Yes, just deeply dignified.

  The final trial cannot be compared with common sense.

  The three-headed dragon was convinced that the ordinary youth in front of him was the biggest enemy of this small garden.

  It also clearly remembers the feeling of being torn apart by the opponent's fist.

  To know that his body has the quality of an entire continent, even so, the blow still has to penetrate the limbs.

  Ling Yun rubbed his fist, looked at it, then put it down, and said lightly, "It's pretty hard."

  A body that compresses the mass of an entire continent to several meters, plus the recovery and defense of the final trial, the hardness cannot even break through ordinary divine tools.

  Under normal circumstances, he does not need to use the spirit of words to enhance his power.

  The three-digit abnormal Lingge, the punch just now was enough to shatter the stars, but now it only injured Aziz Dakaha, and even jumped alive.

  "If you don't take it seriously, you may die next."

  Ling Yun said.

  He didn't lie.

  The trial of the witch watching the drama is far more mysterious than the gods imagined.

  If Aziz Dakaha wasn't the final trial, that one blow just now would be enough to make him seriously injured and lose half of his combat power.

  Hearing this, the arrogance of the three-headed dragon began to rise.

  "Even though I am the same devil king, it is ridiculous that hypocritical justice is born." Aziz Dakaha got serious and raised the banner of evil: "This is the end of the matter, and the winner can only be determined by primitive slaughter! Come on, if you successfully cross my corpse, your hypocritical words and justice will be recognized by absolute evil!"

  "My actions have never been approved by others. Those words that stimulate a hot-blooded idiot should be left to others."

  Ling Yun smiled lightly, turning his head to avoid the black shadow.

  Behind him, a lofty mountain peak, the mountainside about [-] meters wide, seemed to be hit by a sharp blade, cut off from the middle and crumbling.

  "Legacy of the Dragon? This means you are starting to get serious."

  Blood is boiling.

  The war in the little garden continues to feed the divinity of war.

  Although the improvement of the God of War Token is not so obvious for the increase of the combat power of more than three digits, it makes Ling Yun's mood more and more high.

  "That's how it feels, Aziz Dakaha, don't let me down too much."


  The three-headed dragon did not speak.

  To deal with this kind of monster, you can only compete with it if you place yourself in the position of the same monster.

  The white-scaled three-headed dragon pointed to the void, and then waved horizontally.

  Suddenly, the shadow blade hidden in the night changed its shape and approached Ling Yun's body at a speed that surpassed that of the third universe.

  The shadow blade storm that hits like a torrential rain, each blow contains the power to seriously injure four figures, or even kill them.

  Ordinary gods, if they can't avoid it, they will definitely be killed.

  There was an invisible barrier around Ling Yun, like a mud cow entering the sea, and like a raindrop falling in the ocean, it just set off waves of ripples.

  A slash of this magnitude was useless to him.

  Then, a brilliant golden sword appeared in his right hand.

  Like a spot of light, golden particles spun around Ling Yun, and the chaotic aura gradually made people feel soft, righteous and bright.

  "Azi Dakaha, you should be familiar with this power."

  While speaking, a violent golden torrent like a falling meteor slammed into the position of the three-headed dragon.

  The violent force distorted the atmosphere, turning kinetic energy into heat, causing the matter in the air to scorch.

  The three-headed dragon only had time to defend, when he heard the crackling sound on the surface of the body, and the orange sparks splashed out continuously, constantly repelling the body of the dragon.

  The wounds that were cut gave birth to more double-headed dragons, but when they first appeared, they were overwhelmed by the golden sword light, and there was never even a chance to scream.

  "How do you have Bahram's godhead equipment?"

  Az Dakaha was a little surprised.

  There are many myths in the little garden, and there is a lot of origin between Emperor Shitian, Indra, and Bahram.

  Because of the changes in human history, the Aryans in the past migrated to ancient Persia and ancient India to settle, and Bahram and Indra were born because of cultural differences.

  From the source, the goddess, Indra, and Bahram are all the same god.

  A former colleague and mortal enemy of Aziz Dakaha.

  "If you want to know, how about defeating me first?"

  Ling Yun raised his sword.

  With the characteristics of Avesta, it is easy to be countered by using the favors of other spirits, but Avesta cannot replicate the world view of Zoroastrianism and human history, so Bahram's power is the most effective way to deal with dragons. .

  Although Ling Yun started the trial, he should be able to solve the battle more quickly.

  But on the one hand, he lost the fun of fighting, and on the other hand, he did not flaunt justice, but shot Aziz Dakaha.

  This is different from last time.

  A gigantic wild boar appeared from the void, slammed into the three-headed dragon by surprise like an open motor train, and smashed it into the air dozens of meters away.

  Bahram, as the war god who once defeated Az Dakaha, plus the human factor of Lingyun's body, naturally has the upper hand.

  While attacking, he flew over Hakoniwa at extreme speed.

  Az Dakaha was also chasing behind him.

  The two monsters sometimes chased each other like two meteors, sometimes collided with each other, and the violent force shattered all the matter, penetrating almost half of the land in the Southern District.

  Their strength is unparalleled, even the gods can only shiver when they see it.

  But no one noticed.

  The distance between the two final trials is gradually approaching the center of the small garden.

Chapter 0191 Changed Future, Bible God Group

  On the other side, the outer gate of the southern district where the war started.

  The main force of the Arcadia Alliance was teleported back by Croa.

  The belief that had not been destroyed by Az Dakaha made them stand up from the grass.

  Everyone's faces were complicated, and they looked like they couldn't speak for a while.

  After all, when he was about to be killed by absolute evil, the scene of being rescued by another demon king was quite dramatic.

  "It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that the devil to save us again."

  As soon as he landed, Croa screamed in surprise.

  "When I was stared at by the three-headed dragon, I felt like I was about to die."

  The power of absolute evil that can force the four-digit god to be born with fear has left a lot of shadows in the heart of Death.

  "Canary, are you okay?"

  Losing her strength, Artoria, who had retreated from a mature form to a young girl, asked with concern.


  The blonde girl in a tattered trench coat shook her head.

  Lingyun even described the weakness of the three-headed dragon in detail, but in the end she still failed.

  Lingyun is her master again, which makes Canary feel shameless.

  "Leeticia, why did Lord Lingyun appear here?"

  "I don't know either."

  Leticia sighed.

  "Before I went to the lower level, he personally said that he would not intervene in the lower level's war, but now... I don't quite understand it either."

  "Don't you even know?"

  Kasugabe Takaaki frowned.

  "Master's secret is not something I can explore at will."

  "I understand."

  It's just a language trap, said Canary, who knew the personality of the great demon king.

  Not interfering in the war between Arcadia and the three-headed dragon does not mean that he will not take action against Az Dakaha.

  "Since God Killer is fighting against absolute evil, then that battlefield is not something I can participate in."

  The Final Trial and the Final Trial of War.

  Those who are slightly weaker in spirit will be smashed by the aftermath as long as they are involved.

  That's not something they can stop.

  "Kasugabe Takaaki, now you will lead the people who can still fight to solve the avatar of Az Dakaha, and those who are injured and unable to fight will go back to cultivate."

  As the alliance's staff, Canary gave orders in an orderly manner.

  The strongest man in Arcadia, Kasugabe Takaaki, although he lost his human spirituality, as a god, his strength has been further improved. If he is only against the avatar of the demon dragon, he is still very powerful.

  Everyone took action.

  While Canary ran to the front line, her emerald green eyes flickered a few times, wondering what she was thinking.

  But for sure.

  The Demon Lord once again saved them, the entire lower level.

  The girl was grateful from the bottom of her heart.

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