And the Royal Madrid was in chaos, and Florentino was criticized.

Whether it’s environmental factors or personal feelings, Ronaldo doesn’t reject the return to Inter Milan.

This thing has a door!

Although the difficulty is not small, but if you carefully operate it, there is no chance of success.

As for Ronaldo’s fragile knees, Li Ang has the skill card that has just arrived, and the medical system is in hand. Don’t worry, this is his greatest strength.

He can guarantee that returning to Inter Milan’s Ronaldo will surprise the whole world!

A healthy Ronaldo, tsk tsk…

This picture is so beautiful…


Oriari is welcome to introduce Ronaldo.

If Vieri and Recoba are cleaned according to Li Ang’s plan, although there is Adriano on Inter Milan’s front line, the star flavor will be much weaker.

At this time, the introduction of a top-level Football Star has become a necessity.

And which Football Star is more able to inspire the passion of Inter Milan fans than Ronaldo?


To this day, many Inter Milan fans still miss Ronaldo.

If you can really bring back Ronaldo, the fans will be amazed, and this will be a great help for enhancing Inter Milan’s influence!

The only thing that worried Oriari was Ronaldo’s fragile knee.

“Do not worry, don’t worry.” Li Ang responded to Oriyari’s concerns.

Li Ang’s words don’t make Aurie’s completely reassuring, but it’s a challenging and rewarding job to bring back to Ronaldo. Oriyari is very tempted!

Moreover, Manager Li Ang is pushing hard. As the CEO of the team, he can only choose to cooperate.

The idea that Li Ang decided to bring Ronaldo back to Inter Milan was quickly conveyed to Inter Milan President Facchetti and to the category Boss Moratti.


Moratti couldn’t sit still right away.

“Mo Laojiao” has a lot of “dry sons”, but his favorite one is definitely Ronaldo!

In Li Ang’s memory, when Moratti was interviewed by the media, when he talked about Ronaldo, he was still full of love and regret!

Pinenetti immediately entered a state of high tension.

Inter Milan Boss Moratti !

Inter Milan President Facchetti!

Inter Milan Manager Li Ang !

Inter Milan CEO Oriyali!

Inter Milan Technical Director Blanca!

The five giants will hold an emergency closed meeting in the exclusive Moratti office in Pininati!

It’s all because of Ronaldo!

“Li, do you think it is really possible to introduce Ronaldo?” Moratti asked with excitement.

He can’t help but sell Ronaldo to Royal Madrid, which is the pain of Moratti’s heart forever. Ronaldo represents his most memorable memory of Inter Milan. At that time, Inter Milan still had no Champion except for a UEFA Europa League Champion. However, that is the most memorable memory of Inter Milan fans, Vieri, Baggio, Ronaldo, the three top Superstars gathered in San Siro “Meazza” Stadium, and Ronaldo was the first person in football at that time! This means too much, too much for Moratti and Inter Milan.

“I think it is possible.” Li Ang gave a positive answer.

He analyzed Moratti’s situation in Royal Madrid and the attitude of Royal Madrid for Moratti.

“The most important point is that if Ronaldo leaves Real Madrid, we will open up Inter Milan and he will definitely choose us!” Li Ang said.

Moratti loves to hear this.


Inter Milan President Facchetti and CEO Oriari are supportive of Ronaldo’s return.

Even the Technical Director Blanca, who has recently started to contradict Li Ang, voted for support after expressing a certain degree of skepticism.

Now all five votes agree!

The Big Five decided immediately to start the Ronaldo return plan!

Inter Milan paid great attention to Ronaldo’s return and conducted in-depth analysis and careful planning.

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