These materials have been recorded in the library, so Uesugi Kenshin knows fairly well.

  And it was because of the last battle of Zoroastrianism that the cornerstone of Hakogawa's stable development was laid.

  "So this was once the territory of Zoroastrianism?"

  Ling Yun nodded.

  The myths in the little garden are not much different from the impressions.

  In Zoroastrian mythology, Indra is one of the seven evil gods, a personification of apostasy and apostasy, and the mortal enemy of God Ahura.

  In many myths, Zoroastrianism created a very unique dualistic theory.

  Its religious philosophy believes that good and evil are constantly fighting, and the end will be good and the final victory will be achieved.

  Therefore, the reason for Indra's apostasy is not so much a wake-up call, but rather a destiny.

  Just like the "Ragnarok" in Norse mythology, the gods will eventually have a melee, and eventually all disappear without leaving one.

  Residence, the reason why the Nordic gods moved to Hakoten is to find a way to avoid "Ragnarok".

  "That means Az Dakaha is here too?"

  When it comes to Zoroastrianism, in addition to Indra, there are two other names, Ling Yun is the most impressed.

  One is the undefeated army god Bahram (Weleslana) of the good god camp. After all, the power of Lingyun ten incarnations was usurped from him.

  The other is Az Dakaha.

  One of the seven evil gods of Zoroastrianism representing "evil thoughts", "absolute evil", one of the "final trials of mankind", and one of the strongest godslayers.

  After awakening from the city of flaming flames in the main story, the turmoil caused once made the upper-level gods and Buddhas plan to abandon the small garden.

  "Are you talking about the evil god? Its strength is only average among the four figures, and the god king, who is thinking of his old love, just seals it after the war is over."

  Uesugi Kenshin said.

  "It seems that the group of gods in the little garden created a demon with their own hands."

  Ling Yun smiled lightly.


  Uesugi Kenshin did not understand what the young man meant, and tilted his head to ask questions.

  "Go and see, you will know, the absolute evil that gives you headaches."

  Ling Yun shrugged without explaining much.

  In fact, Zoroastrianism is not a particularly powerful group of gods. At first, Azi Dakaha, the devil who made the main protagonist group into despair, was only a four-digit god among the Seven Evil Gods.

  All power is only in the middle.

  The birth of Zoroastrianism's evil suzerain has nothing to do with Zoroastrianism, and was born in Little Garden as an existence responsible for the other half of the world.

  Light and dark, yin and yang, good and evil, creation and end, male and female.

  Because Hakoniwa is not allowed to build a monism and a monotheistic view of the universe, the woman who was born in order to satisfy the least common multiple of the universe was forced to carry all the negative elements of the dawn of the world, and was forced to accept the position and name of a god. No.

  Destined to fight, she cannot bear her own fate.

  So always cry.

  Crying and fighting, piercing the heart of the challenger, covering his cheeks with blood-stained hands and crying constantly.

  The three-headed dragon that was born to fight could not understand why she was crying as a creator woman.

  If you hate fighting, just stop that behavior.

  Is it sadness for killing an enemy?

  Is it saddening to be "inseparable"?

  Not all.

  The three-headed dragon closed its ruby-colored eyes.

  Even after countless years of star cream, it will not be forgotten.

  The reason for tears from those jewel-like eyes.

  Also, in order to wipe away those tears, even if I bet forever, I have continued to fight with fiery emotions.

  Break the seal.

  An earth-shattering loud noise suddenly came from the three-digit outer door.

  The overwhelming flames made the sky of Hakoniwa turn red.

  In order to fulfill the wish of the Lord of Evil.

  After the first defeat, it once again set foot on the land of Hakoniwa.

  Golden thunder and flames intertwined in the sky, depicting a dazzling and majestic scene.

Chapter 0168 The Three-Headed Demon Dragon Az Dakaha

  Az Dakaha of Zoroastrianism was not originally such a strange-looking god.

  The legends recorded by the group of gods are surprisingly simple.

  A certain king was imprisoned by his own inner desires, hatred and malice, and finally turned into an ugly dragon-shaped monster who destroyed the world.

  This is a story that even kindergarteners can understand.

  There is no upper limit to the karma of human beings, not even the devil can match it, not to mention that if the karma of those in power expands endlessly, it can easily destroy a country, a nation, and a planet.

  And the stronger the force to persuade this karma, the more ugly Az Dakaha will become.

  Human skin grows scales, nails turn into claws, and the skull is divided into three, each transformed into a ferocious dragon.

  Today's three-headed dragon has long lost its appearance as a human in the past.

  Ugly enough to make even tough warriors nauseous.

  So filthy that even a saint would scream.

  The curses and insults received have exceeded the number of stars, and the more it is, the stronger its power will be.

  The scorching wind howled and blew wildly across the earth, scorching the earth wherever it passed.

  The bones of the gods were burned black, and all living creatures became corpses.

  Just like the trials he was carrying.

  "Azi Dakaha, why do you want to break the seal? Obviously the war is over!"

  Zoroastrianism's dualism of good and evil finally came to an end with the intervention of other gods.

  Indra, one of the evil gods, converted to Buddhism, and the remaining gods either died in the war, were sealed, or completely incognito.

  Teisha was once a colleague of Az Dakaha and fought alongside him.

  "And it's become so... filthy."

  The maliciousness revealed, even the God King couldn't help feeling nauseated.

  The surging evil thoughts invaded everything around, the weak gods approached, the eyes began to turn red, and the spirituality became unstable.

  "It's none of your business! Di Shitian! A traitor who betrayed the sect master is not qualified to look at me with that hypocritical look!"

  The three-headed dragon made an intelligible sound in the roar of breaking through the sky.

  "You who betrayed the banner of evil, wagging your tail and begging for pity under Buddhism is disgusting."

  The ruby-colored pupils stared at Di Shitian.

  The claws that are enough to easily smash four-digit gods and Buddhas contain enormous power.

  "It's all over, the disappearance of the suzerain is the conclusion of the little garden and the end of the eschatology. Now that the dualism has disappeared, you don't have to do this."

  Di Shitian avoided the sharp claws that shattered the atmosphere, and said with a sad expression.

  In his impression, Aziz Dakaha was nothing more than a taciturn evil god following the goddess.

  "We can be together..."

  "Go away! God King, when I carry the 'banner of evil', there is no turning back! I will not regret it, and I will never give in! I will inherit the last wish of the sect master and embark on the path she has traveled again! "

  The expansion of the Lingge distorted the atmosphere, causing the mountains and rivers to shake constantly, and countless cracks spread out from the hard ground.

  "I will make myself evil! I will not be afraid of danger, nor will I shrink back! In the future, I will defeat the 'absolutely evil' human hero! Until then, I will continue to fight! Even if my hands are stained with blood..."

  "I won't let you do this!"

  Di Shitian's expression became dangerous.

  He was rescued by the shrine maiden of the Moon Rabbit, and vowed to end all riots in Hakoniwa.

  "In this case, if you can overcome the trial of 'absolute evil', I will admit your justice and everything about you!"

  The three-headed dragon about three meters uttered a deafening roar, and the sound wave made the mountains and rivers tremble.

  "On my corpse is justice!"

  "Follow me, we must re-seal him here today!"

  The kindness of the past made him just seal Az Dakaha.

  Now the three-headed dragon after the expansion of the spirit can no longer be destroyed by ordinary means.

  A former colleague has already taken the road of becoming the "final trial of mankind".

  "Be sure to deplete his power before he becomes the 'Final Trial'!"

  Emperor Shitian held high the thunder of gold.

  The giant elephant behind him roared in the sky, and tens of thousands of warrior gods from the Tianbu rushed to the three-headed dragon without fear of death amid the rumbling sound of war drums.

  Most of their powers are around five figures, and there are few gods in four figures.

  Even if you know you will die, there is no fear.

  "Let the horses come!"

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