However, since it is a demon seed, the demon who gave power to the principal must have summoned the original horses directly.


The warrior also knew what the purpose of the jewel was.

The hero looked at the jewel for a moment and then destroyed it.

Jewels engulfed in golden energy disappeared in an instant.

The hero who destroyed the jewel moved again and approached Elika.

Elica, who had been looking at Tom, who had lost consciousness, raised her head and looked at her.

The golden light gathered in the warrior’s hand, and the holy sword appeared again.

Heren, who was next to her, was startled by the sudden appearance of her drawing out a sword and blocked Elica’s front.

“Hey, why are you suddenly like this…?”

“It’s fine. I don’t mean to hurt your friend.”

The hero pushed Heren to the side with a gentle hand and stood in front of Elika.

Then he placed his hand on Elika’s crown.


As the holy sword flashed, the divine energy enveloped Elica’s body.

I guessed what the hero was doing. With the power of the Holy Sword, the devil’s seeds must be removed.

Heron looked at the scene with a bewildered face, and Elica looked at her body with a puzzled look.

······· Anyway, this seemed to have settled the situation roughly.

Both the original horse and the demons died, and the two missing people were also safely rescued.

The warrior turned his gaze back to me.

She still has a lot of questions to ask of me, but so was I.

Even if it wasn’t, meeting the hero and talking to him was something he had to do in the future.

I had never imagined a meeting like this, but it was a great opportunity.

“Hero, I want to talk to you.”


Once I got out of the forest, I went back to the monastery.

Returning to the monastery, the priests and paladins were gathered in the backyard with fearful faces.

When they saw us coming out of the forest, they were startled, as if they had seen a ghost.

Almost the entire forest was turned upside down in the battle with the horses, so even the people in the monastery could not be unaware of it.

“······· Tom, Rex!”

“Everyone is safe!”

Some of the nuns saw the children and ran to them.

The Paladins asked Jerel with a bewildered face.

“Sir Jerel… what happened in the forest?”

It was Jerel’s job to explain and organize the situation to the people of the monastery.

Because the abbot was dead, it was impossible to completely hide what had happened.

The fact that the abbot was a contract with the demons, that the demons who gave him power from the forest appeared and attacked him, and fought with the demons like that.

Zerel did not even explain whether the demons were targeting Elika or the original horses. Because I didn’t even need to explain that.

In the first place, the seed of the devil was completely ignorant of which he did not know.

“Wow, the director was a contract with the demons? It can’t be!”

“But it’s true. The kidnapping of children in the forest was also the work of the director’s workhorse.”

He denied it as if people couldn’t believe it.

The director seemed to have a very high level of trust and virtue among the people of the monastery, so it was worth it.

In particular, the priests were the ones who hated and despised the demons more than anyone else.

The fact that the director they trusted and followed was a corrupt person who made a contract with a dirty demon was of course a big shock to them.

“·························································The body of the Abbot is. For more details, the Pope will send more people to investigate, but it is good to take a look.”

Jerel calmed the people down and continued explaining.

A few people looked at the warrior and asked.

“By the way, who is this…?”

When the hero made a slightly perplexed expression, Jerel frowned moderately.

The sky was already dawning.

The atmosphere calmed down, and a few priests took the children to heal.

Jerel went back to the forest with the Paladins and cleaned up afterward, and I went into the monastery building with the hero.

“Sit here.”

I brought the warrior to my room.

Because there was no other suitable place to have a conversation other than here.

The hero glanced around the room once, and sat quietly on the chair. I sat opposite her.

“Let me introduce myself again. I am Ron, the 7th Lord of Calderic.”


The warrior replied briefly.

It was me who said that I wanted to talk, so it seemed like I was just going to listen.

She was not exuding any momentum, but she felt a sense of being overwhelmed just by looking at her. A level of intimidation that cannot be compared with the Overlord.

I put my words together and went straight to the point.

“Did you dispose of the devil seeds that the girl is holding?”

The hero’s eyes narrowed at my question.

There is no one who knows exactly about the Demon Seed except for the Heroes and Raw Horses.

Also, the hero can destroy the devil seeds with the power of the holy sword.

So, among the things she does, she finds and destroys people who harbor demon seeds and protects them from demons.

It was natural to wonder how I knew about them.

“How do you know about him?”

I did not answer that question.

It’s a question I can’t answer, and even if I tell you, I won’t be able to understand.

Instead, he continued to speak.

“Brother, I know what your purpose and aspiration are. And that you don’t have much time left.”


As I continued to say what I had to say without answering the question, she got a little annoyed.

“What do you want to say?”

On the other hand, it looked like he had no idea what I was talking about.

Because the purpose of the hero was something that no one could know except the hero himself, and that he could not tell anyone.

It was a kind of contract and taboo the hero made with the holy sword.

That’s why I’ve been doing everything on my own without anyone’s help until now.



The hero was startled by my next words and opened his eyes wide.

Even when fighting three horses, his expressionless face, which did not blink an eye, cracked in an instant.

I confirmed her reaction and continued.

“You are looking for someone to succeed the Holy Sword. I know that fact.”

Champion (2)

The hero’s face turned into a bewildered face. Her pupils trembled like an earthquake.

It was a natural reaction.

The greatest secret of the Holy Sword that only you should know was that it came out of someone else’s mouth.

The facts related to the succession were a fact that no one on the continent knew, except for the overlords of Calderik, the demon horses, and the warriors.


Suddenly, a huge energy emanated from the hero.

A sense of intimidation close to hostility, but not murder.

Despite the presence of the king’s soul, it was a formidable energy that made my flesh tremble a little. This is the first time

Even the 9-star skill, Soul of the King, doesn’t fully apply to the level 99 hero?


I could feel the warrior’s voice escalated a little.

She said, glaring at me.

“Explain, Seven Lords. How do you know about succession?”

If you don’t answer properly, a chilling force, as if you’re going to be decapitated at any moment, pressed down on the space.

It felt as if he was on a judgment seat surrounded by blades on all sides, but he quickly regained his composure.

Because my purpose was purely to help the hero.

It can be seen that the ultimate goal of the hero and mine is almost identical.

Even if I don’t answer the difficult question, I will only tell the truth, and the hero will know it by his power.

“First of all, let me tell you before the full-fledged story.”

I crossed my arms and made eye contact with the hero.

“How I know about the secrets of the Holy Sword that only you should know, I cannot answer that question.”


“I swear on my allegiance, the reason I can’t answer your question is not because I’m hiding my intentions. Saying it doesn’t mean anything, and you won’t understand my story anyway.”

The warrior’s eyes were slightly distorted.

I wondered if he was thinking what the hell he was talking about. Even so, you will know that all of my words are sincere.

“You sound hard to understand. Answer the question properly. This is not a problem that can be overcome that way.”

“I’m sure. But can’t you just listen to what I’m saying for now?”


“You are completely in control of this position. If there is something that bothers you, you can just cut off my head. Isn’t it too late to listen to the story?”

I deliberately risked my life and spoke loudly.

It wasn’t completely empty, but it was a bluff that he could say because he knew what the character of the hero was.

She never harms innocent people recklessly. So he was a warrior.

I will not threaten with my life or try to cut my throat just because I do not tell the reason to the end.


The hero looked at me with a look of deep agony, and then nodded his head as if to talk.

······done. So far it’s been smooth.

This conversation with the hero is the most important starting point for future plans.

The future will change completely depending on whether you convince her or not.

I put my thoughts back together and started talking.

“As I said earlier, I know about the succession of the Holy Sword.”


“And I also know that you don’t have much time left due to the aftereffects of the battle with the Demon King. So, you must find a successor as soon as possible and inherit the power of the Holy Sword.”

The warrior’s expression seemed to have hardened a little.

Because she was revealing fatal secrets one after another.

But he didn’t open his mouth and just listened quietly. As I said earlier, it was an attitude that he would only listen to my story.

There was nothing to drag on, so I went straight to the point.

“I know who the heir is.”

The hero’s eyes widened at the declaration of my bomb.

She stuttered open her mouth.

“What is that…?”

“As I said. I know who the heir to the holy sword you are looking for.”

Heir of the Holy Sword.

At this point, the Hero knew nothing about the Heir. Race, gender, age, anything.

I just received a revelation from the Holy Sword to find a successor somewhere in the world.

But I know.

Having played Rasa, I knew a lot about the Heir.

That information was the absolute card to persuade the hero in this conversation.

Even now, she was pressed for time and was desperately searching for a successor in her impatience.

“can not believe it.”

It was a word from the hero who had been silent for a while.

“Do you know who the successor to the Holy Sword is?”

Even so, the hero looked quite confused.

‘Cause she’ll know this is the truth

I nodded.

“Yeah, I know.”

“How the hell….”

“I’ve already said that I can’t answer that much.”

“…are you telling me to believe that absurd story without telling me why?”

“You would have to believe it. Don’t you know that I’m only telling the truth without a single lie?”

The warrior looked startled.

“You knew my abilities.”

“Again, it doesn’t matter how I know them. What matters is that I know who the heir of the Holy Sword is, and that it’s true.”

I glanced at the warrior’s expression.

I felt that my composure was definitely more disturbed than before.

Now, the control of the conversation has passed on to me.

“Now you see? I have the information you want more than anything else.”


“And this is not a story I brought up for the purpose of a deal, because there is something I want.”

The hero didn’t seem to understand what I was trying to say yet.

I spoke like a wedge.

“I’ll help you find a successor. That’s the only reason I brought this up to you.”

The warrior stared at me without a word.

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