large group of people gathered together, the feeling of being a fox and a tiger is very cool.

  In addition to bid farewell to the town, the people who participated in this demonstration came from all over St. John's, because too many families are trapped in the current medical system.

  These people have also received uniform T-shirts mailed by the Hamley Group. Some have been waiting at the gate of the St. John's government, and some are still coming.

  Qin Shiou gave a rough estimate, good guys, this time the Hamley Group has also spent more than a thousand people!

  In addition to the demonstrators, the Hamley Group also invited a number of TV stations. The issue of health care reform and racial discrimination has always been a hot topic in Canada, and many people like to watch it.

Qin Shiou thought he was here to join in the fun, but bid him farewell to the town and asked him to speak on behalf of the team. Hughes also looked at him encouragingly and said: "Qin, you are the leader this time! "

  Qin Shiou is stunned now, why should he speak? Didn’t you say that everyone should work together? Trust? What about friendship? Can you play happily together in the future? (To be continued~^~)

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