‘I’m not expecting you to know something already.’

I didn’t expect much that she would have figured out something with the speck of clues I had known. It was something that had to be done at the bottom.

When I asked Amyoung to collect information, I told him to return to report within a year at the most.

I wanted to make the cycle shorter if possible, but having to go back and forth over a long distance would also hinder my activities.

So, I pulled it off as long as I could, and I wouldn’t want to come back early, so I had to think that there was still a lot of time left before I came back.

If you enter the academy, outside activities are difficult.

So it would have been better to check how well Amyoung is currently doing before that.

I took out the thing I had stolen from the shadow before.

An ancient magic tool that indicates the direction of a branded target.

I had this ring branded on Amyoung and threatened to collect information.

Even now, a faint light was emanating from the ring, pointing in one direction.

‘I don’t know how far it is.’

Still, no matter how far away it was, it wouldn’t take a terribly long time. Because there is a belt.

As an idea came to mind, I was ready to leave immediately to deal with it.

Since Ashel has not yet returned, I was alone without a companion for a long time.


It had been more than ten days since the ring had moved along the light pointed to by it.

As expected, the shadow was in the direction of Saintea beyond Calderic, and the distance was considerable.

‘here is······.’

I was puzzled and looked down at the endless bushes below.

This forest was a huge forest located outside the realm of Seintea. There is no specific name

The curious reason is that, beyond this forest, the sea ended in a wilderness where there was nothing on the map.

I don’t even know how she’s doing her research, but… it’s hard to guess what she’s doing in such a remote place.

‘Isn’t it possible that we’re not doing a proper investigation?’

As long as you have the ring, you must know better than anyone that there is no way out of me.

In the meantime, there was also a little bit of uneasiness.

Because he knew someone who would live in the depths of this nameless forest.

‘Witch Curel.’

Of course, Lhasa’s strong men were not all continentally famous.

There were also many reclusive powers whose names were not well known to the public for various reasons.

Among them, the witch Curel was a considerable name, and once it was as strong as the Five Stars of Seintea.

The setting was that he had been stuck in this forest for decades and only studied magic, so of course it would still be there.

There is nothing in the game, so I do not know the detailed background of her.

All I know is that she is an eccentric sorceress who used to be called a witch in the past.

The fact that he was confined to such a forest and researching magic alone was the part that knew him well.

‘In this vast forest, we will never meet…’

What was disappointing was that the shadow was located in the direction of this forest.

I couldn’t help but think that I probably didn’t come here for the purpose of being a witch.

After a while, that prediction became a reality.


I let out a small sigh.

It was because he could feel the presence of a huge magical power gradually from afar.

The ring’s light was pointing in the direction of the magical power, and it had been leaning downwards slowly and very little by little for a while.

It clearly means that the shadow is here.

And there was only one reason to feel the magic in this forest where no one could live.

‘Is that the witch’s realm?’

Seeing the magic power spread over a wide area, I thought it might be a barrier.

The shadow must be within that barrier. Did he really come here to meet the witch?

“Let’s go down.”

once it came down to the ground.

As I got off the back of the dragon, I looked at the other side of the forest where I could feel the magical power in my thoughts.

Should I go into this or not?

The witch Curel was not sure if he was a villain, but he was definitely a monster.

There was no way to greet you with your arms wide open when you entered the all-you-can-eat realm.

But the worries were short-lived.

It felt like I was having a hard time buying it, but I couldn’t just come back here.

“Wait here for a moment.”

I said while stroking the neck of the thief.

The witch Curel was a strong man on the same level as the Archmage of Seintea. It was probably level 92 or something.

Even though it was dangerous on my own, I was confident that I could somehow protect myself, but he could only be a burden for nothing.

As I went into the forest alone, the energy of magical power gradually grew.

After entering in earnest within the mysterious magical barrier, there was a strange silence around them.

Perhaps because of the barrier, I looked up at the sky that seemed to have gotten even more cloudy, and continued to take a stride.

It was a moment later that a voice of unknown origin resounded.

– Who the hell are you?

The voice of a young woman, as if caught in noise.

It’s the witch Curel.

I stopped walking, looked around and opened my mouth.

“Who are you like that? Are you the wizard who spread this barrier?”

There was no need to buy boundaries by pretending to know me uselessly, so I asked in a casual tone.

After a moment of silence, the voice rang again.

– Answer the questions. who are you For what purpose did you come into this forest?

“There was probably a woman in this barrier, or she passed it. I came here after her.”

– ·········.

“I don’t know who you are, but that’s all you need. Do you know where the person I was talking about is?”

Then suddenly a sigh was heard, and these words came back.

– What’s the deal with that bitch Freon?

Freon was the name of the shadow.

After all, was the witch acquainted with the shadow? Looking at the names they call, it doesn’t seem like we’re on good terms.

– You’re right here. What’s your relationship with her?

– I ask the question, intruder. If you want to save your life, answer me without ever touching my heart.

I shook my head and said.

“We have no reason to fight. As I said, all I want is Freon. She’s my prisoner. So if she’s not important to you, give it to me, and if not, I’d like you to explain why.”

Then, suddenly, the magic around me flowed and hit me. It was not a physical attack.

I had felt a similar sensation in the ruins of Cabolissa, so I immediately recognized what it was.

“It’s useless. Psychic magic doesn’t work for me.”

Then the magic fluctuated once again, and this time the attack magic flew in.

I opened the floating curtain and blocked the blades of magical power that came from all directions.


Now that I see it, this barrier was nothing like the realm of a witch. In a very literal sense.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the witch is so far away that you can’t even feel it.

I wondered if such a thing was possible, but it was a useless question because I was a novice to magic in the first place.

Well, since I have been living here for a long time, there must be a lot of equipment that I have prepared.

‘Still, there is nothing dangerous.’

An attack like this doesn’t even get scratched by the floating curtain that can block the power of the thunderbolt.

The witch’s attack stopped only after the entire area was completely devastated.

I removed the veil and said,

“Pushing with fire power doesn’t work either.”

Standing still and blocking all attacks, the witch looked a little embarrassed.

There was no reaction for a while, but this time around me, magical energy gathered around me as to what I was going to do again.

Seeing the magic that was formed in the form of a curtain as if to be confined inside, I immediately jumped out into space.

“Stop it in moderation. Your power cannot subdue me.”

– ······okay. As you can see, it seems I don’t think it’s magic, but what the hell is it?

“Wouldn’t it be nice to just draw attention to each other? Just tell us where Freon is.

The witch replied with a snort.

– Awkward? That’s funny. There is nothing you can do in this barrier. Keep wandering the road and try to crawl.

Perhaps it was her sarcasm or a witch who appeared with an uncooperative attitude.

It was enough to ignore the witch and follow the light of the ring, but seeing what she was saying, it seemed that that would also interfere.

A witch would be able to perform a lot of weird magic here and there. Even if it didn’t work for me directly, it could have been enough to make me get lost or to divert Freon to another place.

‘You’re annoying.’

I raised my supersensory to the maximum, and thoroughly scanned the presence of the witch’s magical powers.

Waves of magic that spread out in a clutter as if deliberately trying to confuse the senses.

In the middle of it, I could feel the magical thread that was faintly connected to the far side.

I was sure that direction was where the witch was, and fixed my gaze on that side.

“If you think I don’t know your location, you’re wrong. Are you there?”

– ·········!

There was no answer returned. It was obvious that he was confused by not seeing it.

I spoke to the silent witch in a slightly toxic voice.

“Hey, wizard. As I said, there’s no reason for us to fight. I apologize for coming into your realm all of a sudden. But the person you’re looking for is inside this barrier, so you can’t wait for them to come out, can you?”

I had no intention of having a fight with the witch, so I bowed down moderately.

The wizards didn’t get along very well with me. Even if we went to visit him like this, it would be difficult to prepare a defense magic and wait.

Of course, the witch had no way of knowing that fact, so she would not be able to ignore my words as long as the location was specified.

-·······The minimum manners you have are to inform you when setting up.

Soon, magical energy gathered in the air in the form of an arrow and pointed in one direction.

The witch’s words only sounded like she was trying to save face, so I smiled inside and thanked her.

“Thank you.”

– But what do you mean by prisoner?

“It’s nothing. I just got caught trying to get information about me like a mouse.”

I asked the witch.

“Can you tell me what your relationship with Freon is? I’m curious.”

The witch bit her tongue and answered.

– No relationship. I owed him a small debt in the past, and he came all the way here with a debt he had already paid off and made a strange request.


– I want you to erase the magic imprint on your body. Now I see it was because of you. What kind of monster the damn bitch has brought into my dwelling.

The witch grumbled.

Only then did I understand exactly why Amyoung had come to this place. Was it also to get away from me?

A witch might have thought that she would be able to erase the engraving of the ring because she was well versed in magic.

– It was locked in the direction you just pointed out, so take it out. I hope you never come here again.

At the end of those words, no more voices could be heard.

I didn’t even have to ask the witch any more, so I moved on.

After moving for a while in the direction of the shadow, a cave appeared.

The place where the witch locked up the shadow seemed to be in a cave. There was a sign that I could feel from the inside.

At the entrance of the cave, there was a veil with magical power, but as it got closer, it disappeared by itself as if the witch had disarmed it.

As I entered through the entrance, I soon found someone lying squashed on the other side of the cave.


Amyeong, who had her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes and found me and got up in shock.

It was no joke that he had been locked up in a cave for quite some time.

I looked at her sadly and opened my mouth.

“Come out, Amyeong.”

Amyoung cautiously approached me.

As she rolled her eyes and looked me in the eye, she smiled and spoke in a barely-sufficient tone.

“You came to save me, Seven Lords? Thank you. Did you kill the wizard?”

I was absurd at that arrogance.

I hope I don’t even know what the situation is.

“You’re safe, wizard. I’ve heard that you came here to erase the engraving of the ring.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Amyeong fell flat on her stomach and put her forehead on the floor.

“Please save me just once, Seven Lords.”

I clicked my tongue and asked.

“How long has the investigation been so far?”


“Have you not done anything?”

“I have committed a deadly sin. In the future, I will not make any modifications, and I will do my best to collect information.”

It wasn’t to the point where I was craving for a back goal because I had little expectations in the first place, but I sighed.


“Yes, my lord. Please order.”

“You see that over there?”

I pointed to the drooping spider web on one side of the cave ceiling.

A single insect was stuck in the spider’s web.

“Yes, I see.”

“That’s who you are now. Do you really think you’ll be able to get away from me by erasing that engraving?”

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