Moratti encouraged veteran Vieri, who recently had a very general status and even showed the intention to leave Inter Milan.

Moratti solemnly stated his position to the players. He considered his own pockets and let the players live in luxury hotels before the game and escort the team with the best service.

From the kick off dormitory, Moratti came to the exclusive office of Pinenati, Club Chairman Facchetti and Club CEO Blanca and Oriyali are already waiting for him.

This is a closed meeting of the Inter Milan Club executives.

There is only one theme for the conference: whether to continue to give the team manager Mancini trust.


Mancini was just in the Inter Milan Manager last summer.

Or it can be said that Mancini is hand-picked by Inter Milan Boss Moratti.

It can even be said that it was difficult for Mancini to obtain this position if it was not Moratti’s hand-picked and insisted, because Inter Milan President Facchetti opposed the invitation to Mancini to coach.

When Season Cooper was in a precarious position, Mancini was the most wanted person for Inter Milan Boss. At that time, the biggest obstacle for Mancini to coach Inter was Facchetti, who had promised that Zacheroni would remain, so Moratti said that after inviting Mancini to coach, Inter-Captain Facchetti even planned to resign as chairman. However, Moratti had a half-hour phone call and successfully persuaded Facchetti to dismiss his resignation and reluctantly agreed to Mancini as the manager of Inter Milan.

In this way, Mancini became the Inter Milan Manager, but Facchetti has always been cautious about this.

In the league last weekend, Inter Milan home ground was leveled by the relegation team Chievo, which again caused dissatisfaction with Inter Milan executives.

Inter Milan is currently the Big Major team of Five Major Leagues, which is unbeaten. This score seems to be good, but the Serie A league has been played for 20 rounds. Inter Milan’s record is 6 wins 14. You don’t have Wrong, it is 14 draws!

This has created the most record of the tie after the 20 rounds of the league in Inter Milan history.

Excessive draws have also dragged down Inter Milan’s results. 6 wins 14’s Inter Milan’s current 32 score, which is already behind the top of Juventus 15. Basically, it has already announced that it has missed the Serie A League Title competition.

Just over half of the league schedule, Inter Milan lost the hope of League Title, which is unacceptable to Inter Milan Club and fans. Inter Milan President Facchetti once again expressed doubts about Mancini, only Moratti insisted on trusting Mancini, just, face Moratti’s opposition to high-level officials such as Facchetti sometimes has some doubts about whether he or she decided to choose Mancini.


This closed meeting, Moratti struggling, finally stabilized Facchetti, who agreed to give Mancini time.

However, Facchetti also said directly, if Inter Milan continues such a poor performance, he will formally ask the Club to consider changing coaches.

By the time Facchetti and the others left the command, Moratti leaned back in the seat and the whole person looked very tired.

On the desk, it is a “Milan Sports News”, the title of this edition opened is: the magical China coach!

Because several Italian players such as Albertini played in Sporting de Gijón, the Italian media has always been concerned about Sporting de Gijón. This Spain media is speculating that Hill is interested in inviting Li Ang to coach. Italy naturally follows this. This is a report by Milan Sports News about Atlético Madrid Manager Xiao Hill’s intention to invite Li Ang to coach. It is clear that the Italian people are surprised to invite a Chinese coach to a traditional bigshot like Atlético Madrid. And curious.

Moratti remembered this when he heard the conversation between Cambiasso and Vieri.

Curious Moratti picked up the newspaper…


Iberian Peninsula.

2005 1 month 30 day, the 21 round of the La Liga match.

Sporting de Gijón Athletic away game venue Three to one reversal defeated RCD Mallorca, Ribéry, Modrić, Sporting de Gijón athletic goooooaaaaaaal, substitute veteran Chiesa scored a very beautiful Lob goooooaaaaaaal.

The focus of this round of the league is the match between Barcelona and Sevilla FC.

The first defeat of Barcelona’s season was lost to Sevilla FC at home ground Camp Nou Stadium. However, this time Sevilla FC, Rijkaard’s team completed revenge, they beat Sevilla FC four to zero.

Sevilla FC’s media lamented that after a fifteen-fifth defeat at the foot of Sporting de Gijón, the team’s status fell to thousand zhang. Anyway, in a word, we all blame Sporting de Gijón, and we all blame Li Ang.

In the twenty-first round of the league, people noticed changes in the La Liga standings.

Barcelona is 14 wins 4 and 3 is negative, and the number of 46 points is ranked first.

Sporting de Gijón competes with 11 to win 5 and 5, and 38 scores second.

Royal Madrid is in excellent condition after the winter break. Galácticos wins 12 2 with 7 and ranks third in the league with 38 points. They are the same as Sporting de Gijón, but the goal difference is less than Sporting de Gijón. Six.

The most amazing thing is the Villarreal CF, which has the nickname “yellow submarine”. This team achieved a four-game winning streak after the winter break, and then came up with 9 wins 7 and 4 negative 34 scores. , surpassed Sevilla FC and Valencia, ranked fourth in the league.

Then there are Sevilla FC, Valencia and Real Betis. The three teams also have 34 points, which are the same as Villarreal CF. Because of the goal difference, they are divided into five to 7 names.

Spain’s media is also feeling that the competition for the fourth place in the season’s La Liga will be unprecedentedly fierce, and what most people can’t think of is that the Sporting de Gijón Athletics did not fall behind after the winter break, but also went one step further. With the Royal Madrid, keep the pressure on the league leader Barcelona with the same points!

“Sporting de Gijón continues to stun our eyes. Now, no one knows how far this team can go, maybe even their manager Li Ang doesn’t know, but it’s undeniable that this newly promoted polo The team has now become a new force in La Liga. At the very least, in this season, they have had a profound impact on the league’s pattern…” – “Effie News Agency”, Spain’s largest news agency said in his sports column .


[Is it an upgrade now?] System issues a question.

Li Ang chose to confirm with the heartfelt joy.

Finally upgraded!

His treatment for the boy Barthes has finally succeeded. The boy can walk down the ground, and even trotting, the pathological problem has been solved. What the little Barthes has to do is to actively train and adapt to his body coordination. It is a process of recovery, and has nothing to do with treatment.

The success of the treatment of the small Barthes, Li Ang has gained more experience than he expected, can be said to be a thick and thin, medical system that has been stagnant or even upgraded, and directly upgraded to the sixth level!

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