Immediately afterwards, more bolide fell.

The sound of whoosh and countless flames flashed in front of them, like a fire from the sky, people can dodge, but horses are most afraid of this kind of fire.

Suddenly, the horses were all neighing, and they kept raising their front hoofs, struggling and roaring.

People were thrown off their horses one after another, rolling in the burning flames on the ground, screaming endlessly.

At this moment, Munch, who was riding a horse and standing in the distance, saw this scene, and his slender eyes were filled with fire, but cold.

Several generals around him angrily said: "These Yan people are really cunning!"

Munch curled his lips faintly.

"I underestimated them."

This does not stop them.

The cavalry soldiers who had already experienced many battles immediately took out a countermeasure. There were cloth bags on the ears of the horses. At this time, the cavalrymen pulled the cloth bags off and blocked the horses’ eyes directly. At this time, no fire light could surprise them.

At the same time, these people took out the cowhide shields from the horsebacks, carried them on top of their heads with one hand, and held the reins in the other, and charged forward vigorously: "Charge!"

The horses couldn't see them, and they wouldn't be frightened anymore. These Chinese people who grew up on horsebacks were able to gallop with one hand in one hand. Soon, the team rushed towards the Peking Tower again.

Knowing that the rocket can only be used once, Luo Qitong did not hesitate, waved his hand to retreat the soldier holding the torch, and immediately said, "Archer, shoot again!"


Once again neatly answered, hundreds of archers stood on the wall, drew their bows and winded their bows, and they heard a dense burst of sharp sounds that seemed to pierce their ears, and countless arrows pierced the sky, like lightning, they were approaching the city. The cavalry soldiers at the gate flew past.

Many people also fell.

But more arrows shot directly on the cowhide shield, and they couldn't hurt them at all.

In a short while, thousands of soldiers from the country were about to rush downstairs.


Several generals around Munch laughed and said, "I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable."

"That's how it is. When their gate is broken, Beiping City will be under our feet!"

"They thought they could really outflank us by getting a few people behind them. With this ability, we won't be afraid of attacking on three sides!"


However, Munch didn't have the slightest smile on his face.

He still looked ahead coldly and said, "It's not that easy."


The people around were taken aback, and hurriedly turned to look at him: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

Munch didn’t answer them, but looked at the front coldly. After the expansion of Beiping City, the city wall was widened several times than before. Standing a little closer and looking at Beiping City, it was almost impossible to see the ends on both sides, as if it stretched endlessly. The Great Wall traverses in front of you.

Especially at this moment, the night was deep, and only the corner of the tower was lit with torches, so they could only see the area.

The city walls extending into the night on both sides seemed to blend into the night, without seeing anything.

But at this time, Munch had an animal-like sharpness.

He suddenly said: "On both sides of the tower!"

"Huh?" The surrounding generals were taken aback again, looking back at him, thinking about this sentence, and then turning their heads to look forward, only to see the soldiers rushing downstairs about to attack the city, suddenly, they seemed to Hearing any sound, I couldn't stand still.

On both sides of the tower, heavy footsteps were faintly heard in the pitch black night.

The footsteps that made the earth tremble.

The Kuoguo cavalry immediately realized something, and hurriedly stopped, and looked to both sides. In the night, two huge silhouettes slowly appeared on their left and right sides, walking towards them neatly.

It seems that two huge wings are slowly closing.

When those people approached, after a closer look, they turned out to be the cavalry of Yan Guoren!

These cavalrymen were wearing armor, and all the horses were hanging down when they sat down. They held spears and spears in their hands, reflecting a little bit of cold light under the reflection of the fire on the turret.

It turned out that Luo Qitong didn't intend to just stick to it!

This time Munch will mobilize the army to go south, and it is bound to be a desperate battle. If he only intends to close the city gate to defend the city, he will always be beaten. In addition, the palace has already made arrangements to let a team of people from Yanshan. The ancient road detoured to move behind them. In this way, Luo Qitong would have to completely restrain Munch’s men who attacked the city.

Well, just being beaten is not enough.

It must be confronted to completely contain him.

Therefore, he made preparations early. When he predicted that the Kuomen would definitely put the main attacking force on the northeast corner, he strengthened the gate here, and at the same time mobilized a large number of people and placed them near the northeast. The gates on both sides of the corner.

As soon as the war on this side starts and it is confirmed that neither side has been attacked, the cavalry on both sides will immediately leave the city and gather from both sides to the middle!

This is the same, it is an outflank tactic!

As soon as they saw these cavalry appear on both sides, Lao Guo's cavalry was also taken aback, but these soldiers who had experienced many battles immediately calmed down.

Especially behind him, there was a sound of drums.

It was Munch who ordered the drummer to change his style, and upon hearing this drumbeat, the soldiers below immediately understood that this was an order for them to change their formation!

Therefore, under the order of the drums, a group of cavalry soldiers immediately assembled under the city. They were divided into two columns directly according to the city gate as the central axis. Moreover, their number was much larger. After being divided into two columns, Like two thick and firm shields, they even formed an arc, wrapping up the battle formation from both sides.

With the rush of the drums, they also raised their long swords and yelled at their opposing battle formations.


For a time, two people and horses fought around, like swords tit-for-tat, rushing towards each other in a roar.

The night that was already noisy and uncertain, at this time, it was like a thunderstorm, which thundered directly from the top of the sky and hit this piece of land stained with countless blood.

Four people and horses collided together.

The man roared and the horse hissed.

The people who hit the first wave were immediately knocked into flight. Whether they were from Kuo Kuo or Yan Kuo, they fell from their horses and even screamed before they were trampled by the horse's hoof behind them.

However, the soldiers behind were still not afraid.

At this time, only fighting hard can they have the hope of survival.

Blood and dust flew up in the dark night together, and everyone was blushing in the melee.

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