Leopard venomous fire spider is a natural preference for hot areas, occasionally in the jungle activities, but the latter reason is mostly only one.

That is, they have their favorite food in this forest.

What do they like?

"Eye swallowing grass!" Three words pop out of the encyclopedia.

Eye swallowing grass is a kind of illusory plant. It looks like an ordinary grass, but it has a little purple flower on the top. It can't be observed without looking closely. The grass likes to arrange the dreamland of the creature's desire, let it enter, and then take its prey to a quiet place through the tiny dimensional cracks of energy, and enjoy it slowly.

Liao Xiaoduo is surprised. He is not surprised to find the reason, but the Encyclopedia has the function of automatically searching for answers, which saves him a lot of things.

Access to encyclopedia, auto

"I'll go. I don't have any money. System, don't spend my spare ocean!" Liao Xiaoduo didn't take the initiative to exchange the remaining two million yuan of Ocean on the card into wealth value. He felt flustered by his kindness to the system!

"The host can rest assured that this is because the system has detected that the host is inconvenient to use scraping card items, so the after-sales service is free of charge!"

awesome! This Liao Xiaoduo not only pack mail, but also perfect after-sales, millions of ocean spent not a loss!

I'll patronize them often in the future.

Liao Xiaoduo is distracted for a moment, but his body still continues to maintain the phantom state. He keeps using the body method of escaping and escaping. The leopard venomous fire spider has been hitting many times, so he screams angrily.

Liao Xiaoduo understood the causes and consequences, and felt that it should not be too late. He should find his teammates early and rescue them. Otherwise, he would become the nutrient of the grass.

The leopard venomous spider opens its mouth and spits out fine webs.

At this time, Liao Xiaoduo had already escaped to the top of the cobweb, but he found a tall tree to climb.

The spider webs did not spread all over the world. Instead, they exploded, splashed like liquid, and the places where they fell were eroded into big pits.

The web is not a real web, but a poison camouflage of the leopard venom spider.

Therefore, Liao Xiaoduo did not dare to fight in close combat. His feet were wrapped around the thick trunk of the tree. His hands touched the dimensional pocket and held a handle of the flying knife in his hand.

Whew -

the flying knife shoots out at a high speed, and shoots directly into the eyes of the people of the leopard venomous fire spider.

When -

the leopard venom spider reacts quickly and blocks it in one block.

Liao Xiaoduo stretched out two hands, with a flying knife in the middle of his ten fingers. All of a sudden, ten flying knives were shot at the same time.

Rao is a spider with eight legs. It's hard to block a flying knife with one leg.

Not to mention ten, but Liao Xiaoduo immediately stretched out his hands and sent out ten flying knives at the same time.

With a wail, the leopard venomous spider fell down.

A round bead with flaming red patterns rises in the air. Liao Xiaoduo jumps down directly, grabs the bead in the air, taps the dimensional pocket and puts the bead into it.

The bead is the core of the leopard venom spider. It is said that refining its strength can not only improve martial arts, but also make people endure the extraordinary low temperature that ordinary martial artists can't bear.

After solving the problem of leopard venom fire spider, Liao Xiaoduo immediately began to look for the "dining table" of the eye swallowing grass.

When several of his teammates were arrested, the sniper xiangyuqin's weapon was not on his body and should still be at the water's edge.

Just now, the stream has been replaced by wide exposed stones. A sniper gun with automatic location is quietly lying in the corner.

Liao Xiaoduo picked up the spear and put it on his back. Looking left and right, he found the tallest tree and climbed up.

Then take out the sniper gun, use the high-tech sight on it, change the scanning object into life like body, and then start to scan around.

Soon, four red light spots appeared in front of Liao Xiaoduo.

Three hundred meters away, a valley.

Tu Gaoyang's upper body clothes are still "by the water". After a burst of smoke, he was brought here naked.

The body is tightly entangled by the grass ropes that seem to have life.

Yu Zuo's boy is still in a coma, so is Xiao Xiao Xiao. Only Xiangyu Qin is confused and seems to wake up.

"What son of a bitch has brought us here! There is a kind of aboveboard fight! What is the ability of a man behind his back? " Tu Gaoyang thought it was man-made and thought it was breaking the rules of the game, so he was angry and scolded his mother.

"What's the use of cursing again? I thought there was a problem with the water supply for a long time, but you, alas. " Liao Xiaoduo stands leisurely on the cliff on one side of the valley and answers Tu Gaoyang's dissatisfaction.

"Little boy, come down quickly and help us out!" Tu Gaoyang immediately understood that this was the ghost of some kind of celestial beast.

Bound in this way, the celestial beast is definitely not low in intelligence. The purpose of star beast binding people is nothing more than two, one is to kill, the other is to eat!

And there is no contradiction between them.Tu Gaoyang felt a chill on his back for the first time.

Liao Xiaoduo shoots out four flying knives and cuts off the green straw rope wrapped around several people's bodies, and then he wakes up in a coma.

Xiang Yu Qin, who has recovered, wakes Xiao Xiao.

"You've been dazzled by a plant type starbeast called eye swallowing grass!" Liao Xiaoduo asked Xiao Xiao who had just awakened: "do you have any drugs to solve or prevent fantasy? Low level is OK. The hallucinators in this area are not so powerful, otherwise I won't be able to find you today. "

He returned the gun to xiangyuqin.

Xiao Xiao touched his pocket, found out a few white pills, each one, and immediately swallowed it in.

Not waiting for a few people to leave, in all directions, hissing around a few people.

Countless green figures loomed in the forest and grass. From a distance, the five people seemed to be surrounded by an invisible mysterious force.

In fact, it was a group of green boa constrictors.

Although the green Python is named Green python, it always appears in the image of a small green snake or even a small green worm in order to confuse other creatures. And when the prey is slack, the body rises sharply and gives a fatal blow.

If they fail, they send out special signals and call in more accomplices until they eat their prey in their mouths, or they are wiped out, or they are defeated.

Although the attack power of the green Python is far less than that of the intermediate martial arts, it can be compared with the high-level junior martial arts, and the green Python has a great advantage in the number.

In the dense forest, you can see that even the big trees and small trees around the top of the head are all covered with green figures, and the five people are gradually surrounded.

It's hard to escape from life.

The narrow and long entrance of Lianhai mountain means that if there are teams from the East, they should not be far away from themselves, so a few people will discuss a plan in a moment.

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