If they were going to surrender anyway, there was no reason for them to suffer like that without giving them a break.

“Your Majesty, may I ask what purpose you are giving the order of the Hui-gun?”

Longford continued.

“Just in case.”

Masto, who understood the meaning of those words, let out a small sigh.

“If you do… your Majesty.”

“I will remain here until everything is sorted out. Just go ahead and lead the soldiers.”

The envoy of surrender to the enemy camp and the messenger ran to the vast plain on the other side on horseback.

About half a day had passed and the sun was rising in the middle of the sky.

boo woo woo.

The sound of a huge horn rang out several times in the entire fortress.

Longford, who climbed up the wall with the commander in confusion, saw the landscape unfolding before his eyes.

“I, the enemy…”

Kashol’s army is slowly advancing towards the fortress with the Black Sea Empress’s insect forces at the fore.

Longford closed his eyes tightly.


Kashol’s direct attack on this fortress is different. It was a heavy burden for Kashol as well.

The existence of a hero who does not know when to break the hermit, and the declaration made by the 7th lord at the meeting.

Besides, I don’t know if Seintea was aware of this in advance, but the fact that the Eighth Lord has been brought in will put a lot of pressure on Kashol.

In the midst of this, instead of just accepting surrender and entering without blood, attacking the fortress directly like this was a cost they had to bear later in many ways.

But in the end, this was their choice.

Was this Kashol’s will, or was Kashol merely a puppet of the Black Sea Empress?

“Unleash the amplification magic.”

Longford, who opened his eyes again, gave an order to the wizard standing nearby.

He drew his sword and shouted loudly at the soldiers preparing for battle.

“All soldiers, listen! This is the last message from Longford Bamon, the king of Earth Hill!”

“What the Eighth Lord of Calderik wants is the annihilation of this fortress! Currently, the Eighth Lord is directly seated in the enemy camp with her forces, and even though he has announced his intention to surrender, he has no intention of accepting it!”

“So, open the back door and let the people out of the fortress as much as possible until the enemy arrives! The same goes for the soldiers! Those in need, escort them and get out together! It’s not an honorable thing! It will be a massacre!”

When I said this up, everyone had a blank expression on their faces.

Abandon the fortress and run away? Those were the words that came directly from the mouths of their monarch and no one else.

“But those who will remain remain! To gain even a little time to evacuate, those who will die and fight to the end, prepare for battle immediately! It is not a meaningless death! Jim will also remain in the fortress and fight to the end!

In the midst of a quiet silence, after a while, a huge shout erupted from the soldiers.

“Unfold the Mercury!”

“Fight with His Majesty to the end! We are the warriors of the Guardfalk!”

No one ran away in fear as if it was so natural.

Only the minimum number of people to lead the people move to the residence.

Commander Masto and his aides looked at Longford with dark faces.

It seemed that their monarch had already established this site as his tomb.

But he couldn’t say anything.

What can you say? Can you please reconsider? From now on, do you want to run away leaving the soldiers who will die and fight desperately?

As long as the situation was like this anyway, they wouldn’t want to miss King Longford as much as they did.

coo coo.

As the sound of the earth grew louder, a huge force approached as if swallowing the fortress.

Eventually, with the fortress in front of them, the advance stopped.

In the midst of it, the king of Kashol walked forward with his escorts.

“King Longford! Even after giving him a chance, did he choose to fight to the end?”

Longford also stared at him and answered, standing on the wall.

“It’s very detestable. The intention to surrender must have already told you.”

“Are you out of your mind? I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s already too late. Gadfalk Fortress will be destroyed because of your stubbornness.”

Longford didn’t raise an eyebrow and nodded coldly.

“We will fight and die here today, but the choice to intervene in the Lord of Calderic will lead to Kashol’s destruction.”

King Kashol snorted and raised his hand.

Black waves rushed towards the fortress.


When he heard of Kashol’s invasion, Tayr was in a city other than the capital’s royal castle.

It was not a simple invasion, but an invasion of force majeure that even involved the 8 monarchs.

When he heard the news, the first thing that Taylor thought of was the words the 7th Lord had left before him.

One day, when you are faced with an unmanageable crisis, ask yourself for help.

But it was too late. It was the yard where the enemy immediately attacked the front yard of the kingdom.

He slept after asking for help and sent a messenger to the 7th Lord’s Order, and by the time they arrived, it would have been over, and the 7th Lord would have heard the news sooner or later, so it meant nothing.

Having moved straight to the capital, Tayr learned that his father had already left for Fort Gadfalk, and followed him and led reinforcements to Prince Lucas.

Tayr also followed them and headed for the fortress.

What was the meaning of one of them heading to the fortress, but it was not done because it was meaningful.

On the fifth day after leaving the capital, just before reaching the fortress, Tyr was able to catch up with the capital’s reinforcements.

“·········Tair? Why did you come all the way here?”

“So, why is your brother leading the army?”

“Of course, it is your Majesty’s order. Didn’t you hear the situation of Gadfalk Fortress properly?”

“No, really, that’s what your father gave you. Your father had already gone to the fortress, so there’s no way he could have had you lead the reinforcements, right?”

Luke couldn’t answer and just frowned.

“Your brother is your dogma. No matter how worried you are about your father.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“I’m sure. I’m not in a situation where I can tell my brother this and that.”

It was when the two brothers were having a snowball fight for a while.

“Your Majesty, the messenger!”

A soldier on horseback came to them and delivered Longford’s messenger.

After reading the messenger, Lucus let out a small sigh.

“Immediately return to the capital and return to the capital… What is this?”

Something unusual was felt by the messenger, whose intention was unknown.

The distance to Gadfalk Fortress is now only about half a day.

What the hell is going on in the fortress right now?

“Your Majesty, this is…”

Turning to Lucus, who was in trouble, Taylor said.

“Brother, please return to the capital even now. I will go to the fortress.”

“Say nonsense.”

“You don’t know when you see this messenger. If even your brother goes wrong, what should the royal family do?”

“There is Ragmas, there is a tax collector, and Uncle Durak is also at the castle. Now, we should not worry about the royal family, but about the safety of our father. Are you still asking me to go back?”

“Why do you take it like that again?”

“Don’t argue any further. I’ll have to see the situation in the fortress with my own eyes.”

Seeing Lucas who seemed to have finally made up his mind, Taylor let out a small sigh and got on the horse again. And stuck close to him.

“I will go too.”

“You don’t even need to go to the fortress. Go back to the capital.”

“No. You can’t even interfere with my actions.”

Luke sighed and said nothing more. Even if I left it, it was obvious that I would keep chasing you anyway.

He shouted as he turned to the soldiers around him.

“·····················································I take all responsibility!


stinky smoke. bloody blood. tearing blast. Desperate shouts, shouts, and screams.

“Stop! Enemies are trying to focus their attacks on the North Gate!”

“Unfold the defense barrier! If it penetrates to the inner wall, it’s all over!”

In that chaos and frenzy, everyone resisted desperately.

The soldiers pierced the bugs that climbed up the wall, and the knights took charge of the strong individuals as they roamed the fortress walls. The wizards formed a line from the rear and alternated between defensive and offensive magic.

As the worms climbed up the walls, Kashol’s forces tried to break through the gates, and waterborne weapons bombarded them non-stop.

However, it was a battle that did not come to fruition in the first place. both numerically and qualitatively.

It was an instant when the battle lines were broken and the forces were rushing into the defense by a mixture of insects and humans coming from all directions.


Longford slashed the worm that was chewing on a soldier’s head and wiped the fluid from his eyes.

It seemed that the muscles of his face were hardened, perhaps due to poison, and the field of vision in one eye gradually darkened.

He immediately used the healing magic and let out a tired breath.

I looked around. The sight of the knights facing the giant mantis monster was cut in half.

I could see a wizard falling down with a spear that flew in from afar while spreading his magic, and soldiers falling down along with a wall that had been destroyed in the bombardment.

I saw people being eaten by some insects that broke through the defense and invaded the inside of the fortress. They were civilians who could not get out and ran away from the wall. I saw a woman who was torn to death while blocking insects with her whole body to protect the child.

It was a sight that had been forgotten for a long time, drenched in false peace.

The army of the Empress of the Black Sea seen in the distance was still vast as if it would cover the whole land.

Longford knew. If she had attacked properly, the fortress would have been destroyed at the same time.

Maybe it meant to try as hard as possible, or because only a small amount of power was sent now, it was something that could survive.

Of course, that didn’t change that the situation was the worst. At this rate, it was only a matter of time for the fortress to be captured.

A shout echoed in Longford’s ears as he was about to move his creaking body again.

“·······The capital’s reinforcements!”

The capital reinforcements are breaking through the enemies with the western wall and entering the fortress.

Longford looked at the scene and muttered in a groaning voice.


It must have been said that you should not set foot in the fortress and return to it.

“Open the gates! We will protect you!”

The morale of the soldiers rose momentarily as the reinforcements appeared.

After tearing apart the enemies, they completely entered the fortress and entered the war in earnest.

“Where is your Majesty?”

“It’s the northern wall!”

“Make a way! Go ahead and protect your Majesty!”

Lucas and Taylor advanced towards the northern wall. He proceeded by chopping off the creeping bugs.

A few giant bugs approached them. The knights who were covering them were divided and dealt with them.


At that moment, the tentacles wielded by the worm wrapped around Lucus’ body.

Tyr, who jumped right in, swung his sword and cut off the tentacles.

Luke, who fell and rolled on the floor, raised his head and shouted.



A huge magic bomb flew from somewhere and hit the place where they were.

Taylor’s body, which had been deflected by the shock wave, floated to the outside of the castle wall.


As he fell, Lucus managed to catch him.

Insects flocked towards them, who were barely hanging on the edge of the wall. The surrounding soldiers, who were trying to stop it, exploded together with insects in the bombardment that flew in again.

“Turn it off….”

A tinnitus rang in my head. His left ear was deaf, possibly due to a ruptured eardrum.

After barely getting out of range, Rookus managed to regain his balance and lifted Tails.

The two brothers sat down for a moment to catch their breath and looked around the battlefield.

Amidst the piled up of broken debris and corpses, insects and humans mix and kill each other and kill each other.

It was truly mountain hell. If I saw the magyeong that I had only heard of in words, I thought it would be a similar scenery.

Even with the addition of reinforcements, the situation was only a little breath-taking.

Luke’s, holding the sword’s hilt tightly, opened his mouth softly.

“If it isn’t now, I don’t have time to apologize to you anymore.”

Taylor turned to Lucus.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden, brother?”

“Now, what does it all mean, and what do you want to believe in you… I’m sorry, Taylor. Me and my brothers really didn’t know anything.”

At that, Taylor was silent.

A story of the past that no one has ever tried to bring out of their mouths until now.

Lucas, his brothers, and Tyr are brothers with different ships.

But the bloodline didn’t matter.

They had been close since childhood, and they truly cared for each other, and they were brothers with the deepest friendship than anyone else.

Until the day when Lucus’ biological mother, Queen I, attempted to poison Tyr.

Taylor was a genius.

If it was swordsmanship, it was swordsmanship, if it was magic, it was magic, and if it was science, there was no talent that was inferior to anything.

Originally, it was common for the eldest son, Lucas, to succeed to the throne, but Taylor’s talent was enough to make the first queen feel a sense of crisis that Taylor could overcome such customs and become successor.

She was the first queen with an unusually high greed for power.

Although he treated his mother with kindness, telling him to treat her as a mother, behind the scenes, he devised a plan to assassinate him.

After drinking poisoned tea, Taylor was lucky enough to be found right away by a servant and saved his life.

Queen 1’s thorough poisoning attempt was also eventually caught and caught.

She was deposed by the enraged King Longford. However, after that incident, the relationship between the brothers could not go back to the way they used to be.

After some time, Taylor left the castle without a word, leaving only a single letter.

“················· That I have never thought of you as not a brother, just because you are not mixed in blood. Not only the tax collectors, but also Ragmas have always treated you bluntly, but their inner feelings would not have been different.”

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