Moratti sank on the stands.

Facchetti shook the head , sighed.

Oriari looked at Mortatti of expressionless and glanced at Mancini, the coach of the field. It was also sighed. He knew that Inter Milan’s Mancini era might not be finished yet might be over.

Blanca is blinking and doesn’t know what he is thinking.


In the ensuing game, Inter Milan picked up the Danger Land counter-attack, but Cambiasso’s goooooaaaaaaal was blown off by the referee, causing the strong anger of Inter Milan fans, throwing a lot of fireworks and firecrackers into the field, discharging them on the field and causing Dida to be Suddenly injured. When the value of the referee was forced to pronounce the game interrupted.

This Derby was called the fireworks Derby by the fans, and Materazzi and Rui Costa joined hands to watch the back of the fireworks and became one of the classic shots of football.

Although the game was interrupted and temporarily cancelled, all Inter Milan executives, including Moratti, knew that the result would not be optimistic for Inter Milan. After the game was interrupted, the score was AC Milan and the Inter Milan fans. Throwing fireworks caused chaos, forcing the game to be interrupted. Responsibility is on the side of Inter Milan.

Subsequently, Inter Milan executives filed a complaint with UEFA. Their suggestion was that the game would continue to play on the day of the match. The AC Milan scored a one-to-zero score and kicked the rest of the game. This is the most beneficial level that Inter Milan can strive for within the rules.

However, UEFA rejected Inter Milan’s recommendations and requests.

After a series of discussions, UEFA announced the results of Inter Milan’s penalty one day later. In the future Euro Milan competition, Inter Milan will have 6 games closed, which means Inter Milan’s future 6 field Europe. The game will not allow fans to enter. The former 4 game will start from now, and the closing penalties for the last two games will be suspended for 3 years based on Inter Milan’s performance. At the same time, Milan Derby’s second round match Inter Milan was sentenced to 0: 3 lost to AC Milan, in which case Inter Milan will be eliminated by the city’s rival AC Milan with a total score of zero to five, and Inter Milan will be punished. A fine of about 25 million dollars.

If the Inter Milan 6 game is closed, Inter Milan’s losses may exceed 1500 million Euros. At the same time, Inter Milan has filed a claim for compensation against fans arrested by the Italy police and announced that it will stop the penalty for the 3 year of a fan who is suspected of throwing fireworks to the stadium. This will be the history of the Italy team. For the first time, I ban my fans from watching the game on the spot.


After the results of the UEFA penalty came out, the Inter Milan executive at Inter Milan’s Pininati base immediately convened an emergency meeting.

Inter Milan Manager Roberto Mancini was temporarily notified to attend the conference, and the Inter Milan Manager received a thank-you and blessing from the club at the conference – he was told that he could only coach the team to the end of the season: that is to say After the season, Mancini took the class, and the issue of Inter Milan and his two-year contract cancellation and liquidated damages were negotiated.

Mancini looked very frustrated and angry, and he thought he was abandoned and betrayed.

Moratti is a very soft-hearted and affectionate person. Mancini, who is sad and angry, has some guilt, after all is. He invited Mancini to coach last summer. I think that last year, two people will also think about the future of Inter Milan. Therefore, Moratti took the initiative to appease Mancini, saying that today’s meeting decision will be kept secret, players will not know, this can maximize Mancini’s prestige in Inter Milan locker room. And stated that Mancini will be satisfied with the breach of liquidated damages.

In a sense, Moratti is indeed a very good Boss, willing to save money, affection… Unfortunately, his Inter Milan has been embarrassed, which makes him unable to continue to endure, because he does not know when he can See the rise of your favorite team.

The angry and lost Mancini left the Pininati base early. He didn’t know that Inter Milan’s top management had not left. Then Moratti hosted a closed meeting…

Inter Milan was eliminated by the city’s rival AC Milan five to zero, and the Club executives subsequently held a closed meeting in Pininati, which aroused great interest in the media.

The media began to speculate on Mancini’s handsome crisis.

However, Inter Milan later denied that Club stated its support and trust for Manager Mancini.

Mancini also stood up and responded by saying that he would continue to lead Inter Milan Walk On, pointing his way to Coppa Italia’s Champion.


Just a few hours after this high-level closed-door meeting in Inter Milan, in Spain Sporting de Gijón, Sporting de Gijón ushered in the UEFA Europa League quarterfinals second round and Parma match, in the first leg of the three Under the advantage of zero big score, considering that the weekend is the focus of confrontation with Barcelona, ​​Li Ang took a big rotation. In the end, Sporting de Gijón competed in the home ground and Parma one-on-one, with a total score of four in two rounds. One score headed into the semifinals of 2004/2005season Europe UEFA Europa League.

In the evening, when I got home, Li Ang and my girlfriend Alice were enjoying a candlelight dinner, and they got a call from their agent Betty Miss…

“Hey, Betty is good at night.”

“Good evening, Lee.” Betty’s voice was excited. “I think it is necessary to communicate with you immediately…”

Chapter 682 has a love called Moratti’s love!

Alice noticed that after talking to Betty, Li Ang was a little dazed on the sofa.

“What happened?” Alice asked worriedly.

“Oh, no.” Li Ang came back to his senses. “Nothing, worry you.” Then he frowns thinking, some absent-minded.

“Is there really nothing?” Alice hugged Li Ang. “Dear, I hope you understand that no matter what we can bear together, you are not alone.”

Looking at Alice’s worried eyes, Li Ang was moved, and he smiled. “There is really nothing. In fact, Betty calls tell me good news.”

“What good news?”

“There is a Big Football Club that wants to invite me to coach,” Li Ang said.

“Big Football Club?”

“Yeah, a great club owned by a respectable old man.” Li Ang said with some emotion that in the Serie A club, he is not a fan of a certain team, but, relatively speaking, he compares Like AC Milan, this is influenced by the glory of the Milan dynasty during the Three Musketeers period, but this does not hinder his respect for AC Milan’s rival Ant Milan, which is largely due to his name for the horse. The respect of the old man of Seymour Moratti.


After receiving Betty’s call, Li Ang stunned. He is now a famous La Liga veteran. He is psychologically prepared for the invitation to receive the Big Football Club. However, he did not expect the first real outside of Spain. The invitation was actually from Inter Milan from Moratti.

This surprised Li Ang. Naturally, there was some pride and enthusiasm. No Manager would reject the invitation of such a bigshot team. It is not loyal to the coaching club, which shows the mainstream football of Europe. Explain the attitude of Europe’s bigshot balls to Li Ang, he began to win the attention and appreciation of those bigshot, and certain recognition.

Betty calls to inform Inter Milan about Li Ang’s interest in trying to invite Li Ang to coach. Of course, the two sides are only in initial contact. Inter Milan CEO Oriari and Li Ang’s Agent Betty Miss have had a conversation. There is no further contact yet, but the style of the bigshot club like Inter Milan will definitely not play in the selection of the coach. This initial contact has already explained Inter Milan’s appreciation and sincerity to Li Ang.

Betty asked Li Ang about his attitude. Li Ang didn’t make any decision at the moment. To be exact, he is a bit confused now. He needs to think quietly about the invitation. So, he let Betty Miss continue to make initial contact with Inter Milan, and see the situation, after all, he is still the Manager of Sporting de Gijón, and there is still a period of time after the end of the season.

Seeing that Li Ang has been thinking about it, Alice teased that she is thinking about a certain beauty.

“Not a beauty.” Li Ang shook his head. “It’s an old fogey.”

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