God Prohibitions

Chapter 919: Mirror

   "Ha a ha "Ha "Ha "Ha..."

In the thick black fog of the sky, among the screaming beasts roar, Crick’s leisurely laughter came, "I didn’t expect the queen to return. I originally planned to enjoy the fun of hunting alone. Afterwards, I will look for you slowly. I think there will be no support to reach the neighborhood within three or two days, but it is a pity, it seems that I have to kill you two together this time, oh By the way, there is this witch, I don’t know why the queen brought her now, can it be said that she is the queen’s lover? Ahahaha..." [Search for the latest updates in m]

   Very good, has not been exposed! Robben felt a little settled in his heart. From just now, the luster produced by the star mark on his body has dimmed. After disguising himself with a disguise nuclear, I can hardly see this light. It seems that The star mark should only be a temporary indication of the target.

   But Robben was very suspicious, why did this creek suddenly come up with a star, and this star would find him? This is very unreasonable. If you are looking for Queen Biris, she really has nothing special. She is not outstanding among the demon kings, and is not very good at strategy. Among the demon kings, it is vicious. He is known for his moodiness, and the strangest thing is, why did the king personally order the killing of Queen Biris?

   After so many years, Queen Biris has participated in many battles between gods and monsters, but nothing happened before. This time the **** king personally ordered the killing, is it a bit strange...

   But, if the **** king is not going to kill Queen Biris, it is himself! But how could he be himself? That **** king doesn't even know he has his own existence." During the last battle between gods and demons, he had not yet come into this world!

   Is it a conspiracy? In fact, the king is just playing tricks, and there is no one who wants to pursue and kill with all his strength? Still say there are secret existences that I have not seen.

Robben shook his head, and shook out all the sleepiness and confusion. Although this is very strange, it is obviously not the time to think about it. The most important thing now is to deal with this creek immediately. Go back safely afterwards, although it may not seem so easy.

   Queen Biris sneered after hearing Crick’s words. "I heard that you are an old woman no one wants in the realm of God. Why would you think of women when there is no other way? "

   The topics between the two Liliang women are often very sharp and offensive, and Robben feels like he understands another truth.

   Suddenly, "Roben realized a problem" a problem that he has always ignored.

   How did Queen Biris know about Crick? It seems that Demon Monil has said similar things just now, which shows that "These two guys actually know some details about Crick, but go...,...

  How did the Demon Realm obtain information from the God Realm?

  The previous wars of the gods and demons were all the protoss soldiers suppressing the realm, and then the demons rose up to resist, finally defeated the protoss and defended their homeland, just like the template is performing the same thing again and again. There is no other communication between the Protoss and the Demons, and even the connecting channels are only those opened by the Protoss with a huge amount of power" and once the Protoss comes here, there is no way to go back.

The passage opened by the Protoss requires quite a lot of power to go back in retrograde, because the passage has a direction, and the power consumed by going backwards is huge. There was only one demon king who had been to the God Realm at the end of the war, then... …

   How did the God Realm learn about all aspects of the current situation of the Demon Realm in such a short war time? Robben clearly remembers "In that disguise core, there are some well-breaths of the demons stored, and the physical features inside are very vivid, and even the costumes are exactly the same as the current demons' habits. Before that, the Protoss had thousands of I haven't been to the Demon Realm for tens of thousands of years.

   There is a kind of communication between the two races? ? But even the basis of communication does not exist"

   If it weren’t for the gods, it would be extremely difficult to move the demon world, perhaps the two clans will be caught in the flames of war indefinitely until one is completely destroyed.

  This...is not reasonable.


These two words flashed across Robben’s mind, among the flashes of lightning, past scenes flashed in front of Robben’s eyes, the light clouds in the sky "that would turn into a dull black and white world at any time," Those stiff, puppet-like people, the countless emptiness in the emptiness, the ruler, the memory of the battle between gods and demons, the shards of the gods, the view of the demons in the memory, "...

  Reasonable, it does not seem to exist in many places in this world, or in fact this is not a reasonable world...

Robben's thoughts were interrupted by a burst of laughter, and the creek in the sky laughed triumphantly again, "You 〖yín〗dàng woman who can't wait to be immersed in the dirty liquid of a man, you are not qualified to say it here. In repetitive ways, the king of gods has appointed to kill you, and I will definitely clean up you at the end. You don't have to worry."

   "Hmph, that's a real honour, but I'm afraid I won't know who is going to pick up whom in the end!"

   Queen Biris shook her arms, and a darkness stretched out from under her feet, as if the night began to bloom on the earth. Robben naturally understands that this is the realm of the dark night of Queen Biris, speaking of which is a very shabby move. In this dark realm, Queen Biris’ own dark magic power will be enhanced, and the opposite is true. , The dark power of the others is not so well treated, and will even be suppressed by the will of Queen Biris.

   If it is the power of light, then 100% will be greatly restricted.

  , "It seems that there is no more time to chat." Crick's voice turned cold rapidly.

   In the sky, at Creek, which was already covered by a thick black cloud of smoke, a bit of light flickered like stars tearing through the darkness, and Demon Monil was shocked when he saw this." "How is this possible!" ? "

   "It's a pity, your demon hún looks like nothing but rubbish, it can't do anything to me at all!"

  , "Huh!" A thin line of light shot down in an instant, passed over the front of Demon King Manir, and disappeared on the ground.

Robben stared at the sight in front of him in amazement." That flash of light was like a blade of time and space, and the world was once again cut in half, in the thick black mist released by the Demon of Manil. Thousands of howls of incomparable pain came, and the thick smoke that drifted away seemed to be divided into two worlds, and it shattered to both sides along the trajectory of the light.

Demon Monil roared wildly, his huge body flew back into the air like a heavy blow, turning around in midair to stabilize his body. "When his feet landed on the ground, his body seemed to bear extremely powerful reasoning, and his feet struck the ground. 1 Two straight deep ditches have been exited, and they have been withdrawn for nearly 100 meters before stopping.

"Crack!" The crisp sound made everyone's heart stop beating. Robben clearly saw that a large piece of the armor of the Demon King ōng was broken, and the broken piece of armor seemed to be dragged by some force. Slowly dancing and floating in the air.” After that, a piece of paper that seemed to be burned by flames, disappeared in smoke, and a corner of the left knee of the armor was silently broken, and the incision was extremely neat...

"Ha ha ha" Crick pierced the black mist of the sky with a cold voice" "I said, I have gained the power to become one with the flash, you can't find me, you can't attack me, and even if "Find me" can't resist my power, and the power of my flash will penetrate all darkness and cut through all defenses, Manir, you are already defeated, or you should die obediently. In that case, at least you won’t die. It's ugly. Otherwise, I'll cut off your head and hang it on our banner. I think Hei Di will be very happy to see this.

Demon Manir did not speak, but his body was trembling slightly. Robben felt that although there seemed to be no force to collide just now, Demon Manir was actually injured" and the injury was not light, even the Demon King’s The battle armor of the demon king with ace combat power has been damaged. In the sky, the black mist of Demon Lord Monil has gradually dissipated on both sides, and a cloud of golden mist appears there again, and Crick is faint. "It seems that you will not give up easily, so let me see what you are capable of. I'm here, I won't run away, and I won't hide. How do you defeat me? Oh, that's right! That 〖yín〗dàng woman, you still don't want to be in the dark realm where you started. You guys always like to hide in the dark corner of yín, which is really funny.

   "Om" Something in the air told the sound of vibration, Robben felt his heart beat, as if something bad was about to happen.

   Creek's voice was a bit crazy, and he shouted: "Inferior races, you low-level people who can only hide behind the light, now I will give you the punishment you deserve!"

"Idiot! Hurry up!!" An extremely angry shout came from Robben's ear. Before he could react, Robben only felt a soft body hugging him, and the world suddenly dimmed. The creek in the sky seemed to be covered with black yarn by méng.

  , "God Punishment Space!!"

With a loud drink in the sky, Robben felt the creek in the sky skyrocketing like the sun’s rays, everything turned into a dazzling white light in an instant, the world disappeared completely, there was only a dazzling white skin in front of him. There was a burning pain, and the only proof that Luo instinct could feel that there were other people in this world was the body that held him with a cold temperature, and...this body was trembling gently.

   Robben stretched out his hand and hugged the body tightly.

   The dazzling white light lasted for a few seconds, and Robben finally saw some other faces in the countless beating white lights in front of him, and it seemed that his eyesight was recovering.

  , "Damn it" Robben heard the voice of Queen Biris.

  , "My Queen, are you okay!?"

  , "It's okay, **** it, what did you have to do with, if it wasn't me, eh?" Queen Biress seemed a little annoyed, but her voice stopped immediately.

Robben’s eyesight quickly recovered, and the dazzling whiteness receded. Robben was finally able to see things around him clearly. In front of her, there was the surprised face of Queen Biris. She looked unharmed and her clothes were intact. Not affected by anything, just, and I looked at the opposite side.

   Following the gaze of Queen Biress, Robben also stayed in a moment.

Demon King Manil is like a charred coke that has only been burnt in one episode. He is already half kneeling on the ground with thick smoke. The huge black halberd has been broken into two pieces. Now only one side is still holding him. Hands.

   The dazzling white light just now caused him huge damage.

   "Munier!" Queen Biris screamed, her figure came to him in a flash to support him, and asked urgently: "How are you?"

   Queen Biress, who had just touched Manir with her hand, was shocked. An extremely high temperature came from Manir's body. With a flick of her finger, Queen Biress subconsciously let go of her hand.

   "Don't touch me" Demon King Monir said with great difficulty, "This guy has gained a completely different power from before, plus the instant light sword" We are not opponents, you...should not come back! "

   Queen Biris looked at the seriously injured Demon King Manir with a little surprise, and said in amazement, "A completely different power, this..."

Suspicious huò came from the heart of Queen Biris, talking about the ability to attack and defend "I can't match Manir" and now that Manir has put on his armor, his strength has improved even more. For a while, for no reason, Monil was seriously injured under Crick's magic, but he was intact! Even though Monil had been hit hard just now, but thinking quickly in her heart, Queen Biris suddenly widened her eyes, because she clearly saw "on her hand, there was a faint gleam." , The kind of faint light that contains a faint golden light. Some golden light spots are slowly floating around their own Li.

   Turning her head fiercely, Queen Biress noticed that Luo herself, who had risen from the ground, had the same glimmer.

   A sense of absurdity climbed into Queen Biress’s heart. Originally, I wanted to save this man. Could it be that I was actually saved by this man? This golden shimmer is obviously a kind of light magic shield, when his dark realm was completely shattered, he was actually intact! "

"Leave here, you are not good at fighting head-on. Crick has no fixed form now, and he can't even find his spirit. You stay here just to die, let's go... Go to father, father Will protect you." Monil Mozu slowly said, and stood up tremblingly, "Go for the Devildom"

   "Moniir" Queen Biris showed despair on her face.

   In the sky, the dazzling light gradually disappeared, and the cloud of light where Crick was located appeared again.

   "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that the flash light saber would be such a power, and almost killed you directly, this is really" Crick suddenly stopped in a proud and mocking voice.

  Because on the ground, a strange-eyed witch was staring at herself. Under the attack of the demon king, the witch was unharmed, and she was wearing a light magic shield!

   "This... witch!?" Crick exclaimed suddenly.

Robben patted the dust on his body, looked around, and couldn't help sighing. In the battle between the demons and the protoss, the demons suffered too much in terms of magic. The light magic almost used the dark magic. Restrained to death, under the same magic power, dark magic can hardly beat light magic, and the lethal power of this light magic is too destructive for the demons with dark physique...

Everything in the battlefield where the Demon King Manir and the Creek fought a few tricks has been destroyed. Now it seems that Shansi, after experiencing the raging magic of Creek just now, can be seen from here. The place is completely blank.

Forbidden space, I seem to have heard of the magic in the original Demon Realm. It is a place where it is extremely harmful to the demons and has a wide range of damage. It exists like a nuclear bomb on the battlefield. The place where the dazzling white light reaches, It is the domain of power extension, it is also the **** of the demons, it is the magic that purely destroys all dark auras.

   But the damage to the Protoss is limited, and it will only cause a certain degree of magic

  Ō moving impact, the powerful light shield can resist this kind of magic well, so it can appear frequently on the battlefield, causing the demons to have a headache.

   Queen Biris is also a good person and rewarded. In the situation just now, she rushed to protect herself, but... but she was saved by her own shield of light.

After thinking about Nalan, Robben still let go. Nalan's words have a lot of spooky ideas, and also, Ding has told her how to protect herself. I believe that at such a long distance, at most, it will only be swept into the loose soil on the ground. In, right now, spit out the mud in his mouth in annoyance.

Judging from the situation of Demon Manir, the power of the "forbidden space" used by this creek is absolutely unimaginable. I remember that when Demon Arthur mentioned this magic at that time, he had a smile on his face, just saying that he was a headache. But now this magic will not cause too much trouble to a powerful existence like the Demon King, but now...

   Looking at the Crick in the sky, Robben grinned." "Yes, it's a witch!" Don't you know "

   "Looking for death!!"

  It is not surprising that the Demon Lord Crick can survive his own magic, but it is a shameful thing that a witch can stand in front of him so intact.

   A line of light flashed in the sky, and the world seemed to be cut in half again...

   Robben’s forehead seemed to shine with a light, and then he quickly turned around and disappeared instantly...

   "Chichi" with two soft beeps" In the blink of an eye, two thin deep grooves of unknown depth appeared in front of Robben, and bursts of burnt smell floated from the deep grooves.

   A large fork-shaped engraved appeared on the ground. Robben was standing in the center. The two engraveds crossed in front of Robben, while the smiling Luo himself had no scars.

   As expected... these fools! Robben laughed inwardly.

In the battle between gods and demons, the main warriors of the Protoss showed many weapons and magical equipment or magic for the demons, such as the Demon Slashing Sword in the hands of Sender that would not heal the wounds of the demons. With the help of the instant lightsaber, the large-scale forbidden space is used, and these have a strong target for the demons.

  In contrast, apart from the powerful lethality against the demons, the Protoss obviously doesn't need to consider other aspects, so Robben would understand that he is much easier.

I am not a demon, although my body is rich in the characteristics of the demon, and I can use light magic. It is not like Nalan and other witches that coordinate the combination of elements to form a fault. Although the use of light magic in the sense does not use too high-level damage xìng light magic, but the defense is very good.

   For Crick’s attack, Robben knew that he hadn't avoided it once." Just hitting himself does not mean he could cause himself harm.

Light magic has a very bad characteristic, that is, the characteristic of light will be reflected by the bounce. Many light magics that point to the magic have this characteristic, of course." For the demons, this characteristic is the same as nothing. Yes, when the light breath is close, it has already begun to invade its dark breath.

A dense and rounded light shield can be used as a smooth mirror. Although it is a gambling, Robben knows that he is right. Crick’s instant lightsaber may not be the first ray of light in the world. It was built, but its attack was a real light attack, which is undoubtedly true.

That thin filament of light contains infinite power, which is difficult to resist with dark magic, but it can be reflected by light magic. Taking advantage of this little reflection time, Robben avoided the sharpness of this filament, so he stayed on the ground. There are two deep grooves between the traces of the reflection and the trajectory of the light thread's original attack...

   "Who are you!?" Crick in the sky exclaimed, "Obviously it has been hit, you can't be alive!!!"

   Luo Ben pretended to be mischievous and blinked his eyes, and said: "My name is Nalan, the witch shì Chief Guard, do you have any comments?"

   "Witch" Crick's voice began to tremble with anger.

   A strong light exploded from the sky, countless filaments of light poured down, and came straight towards Robben. In an instant, it seemed as if countless jī light artillery fired, Robben was instantly submerged in the explosion smoke generated by the magic impact.

   "Uh, it seems that the queen has brought an amazing witch, this Nalan seems to be a bit, cough, cough" Demon King Monil, who had stood up, looked a little strangely at the Queen Beris in front of him.

   And the **** on Queen Biris’s face is older than Demon Manir.

  , "My Lady Queen told me that the Protoss are all dead-headed, and it looks really good!"

A gust of breeze swept away the smoke and dust rising from the ground. There were countless narrow deep grooves crisscrossed on the bare ground, like a big cake cut with countless knives. All the deep grooves converge on Luo Ben's body. Within one step. Now it seems that Robben is like a beautiful little spider that weaves a big web on the ground.

   There was a thread of blood hanging on the corner of Robben's mouth, but he didn't seem to suffer much damage and stood there, the **** calmly.

  , "This is impossible!!" Crick couldn't help but yelled.

"It's nothing impossible. Everything is possible. Didn't the **** king teach you this?" Robben smiled lightly, his hands lit up, and a silver lightsaber appeared. Hands.

"Does she want to fight Crick?" The Demon Lord Manil didn't move, but looked at Robben not far away quietly. Her heart was already extremely weird. A witch can survive two attacks from the God of War. It's already a miracle among miracles. If this witch can still fight the **** of war, then what use is it for her own demon king, but the witch can catch a lot of it.

Queen Biress saw that Robben had pulled out the lightsaber, and she wanted to shout, but she swallowed it back when her voice reached her lips. Now Robben looks like Naren, and she doesn’t seem to have a stand in the Demon Lord Manil. Call Robben in front of you as a doctor! "

"Okay!!! I didn't expect to encounter such a thing this time. The Demon Race has been prepared for these years, so 〖really〗It's great!!" Tulik seems to be forced by Robben's attitude. She was a little crazy, maybe she never thought that she would be so despised by a little witch of the Demon Race.

  , "Now I will let you know, what kind of gap exists between you, a lowly witch and me!!"

With Crick’s anger, Jin Sè’s haze only opened up a circle of light, and the four points of starlight fell rapidly towards the ground. Robben was a little strange, but the four points of starlight did not attack him, but fell towards him. In four directions.

   Four points of starlight disappeared into the ground in the blink of an eye, and four strings of magic runes floated from the ground.

   Luo Ben narrowed his eyes, and immediately felt bad. He cared too much about the opponent's direct attack, but he was negligent about the attack on these opinions before he wanted to act, but it was too late.

   At the point where the four starlights fell, the flash of magic runes burst out for an instant. With these four starlights as nodes, the four light walls enclosing a three-dimensional space instantly surrounded Robben.

Robben stepped on the foot, and a layer of light was already floating on the ground and the space above his head didn't seem to be sealed yet, but there was a floating spot in the Creek, the floating light. The fog, it seems that the light has begun to become intense...

   "In this small space, I really want to know, you can avoid the overkill attack!

   My lack of light will attack you once, I very much like to know, after that, whether you will also be directly decomposed into the most basic magic elements by me! "

   Above the tightly closed space, the haze where Crick was located suddenly brightened, and the dazzling glare came down again.

   Demon Monir sighed, "It seems dangerous. "

   Queen Biress stood there blankly, as if she had no response.

   Hell the Protoss! Do you want to bake me like a cake! ? Robben cursed in his heart, Crick was already lit up like the sun, and the entire enclosed space was lit up like a light bulb, emitting extremely dazzling light instantly.

Demon King Manil closed his eyes, breathing slowly, and quickly expelled the light power that invaded his body, while Queen Biris still stood there blankly, seemingly complete Lost the ability to react.

   The fine sound is spread in the air, which is caused by the violent vibration in the enclosed space.

  Ō, Robben has long been invisible in the enclosed space where the light shines.

  , "Crack..."

   Suddenly, there was a weird noise, and the expression on Queen Biris's face trembled. On the light wall of the confined space, a black wave appeared...

   is... a crack? Queen Biris thought.

   "Die! Turn into dust!! You inferior creature, you filthy race!!!" Creek in the sky roared angrily.

, "Kaka" The sound of something cracking became more and more obvious in Crick's roar, and Queen Biris suddenly widened her eyes in surprise. The black cob on the light wall was walking quickly. , And it’s not just one place. There have been a lot of such black **** on the two light walls that I can see..."...

   This is indeed a crack!


   A blast interrupted Crick’s angry cry. The confined space was like a fragile glass cover, suddenly bursting into pieces! As the airtight light wall burst, a scorching breath rushed towards Queen Biris, who was still stunned in shock, but found that a figure had been blocked in front of her.

   The world once again fell into a pure white invasion.

  , "Huh...huh..."

   There was a heavy gasp in the somewhat hazy world.

  , "Hehe hell, what the **** is this trick, Ha finally broke his own enclosed space by himself, which is really funny!" Robben's maddening voice rang again.

Robben's whole body was in terrible pain. Just now that **** Crick launched a super large-scale light attack, and every ray of light shot on his body was like a heavy hammer. Fortunately, he almost unloaded all his power to other places. But Crick attacked like crazy, countless rays of light smashed on him, it felt like ten thousand elephants stepped on him.

Fortunately, I took off these attacks. As a result, almost all of these forces hit the light walls on four sides. The light walls have a certain degree of reflection ability after double refraction and collide with other attacks or hit the wall again Other attacks that are disturbed will deviate from the trajectory, hit the wall directly, and reflect again...

   Robben felt as if he was locked in a small space where countless bullets were flying around. Countless ricochets flew around, and countless forces hit the walls on all sides. As a result, this small space was torn apart...

   The dazzling light seems to leave some uncomfortable halo in the surrounding space. But Robben finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least Crick’s attacks have stopped." This time... this lightsaber in his hand has been a great help, and he bounced quite a lot of attacks. Root bones.

After taking a breath, Robben shouted angrily, and the silver lightsaber in his hand lifted up a layer of blue light." The golden light mist that was slashed towards the sky like a whirlwind, disappeared in the mist for a moment, but There was no news, and like the black mist of the Demon King Manir, the mud fell into the sea. "A good attack is a miracle for a witch! Who are you? A witch, it's impossible to still be alive, what the **** are you! ! ? "Crick's voice was full of shock and anger.

  , "I told you, my name is Nalan" is the chief guard of the witch shì. As Robben spoke, his eyes had actually turned to the other side.

  Roben groaned in his heart. I was a witch who was fattened by someone here. Why are you two demon kings staying there to watch the fun?" Who is fighting with whom?

   just turned his eyes, but Robben froze instantly...

   The tall figure of the Demon King Monir stands in front of Robben" standing there straight, with the broken halberd standing in front of him, but it has been broken again...,


   The battle armor on Demon Monir was damaged in many places, and her left hand was gone. Queen Biris stood behind Demon Monir with desperate astonishment on her face.

   The moment the energy hit, Queen Biris was in a daze. The Demon King Manir, who was still healing, stood in front of her and withstood all the impact...

  , "Mornir..." Queen Biris's voice trembled.

  Monier shook his body, and the halberd in his hand made a creaking sound, and it broke into several knots and fell on the ground.

   But the Demon King Manir is still standing there, standing still.

"Bi'er, I said, the current Crick is not something we can deal with, you...let's go! No matter what the reason, but...the goal of the king is...absolutely, absolutely impossible to achieve! "

  Queen Biress looked at the Demon Lord Manir, her eyes were blank for a while, angry, and regretful again.

   "Yes...I'm sorry, I just...we should have united defense..."

"Let's go" Demon King Monil interrupted Queen Biris gently, "I don't know what happened to you, but you don't want to fight now. You can only stay and go! Go to father, father will Protect your..."

   After that, the Demon King Monil slowly raised his head." "I didn't expect that the Protoss would be so scheming this time. If there is another Demon King here, we still have a fight! Let's go..."

   Demon King Monir raised his hands and exhale deeply." "The earth is in the depths of the earth, the dark souls!" Your leader, your contractor, I am here to call you, those creatures who have abandoned the light and melted into the darkness, I call you again!

   Those who hate the light, all those who hate the light, I call you here! "

   Bi Ruisi exclaimed in surprise: "Mornir! Don't!!!" After saying that, he jumped straight up from behind, only to take a step, and a black barrier blocked Queen Biress behind.

   Demon King Monir’s deep voice came, "Bier, let’s go to my father, let’s go..."

  , "Mornir!!!" Queen Biris hissed, but the black barrier in front of her eyes began to enlarge infinitely, covering all directions in an instant, and the tall body of Manir also became blurred.

"My... my life... my spirit hún... everything I call here, everything abandoned by the light, everything rejected by the light, please listen to my call, please respond to me The call of "Munier" with arms wide open, chanting seemingly random words alone, without a loud voice, but it seems that every word is constantly shaking in the air, shaking dàng...

Robben was shocked. With the voice of the Demon King Manir, the whole world seemed to completely change in an instant. The light of the cross light in the sky diminished in an instant, and even the brightness of the fog where Crick was located was extremely bright. With a drop.

   An icy feeling was flowing in the air, and Robben instantly felt cold all over his body. In this icy temperature, there seemed to be countless whispers talking about something, but after listening carefully, it seemed to be countless shouts and screams.

The ground under his feet was shaking gently, the air was shaking gently, everything in the world seemed to be shaking~www.readwn.com~ Robben even had doubts about his eyes, and the scene in front of him appeared to have double-layered images. , The constant separation and reunion, everything in the world seemed to collapse, "Moniir" was behind the huge black barrier that had been unfolded, Queen Biris looked at everything in despair, but never left for half a step. Looking at Demon King Manir’s figure, which is becoming more and more blurred because of the deeper and deeper barrier, and at the world that seems to be about to be covered, Queen Biris’s white double chún can’t help shaking...

   "Doc...Doctor..." Queen Biris felt dizzy.

"It turns out that you have reached this level, which surprised me! In previous wars, I have been looking forward to a demon king who can perform this magic. I have been looking forward to it, looking forward to it!!" In the sky Crick didn't seem to be shocked by the vision in front of her, but she became more and more excited. Now, she seemed to have completely forgotten Robben, who was maddening herself on the ground, and her attention was instantly transferred to Mani. The body of the Devil.

Robben was not in the mood to be [excited], because Robben suddenly realized a very, very bad situation, that is, Demon Manil seems to use some kind of unusually powerful magic, but this kind of attack on the body Robben's icy feeling, the feeling of being watched by countless eyes, Robben had a very strong foreboding that the attack launched by the Demon Lord Manir was an indiscriminate and wide-range attack. Of course, this is a good guess, but the real problem is not here. Robben has a very strong hunch, that is...

  Under this attack, he and Crick are exactly the same existence!

   Damn it! Does this Manil want to kill even with himself! @.


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