However, in this round of league, ACF Fiorentina, AC Milan, and Juventus also defeated the adversary, so Inter Milan is still ranked fourth in the league.

The Italian media also exclaimed that the competition for this season’s Serie A League Title was unprecedentedly fierce.


However, Inter Milan also ushered in the opportunity to narrow the gap between the previous teams. In the twelfth round of the league, the league leader AC Milan will directly confront the same ACF Fiorentina.

As long as Inter Milan can beat their adversary in this round, Inter Milan’s ranking will increase regardless of the outcome of AC Milan and ACF Fiorentina.

At San Siro “Meazza” Stadium Stadium, Inter Milan finally won the first half of the game with Ronaldo and Mata in the first half of the goooooaaaaaaal, home ground two to zero victory over Parma.

Their match with Parma was the first in this round of the league to win Parma. All they have to do now is to watch AC Milan and ACF Fiorentina fight.

For AC Milan and ACF Fiorentina, Li Ang naturally prefers Milan to lose, without him, compared to ACF Fiorentina, AC Milan is Inter Milan in the league title adversary.

Eventually, in the Serie A 12 round of Stadio Artemio Franchi, AC Milan away game venue 1 lost to ACF Fiorentina than 3, ending the 8 winning streak, and the points were overtaken by ACF Fiorentina, losing the position of the leader. In the first half, the current league Striker top name Toni opened the scoring, Gilardino header tied, and now 8 ball tied for the 3 position on the Striker list. At the beginning of the second half, Jorgensen exceeded the score again. Brocchi then handball in the restricted area, but escaped penalty; Gilardino header was denied entry. After Toni scored twice, the season goooooaaaaaaal reached 15.

In another game, the Roma team, which was previously washed by Inter Milan, was beaten again by Juventus one by four.


In this case, the 2005/2006season Serie A League match, the ACF Fiorentina who won the Battle of Tianwangshan in this round, 10 wins 1 and 1 negative, and the 31 score leads, Juventus wins 10 with 2, and the number of 30 points is ranked No. Two, defeating Parma, the Inter Milan winning six-game winning streak with 9 wins 2 1 negative, the score of 29 scores third, and this round of AC Milan wins 9 wins 1 flat 2 negative, product 28 points, ranking from the league’s first decline to the fourth place in the league.

According to the post-game report of “Milan Sports”, AC Milan Boss Berlusconi was extremely angry with the red and black Legion lost to the key match with ACF Fiorentina, and even said with anger that if he came to be the Manager commander, absolutely Will win.

In this regard, AC Milan Manager Ancelotti can only smile with a smile, which shows that President Mr.’s love and high demands for AC Milan, he said, just to explain his disappointment for our loss of the game…

After enjoying the lunch in front of the TV, I talked to the assistants about Li Ang in the Group Stage competition of the next Champion League. I saw this news and flattened my mouth.

“Ancelotti has a good temper,” he said.

Banderas laughed heartily, and suddenly he thought of an interesting picture in his mind. If AC Milan’s manager is Li Ang, Berlusconi dared to dig the Manager like this, then Milan Nelo must have an earthquake.

Moratti Although there is not much patience with the Manager, Inter Milan replaces the Manager more frequently, but Moratti is a little better. As long as the team scores well, he is satisfied and will not be arrogant about the Manager, even if it is a game failure. I will not say such hurtful words.

Chapter 789 Powerful Inter Milan

Two days later, Inter Milan welcomed the adversary Akadémia at the UEFA Champions League Group Stage fifth day on the home ground.

The Slovakia League Title team was recognized as a fishing team before the start of the Group Stage competition. However, no one thought that this team had four games in the Group Stage and was actually divided with Rangers FC. Second place, the group is on the line.

Inter Milan away game venue won three to zero when the two sides played against each other. At that time, the Italian media criticized Inter Milan for winning too little and playing ugly.

Now, the two teams meet again, and the Italian media has begun to praise Akadémia as an admirable team, calling on Inter Milan to be careful, take it seriously, and don’t overturn the ship in the gutter!

Then, after the start of the game, the fans and the media and the commentator were shocked. Inter Milan Manager Li Ang made a big rotation in this game.

Goalkeeper is Brazil Goalkeeper César, the defense line, Samuel and Materazzi are all taking a break, the middle Defender partner is Coloumbia Defender Córdoba and the young teenager Bonucci.

On the side Defender, Evra and Zanetti partnered on both sides.

The biggest change was in the midfield, Carlos took a break, Cambiasso started, Marchisio got the first chance, Stanković and David Silva started, the front line was Agüero and Cruz, the two Striker Ronaldo and Adriano did not start, Ronaldo Simply did not enter the list of substitutes, but sat in the stands to rest.


“The starting arrangement like Li Ang is too big.” Ferrari said with some concern.

The journalists on the media are also talking. Some of the journalists who have long been looking forward to Li Ang’s loss are even more happy. They are waiting for Inter Milan to lose this game. If they lose to Akadémia, they will have it after the game. Have fun.

Li Ang didn’t know the thoughts of some people waiting to see his jokes, and knew that he also disinclined to pay attention.

His idea is simple and straightforward. Since Inter Milan has already advanced in advance and locked the group’s first name in advance, the latter two games are irrelevant and can be used to train young people.

Those who waited to see him jokes, when the game went to the fifteenth minute, the smile on his face was gone.

After Agüero and David Silva passed the match, they suddenly split the ball to the other side, and the Cambiasso inserted sent a pass, and the Cruz header broke, one to zero!

Inter Milan opened the door to victory early.

Today’s Defender teenager Bonucci, who got the first chance to get a start, did not make his defense a breakthrough for the Akadémia.

Of course, this is also in control with Inter Milan, and the Akademia people did not have any pressure on Inter Milan’s defense.

Therefore, in Li Ang’s view, such a competition is the best place to train newcomers. First of all, this is the UEFA Champions League Group Stage competition. The competition level is enough. These Little Brats will be excited and will be excited. In addition, Inter Milan is ahead of the group’s first place, which will make young people less stressed. Even if they are not performing well, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. Also, Akadémia is a dark horse of this group, but the strength is really average. The reason why they became dark horses is not how strong Akadémia is, but the performance of Rangers FC and FC Porto is too bad. Therefore, Inter Milan has the confidence to control the game. This kind of game is enough. However, the win and loss have nothing to do with the overall situation. It is a great place to train new people.


Before the end of the first half, Agüero and Stanković were again goooooaaaaaaal. At the end of the half game, Inter Milan led Akadémia three to zero. All the people waiting to see Li Ang’s jokes looked awkward and they knew That bastard must be more proud: the rotation of the main lineup, the training of newcomers, actually scored a big score!

Shortly after the start of the second half, Li Ang made a substitution adjustment.

He used Marco Borriello to replace Argentina, the veteran of the team.

Cruz was the player that Cooper introduced when he was Inter Milan Manager. At the time, the transfer fee was only 700 million Euros. Moreover, Inter Milan had Adriano, Martins, Vieri, Recoba and other Football Stars on the front line. The introduction of Argentina was to strengthen There wasn’t a lot of people looking forward to the expectations of this Argentina. The Italian media even said that it was possible that after a season, the Argentina would leave Pininati and become a passerby to Inter Milan.

Cruz’s first goooooaaaaaaal at Inter Milan was in Highbury, but Cooper was introduced to the winter, then Zaccheroni took over the team, Inter Milan changed to 343, and Zaccheroni even let him drag the Striker. When half of the front waist is actually handy, then it is second to the escape game venue Juventus, knowing that Inter Milan had not won the ball in the 10 year at Stadio delle Alpi, and the past games were all upset, Cruz After the random corner entered, the Inter Milan was crazy at the time.

After Li Ang came to Inter Milan this summer, he directly cleaned Vieri and Recoba, and Martins was also cleaned by him. Li Ang was surprisingly left when many people thought that Cruz would be cleaned. Cruz.

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