“It’s Rigon. What’s your last name?”

“I don’t have a castle.”

At that, the male student looked at him with a slightly startled expression.

“Ah…were you not a nobleman?”


He smiled softly and tapped Rygon’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of ignoring it or doing that at all. It’s rather amazing.

“Um, is that so?”

“That’s right. They say that it’s stupid to ask for a background here by living your mouth. You have to prove it with your skills.”

Lygon thought he was a good guy and laughed together.

“More than that, where are you from? I’m curious, can you tell me who recommended you?”

“Oh, I’m from Calderic. I’m not from Seintea…”

Rigon replied casually, but the smiling boy’s face suddenly hardened.


In an instant, the eyes of the students sitting in the classroom turned to the two of them.

They also looked at Rigon with a look similar to that of a male student.

“That’s right. Haha.”

The male student, who gently removed his hand from Rigon’s shoulder, shut his mouth.

Rigon started talking to him, but realized that he was frightened and quit.

“…Did you just hear that? Calderik.”

“Really, people come from there too…”

The surrounding students murmured in the slightly heavy, submerged air.

Rigon didn’t know it well, but for the people of Seintea, this is the image of Calderik.

A land where the only dragon on the continent reigns as the ruler, a land of harsh and ruthless strongholds.

For the young nobles who grew up in the greenhouse, it was enough to become an object of vigilance and fear.

Did I just say something useless?

Rigon, who got a sense of the atmosphere later, scratched his head.

It didn’t seem like it was going smoothly from the start.


The first class was a class on the basic composition of magic. About the release of magical power and the development of magic.

Simply put, it was a detailed exploration of the processes that were applied to unleashing all magic.

“In other words, there is essentially no fixed form of magic. Teaching the image of each individual by explaining it in words is a little less foolish than teaching a goblin magic. But why does a class like this exist? Do you think there is any meaningful learning in this class?”

Professor Loquel looked at the male student in the front seat as if to answer.

“Uh, that’s what it is…”

The male student was embarrassed and only stuttered, but did not answer a word.

I scratched my chin as I watched the scene. Of course, it was a question I didn’t know the answer to.

The professor’s eyes turned to the other students.

“To learn the theory that is common to all techniques….”

“That’s what I’m going to study hard in the next theoretical magic class. Next.”

Other students continued to answer, but no correct answer came out.

The professor’s gaze reached me as well, so I pretended to be a little worried and answered confidently.

“I do not know.”

The professor looked away again without any reaction.

This time, his gaze turned to the girl sitting in the window seat. Leah Heriwin.

She opened her mouth and answered without a sign of concern.

“I don’t think it makes any sense.”

Only then did I see a slight change in the professor’s expression in response to that answer.

“Why do you think so?”

“Because I’ve already fully understood and accepted the form of my rite. So, at least for me, it’s a meaningless class. As for the rite.”

The professor smiled and nodded.

“Then, would you mind answering what it might mean to other students besides you?”

She glanced around once and said.

“As I said before, magic is essentially intangible. Therefore, there is a possibility that inexperienced wizards who are not yet fully aware of their magic may accept the form of the magic in a different and more suitable way. I think of it as a confirmation class, so it may be meaningful to some, and it may be meaningless to others for reasons other than me.”

The answer is as smooth as flowing water.

Looking at the professor’s reaction, it seemed that the correct answer was correct.

I chewed on those words carefully, then realized it.

‘Ah… is that so?’

The wizard, who taught me when I was learning magic at the Monarch Castle, tried to explain to me the various types of magic in words as much as possible.

It must have been because I expected that there would be a possibility that I could perceive and accept the technique differently, as she just said.

The professor scratched her chin and asked Leah Herwin again.

“At what point did you fully understand the magic?”

“I recognized it as soon as I started learning magic.”

“You’re born. Did you all listen to what I just explained?”

He tapped the table and continued.

“Since the formula is intangible, there is a possibility that it can be accepted differently. It is a good opportunity. This class is a basic class that exists only in the first year, designed to show you as much as possible that it is an opportunity.”


“As you can see, the reason is very simple. Anyone who hears it can understand it. But only one answered the question. Even the student who didn’t need this class in the first place, and the least need to know what the reason is. . How did this happen?”

The students were silent.

“The reason is also simple. It’s because I didn’t think of it myself. I’d just do what I was told and do. I’d have encountered and memorized a lot of techniques that were plausibly expressed in text or pictures. Without questioning why.”

I nodded.

I didn’t even have any questions, I just did what I was told.

“Of course, that way, your skills will also develop. If you have talent and effort, you can become a good enough wizard. But the essence of magic is to explore. Every little question and every curiosity. Also, it is the product of such quests by many wizards. If you follow the path that others have told you to be comfortable with, you will become just that.

When most of the students made strange expressions, the professor’s face seemed to have lost steam.

“Someone would think like this right now. It’s great or what, it’s not that I don’t want to devote my whole life to magic, but they say strange things. That’s right. Those who do it in moderation just do that. Learn in moderation, focus on schooling in moderation, and just enough to not be expelled from school in moderation. Work hard and graduate in moderation. I don’t really care for those half-hearted people, so I hope my words have been a little bit of advice to those who aren’t.”

The professor glanced at the time.

“I’ll finish the first class like this. Take a break for the rest of the time. There is no custom, so you can just disband as it is when the class is over. Hopefully you haven’t fully understood the rules yet.”

The professor walked out of the class and spoke one last time.

“Tomorrow’s face-to-face battle isn’t a class that only talks about words like this class, so prepare well and come.”

After he left, the classroom was silent for a while, and then the atmosphere was relaxed.

I looked at the heir in the front seat as I heard the professor’s strict personality, that it was going to be difficult, and that some students were chattering.

“Isn’t that a bit unlucky to say?”

“Kah, Ka-Ann. Professor, you can’t talk like that.”

Her friend, a female student, panicked and stopped the heir.

Still, the impression of the class itself wasn’t bad, and there was a funny smile on the face of the heir.

It was a good thing because it would be difficult if I suddenly hit everyone and leave because it was boring.


The next class was a theory magic class.

The professor in charge was a relatively younger woman than Professor Locale.

“My name is Professor Marind Philistia, who is in charge of the theoretical magic class. My major is detoxification magic. If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.”

No students asked questions.

“If not, let’s start class right away.”

Theoretical magic was literally related to the theory of magic.

The study of finding commonalities in techniques with infinite forms and expressing them visually. A collection of hard work and wisdom that countless wizards have organized and developed over a very long period of time.

The sorcerer who taught me when I was learning magic at the castle used this analogy.

‘If the magic is the body, then the theory can be said to be a weapon like a sword or a spear. If recognizing and accepting the magic is to train the body itself, then applying the theory to it is like grabbing a weapon.’

However, the weapon that suits each person is different.

For some a sword is best, for others a mace is best, for others a whip is best.

Therefore, he said that the reason to learn the theory is to constantly explore which theory is most suitable for you, and to increase the proficiency of weapons by applying the regularity to the formula.

Archmage’s creation of completely new magic that did not exist in the world is also largely based on theory.

‘But it’s terribly difficult.’

Magic theory was a quality other than the feeling of magic.

But it was also difficult for me.

Because this theory is really like studying math.

Mathematics was the subject I gave up early in high school.

Professor Marind looked around the students and said:

“It would be appropriate to divide it into four people. Now, have four close people sit together right now. My class will be conducted in a group format.”

group class? do you do it that way

I immediately thought it was a good thing.

If people who are close to each other form a team, I’m in a group with the successor.

“Um, no. I’ll just have to break them down in order of attendance. Everyone sit back.”

But the professor suddenly changed his words when he saw the students chattering.

Oh, just do it.

“Aria Mancaste, Andy Grimit, Osilia Troane…”

Unfortunately, there was no successor to the group I belonged to.

Instead, there was one unusual guy, and Leah Heriwin was in the same group as me.

“The topic of the first class is fire magic. I will share the material from now on, so please try to solve the problem I write on the blackboard by applying the theory presented in the material. I’m going to teach it this way. I’ll give you 30 minutes.”

As I skimmed through the handouts of materials and the problems on the blackboard, I could already feel my head getting messed up.

Fire magic that belongs to the most basic of elemental magic.

Of course, it was a magic that I could easily spread now, but the theory was another story.

Because magic theory was also a science that applied various basic forms of magic.

“Hey… what should I do?”

One of the crew spoke up.

The eyes of the members, including myself, were naturally focused on one person. To Leah Heriwin.

She, who was reading the material, glanced at us and said:

“You have to share it.”

“Yeah, yes. But I think we should start by discussing how to solve it…”

“You don’t have to. I’m done with the interpretation.”

After that, she scribbled something on a piece of paper and showed it.

“It’s a problem that can be solved like this. I’ll share the part to be calculated, so let each of us calculate it. Do you have any disagreements?”

The members of the crew shook their heads with their mouths wide open.

I was surprised inside too. It’s only been a few minutes since you received the data, but you’ve just solved the problem on your own?

‘You’re a real genius.’

Leah immediately divided the calculation formulas on four pieces of paper, and took the formula that seemed the most difficult at first glance, and gave the rest to us.

Now that the analysis is complete, each person only calculates and sums them up to solve the problem.


I scribbled my pen on the paper and counted my share diligently.

But it wasn’t very smooth.

Even this simple calculation is because I am not used to it as a beginner.

I was confused about the sign interpretation, so I recalculated from the beginning and did the calculation again several times because the expected value did not come out…

As I was struggling like that, all the other members of the crew had finished their calculations and were looking at me.

‘Are you a little embarrassed?’

For a moment I wondered what I was doing here.

In my focused gaze, I silently continued my calculations.

“Five minutes left. Organize it slowly.”

Leah asked me with a look of absurdity at the professor’s words.

“Aren’t you done yet?”

I nodded.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it in five minutes.”

She looked at my paper.

He glanced at the grim traces of grass on the paper, and looked at him with contemptuous eyes.

“········· I wonder how you got into admission.”

Thankfully she snatched my paper and started counting herself.

Then, I finished the calculation in an instant, and then I collected the rest of the papers and wrote a long commentary in one place.

I looked at the scene and thought to myself.


Now that I’m in the same group as this guy, I wondered if the theory class could be moderated in the future.


After the theory class, it was lunch time.

There were two classes in the morning and one or two classes in the afternoon based on the lunch time at noon.

It wasn’t as tight as I thought, but it wasn’t that spacious as the class was 90 minutes long.

‘Now… well.’

I looked at the heir leaving the class with a friend and wondered if I should pretend to know, but I ran out of time.

Why does eating with a sixteen-year-old child feel more difficult than fighting the Black Sea Empress?

It was also because I was more cautious than necessary.

It was very important to build a relationship with the heir, so there was a sense of pressure from the beginning not to ruin it.

We decided to skip lunch, and after the afternoon class, we decided to talk to each other.

I went to the restaurant and met Lee Gon.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included in the tuition fee, so there is no private expense.

“How was the class? I think there’s a lot to learn about magic.”

“Well, I guess it’s just audible.”

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