God Prohibitions

Chapter 1281: Leave a trail

"More than two hundred? Is this a bit missing? How many enemies are here?"

"It seems to be around fifty thousand."

Robben looked at the vanguard battalion fighters in the front line. "This comparison... did you attract the enemy?"

"Yeah!" The dark elf who led the team nodded proudly. "The enemy has been heading south, and then he seems to hesitate. After staying in camp for two days, we dispatched a small group of troops to attack at night. They, afterwards, they really chased up, and then we turned left and around, occasionally showing up to hit them, and finally ran here, but we didn’t expect them to dare to enter the forest. Your lord, think of a way! Those trees are innocent."

Robben laughed. It is estimated that only the elves can say this in the entire continent.

"Okay, I see, now I'm going to talk to them. Although it is far away from them, it is still very dangerous. Those guys are protoss and completely different from human beings. Now you leave and stay away from here. This is an order to go. Right..."

The elf who led the team shrugged his shoulders. "Well...Since the elf made the lord say so, let's go, but..." The elf suddenly jumped over and kissed Robben's face, carrying a silver bell. The laughter ran out, "Sisters, we retreat!"

"Shu! You are too cunning! The elves suddenly shouted at the loss, and one after another came over to grab Robben and kissed him, and then smiled to chase their captain.

When all the elves left, Robben felt a little pain on his face. He reluctantly wiped the huā powder lipstick used by the elves with his hand. It seems that his huā powder allergy still exists...

These guys are becoming more and more unscrupulous. I remember that when they were in the forest, their eyes were full of respect. Now they seem to want to take them home and raise them, feed them some food every day, and then take them out for a walk...

Wipe the lipstick on his face to make sure that the elves have indeed retreated. Robben turned his head and looked in the direction of the Pioneer Camp. There was now a faint smoke floating over there, and it seemed that the fire had started.

On the edge of the forest, the soldiers of the 50,000 Pioneer Battalion were waiting in full battle, looking at the lush forest ahead. Foremost, Fleet was straddling the war horse, his face haggard, and the cold light flashed in his eyes looking at the forest.

Behind Fleet, two hundred warriors had their spears tied with thick, oil-soaked tarpaulins, which were now burning. Fleet's hand was hanging in the air long ago, and as soon as it fell, two hundred deflagration spears lit with magical flames would be thrown into the forest.

But Fleet seemed to hesitate, hesitated for a moment.

Suddenly, a brisk voice came from mid-air, "What is this doing?"

Fleet looked up in amazement, and the soldiers of the Pioneer Camp also looked up in surprise, seeing Robben falling from the sky with a smile.

At first sight Robben appeared again. Fleet's complexion suddenly became complicated, and when Robben fell to the ground, Fleet slowly put his hand back. Looking at Robben quietly, neither bowed down nor spoke.

Robben was on one side, Fleet and the 50,000 Pioneer Battalion fighters behind him were on the other side, subtle opposition in the air rubbing the silent fire huā.

Robben naturally knew what Fleet was hesitating. He stretched out his hand and took out the tooth from his ring to give him the letter "This is the Lord Ares asked me to bring you." Then he threw the letter to Foley. special.

Fleet took the letter, carefully checked the beeswax seal on the mouth of the letter, opened the letter and read it carefully.

Fifty thousand waited quietly, a chilling atmosphere.

Fleet seemed to have read this letter for a long time, perhaps several times. Finally he slowly raised his head, the doubt and cold light in his eyes finally faded away.

Fold the letter in his hand and put it in the envelope. Fleet got off his horse and walked to the slow one-knee track beside Robben. He lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "Master Vanguard. In your absence, Adjutant Foley Specially led the 50,000 Pioneer Battalion soldiers to chase the enemy to this forest. Now...Please take over the command of the Pioneer Battalion again."

Holding the hilt, Fleet slowly drew out his long sword, holding the letter in one hand, and putting the sword in the other hand on the envelope, slowly dragging the two things in front of Robben, and said: "But before that, I ask Mr. Vanguard to convict you."

Robben smiled: "What's the matter? Did you make something wrong?"

Fleet said very solemnly: "Sir Vanguard, I suspected you before, and I secretly monitored your whereabouts and investigated your belongings. Lord Ares has clearly clarified everything. I am ashamed of everything I have done! Please. ...Be sure to punish me!"

"Um... really an excellent fighter." Robben smiled and took the sword from Fleet's hand, Fleet dropped his head lower, waiting for punishment without saying a word.

With a sword on Fleet’s shoulder, Robben said: “I already know about this, and Lord Ares also explained to me. Fleet, I have seen a lot of things in this matter, Lord Ares. Although I didn’t say much because of my feelings, I can see the trust of Lord God of War for you. Your approach is not wrong at all, and your judgment is not wrong. It is just me who does not live in the barracks. It’s just that I’m not familiar with life in the military camp. You’re not wrong, and this incident shows your courage to doubt the chief and loyalty to the Protoss. I am the highest executive officer of the Lord of War on the mainland! Once again! Commend you! After returning to the God Realm, you will receive honor and wealth!"

Fleet looked up in amazement, eyes full of surprise! Can't believe what I heard.

Robben smiled and threw the sword to Fleet: "Alright, get up, my adjutant, we have a lot to do! Where is my horse? I won't be hungry and thin, right?"

Taking his sword, Fleet slowly inserted it back into the scabbard, stood up and bowed deeply to Robben, "Thank you, Master Pioneer! Come here! Lead Master Pioneer!”

Robben stepped on his horse, but he had a little miss for the big guy with strong body and strong endurance in the God Realm. He patted the horse's head, untied the rein on his body and put it in the back. He smiled in his rucksack and said, "Old man, can I trouble you for a while."

The war horse neighed, and the front hoofs slashed fiercely on the ground a few times. It looked extremely excited. Fleet on the side could not help being surprised secretly. The war horse has always been quiet these days, but today It is very spiritual.

He glanced at the soldier who was still on standby to attack, holding a spear. Robben asked, "Are you planning to burn this forest?"

Fleet stepped on the horse, and quickly lowered his head and said, "Master Pioneer, I... I really planned to do that. We didn't follow it smoothly. The enemy's mobility is too strong, and we are chasing the small elves. No, I know you don’t agree to burn down the forest, but...if there are enemies in it, if we venture in, let’s not say that we will not be able to catch up with the enemy and we can only passively be beaten, and we may encounter many traps.[m Just read the novel~]"

"Hmm..." Robben seemed to think for a while. Asked: "How many enemies are there in this forest?"

Fleet shook his head. "This is still not very clear to us, but the small group of elves we have been chasing has already withdrawn into the forest and used bows and arrows to confront us. After we were about to burn the forest, they disappeared, seeming to be deep in the forest. Retreated."

"How long has it been since they stopped shooting arrows?"

"Probably... half a day or so." Fleet was a little strange, Robben seemed helpless.

Robben smiled, "Then there is no need to act. Those elves must have left."

"Leave?" Fleet didn't understand. "What does it mean to leave...?"

"They should be no longer in the forest." Robben replied very surely.

"Not anymore!" Fleet is a little uncertain. "My lord. Our fifty thousand troops have been here, always paying attention to the surrounding situation. Even if they have been retreating to the edge, now it is impossible to leave our sight and leave the forest."

Robben scratched his head and said regretfully: "Fleet, if you trust me now, then I must ask you to believe one thing, that is, the elves in the forest and the elves outside the forest are two different lives. , You may be so annoying that the elves nowadays, but if you enter the forest, you will find the horror of the elves."

Looking at Fleet, Robben shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just say a little bit. When we enter the forest, the speed of movement will be reduced by more than half, but you can't imagine that when the elves move in the forest, they will be faster than on the ground. More than twice as fast."

"Quick... more than twice as fast?" Fleet opened his mouth in surprise.

Robben pointed to the forest in the distance and said, "In this half a day, enough elves have left our surveillance area and swaggered out of the forest where we can't see. Then go around behind us."

Fleet's pupils shrank abruptly, he looked to the back of the troops, and cried out: "Did we get caught! The enemy has gone around behind us!"

Robben waved his hand and said relaxedly: "Don't be nervous, I came from behind, and I didn't find any enemies. We are still safe behind us."

Fleet saw a little sweat on his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "If...there are a large number of elves and witches behind us, then we will be extremely passive if we back against the forest."

Robben nodded, "Yes, but... the enemy also understands this, but unfortunately there is no enemy behind us, I am almost certain... the enemy's large forces may not be here."

"The enemy's army is not here..." Fleet was slightly surprised.

Robben Tan Tanshou "I know I presume that the enemy came here, but...it seems to be a mistake, maybe the enemy really wants us to think so."

Fleet nodded silently, not seeming suspicious at all.

"How are the soldiers at the mouth of the canyon?" Robben asked suddenly.

Fleet's face suddenly stiffened, and he lowered his head and said, "Originally, his subordinates wanted to lead the troops to rescue, but soon there was news that the attacking troops had retreated, and it seemed to be just a feint."

"Pretending to attack..." Robben thought for a while, "but the enemy's numbers can never be mistaken. The army of 200,000 must be mostly humans. Where did they go?"

Fleet shook his head. "I haven't received this news yet."

"That is to say, we have lost track of the enemy now..." Looking at the forest, Robben said with an old pedantic analysis: "If the large army of elves and witches are here, then we are divided into half now, they cannot possibly Don't come around to attack and harass us, but if they are not here...Where is that, where did the human emperor go?"

Fleet also looked confused, and suddenly said, "My lord, Taniguchi's 200,000 enemy army, could it be said..."

"No...does he dare to act on his own without the protection of the elves and witches?"

Fleet seemed to be a little uneasy. "My lord, Taniguchi's report is rather scribble. He didn't say what kind of unit the enemy is, maybe...the elves and witches are mixed in the human army."

Robben looked at Fleet, really wanting to say that, in fact, you guessed it, the elves and witch forces have been mixed in the human army called by the second prince. Quietly used the mountain terrain to avoid the army of the Pioneer Battalion and chose another road to the canyon.

What the Protoss could not know was that in that valley, there was actually a small road leading to this side. When the 200,000 troops began to pretend to attack the camp set up by the Pioneer Battalion at Taniguchi, the rest of the troops had already quietly withdrawn from the small road.

"That..." Robben wanted to pretend to be confused for a while, but he saw a Pegasus galloping in the distance. A scout from the Pioneer Battalion was covered in dust and seemed to be injured.

Running all the way to Robben and Fleet, the scout rolled down from the horse, knelt down in front of Robben, and handed a blood-stained scroll to Robben. "My lord! The enemy is escaping from the canyon on a path!"

Both Robben and Fleet were taken aback. Robben didn't expect the sick and wounded officers of the Pioneer Battalion to discover the movement of the second prince so quickly, but Fleet was surprised that his own idea was unfortunately fulfilled.

Take the paper roll in your hand. Robben took a look at this scout first, and an arrow was inserted behind him, and the unique feathers were flying lightly... This was an arrow specially used by the dark elves for remote sniping. It is the killer of the dark elf archer.

It seems... the elves have already sealed off the camp, and this scout can break through. It must have gone through a **** battle. I am afraid that someone will pay his life to let him come here.

With a light sigh, Robben took out a healing paper and handed it to the scout, "Go and take out the arrow on your back, and use this treatment. You will recover. There is no poison on the arrow."

"Thank you, sir!" The scout had endured the pain in his back for a long time, and knew that the vanguard seemed to use extremely effective healing techniques. Now that I got the magic scroll, I was very happy. "

Unfolding the scroll in your hand, it says in extremely simple text: Human troops appear in the canyon, are retreating, a large number of elves and witch troops are accompanying guards, there are too many injuries in the camp, quick assistance!

Even the elves and witches were discovered... Robben shook his head secretly. The soldiers of these vanguard camps are indeed different from the soldiers of human beings. The path came out from the middle of the canyon. I thought that careful actions would not disturb the vanguard camp at the mouth of the canyon, but it seemed that the camp was full of injuries. , These soldiers still enlarged the alert range a lot.

After reading the contents of the emergency report, Robben handed the scroll to Fleet. Fleet took it in front of him and scanned it quickly, his complexion suddenly tightened, "My lord! The enemy went around the direction of the canyon!"

"Well... we are not familiar with the terrain, oh... I didn't expect it. (To read the novel, go to M Robben actually wanted to say that he really didn't expect you to discover our actions so quickly. "

"My lord, we should return to help immediately!"

Robben shook his head. "Fleet, it's too late... I'm afraid the opponent was gone by the time we arrived, but... the enemy did not attack us, which shows that they are not sure to completely defeat Taniguchi's defense. Army, don’t want to lose the limited forces. We won’t have any losses, forget it... Send back a message to tell them to pay attention to the enemy’s movements. Let’s go to the occupied countries now, right?"

"Aren't we going to chase the enemy?" Fleet was stunned.

"We have lost the opportunity. The enemy has slipped away from our path, and there is no obstacle on the way. No friendly army can stop them. At this time, we can be regarded as the occupied area of ​​exchange, um... we have lost our money." Luo Ben sighed. .

Fleet fell silent.

After thinking for a while, Robben said again: "But it's okay, but the other party has postponed the elimination time a bit. They are now avoiding confrontation with us. In terms of strength, we still have the advantage. As long as they approach steadily, they won’t always be so easy to use small tricks to play tricks on us, and... we haven’t been to a place since, and there will be new work to do. This is also the time when I come back. What the adults entrusted me to do."

Fleet didn't even ask Robben what he was entrusted this time. He nodded dullly and directly agreed with Robben's statement. It seemed that the letter that Ya brought was quite convincing.

Robbenton feels the great influence of faith and heroes, and feels at ease.

After extinguishing the flames, Robben led the 50,000 Pioneer Battalion fighters back a long way, and headed for the country that was recently occupied.

Robben has left with the soldiers of the Pioneer Camp, and in the Grand Canyon thousands of miles away, the last elf has already withdrawn from the canyon. After completing the secret retreat of the Caton army from the northwest highlands, the second prince rushed into the vast eastern land with Qingqi early this time.

"Ahahaha...Hey! Hurry up, be careful of the enemies behind to catch up!" Less than a hundred miles from the western border of the Caton Empire, more than fifty fast horses were galloping fast. The first was a young man who looked pale and thin, but was extremely excited.

Behind him, there is a witch of about twenty and an elves of about twenty.

"Sister, where did you say this guy's spirit?" A dark elf girl looked tired, sitting on the horse swayingly, talking to a witch next to her.

The witch also looked confused. "Humans are really weird. This guy had a bitter face every day a few days ago, saying that he has to travel long distances, he can't ride a horse fast, and he said he has to sit in the teleportation formation, but now he runs fast..."

"Okay, shut up..." The witch at the back interrupted the private muttering of the two of them and gave them a glance. "You've been muttering all the way, don't you feel tired? Take a good look at that bastard, don't let him suddenly fall off his horse and die. Otherwise, we won't be able to explain to Chief Nalan."

"I know... he has magic protection on his body, even if he falls on the mountain, he can't fall to death." The witch turned her head and made a face at the captain of the operation.

The witch sighed, "I really don't know how the master agreed to such a plan. We only have so few people in the enemy's interior. If the enemy encounters the enemy's remnants..." The witch shook with a headache. Head "And also to protect such a idiot, idiot, ah... never performed such a difficult task."

"Hey! Don't you whisper secretly there, okay?" The second prince yelled backwards from the front. "And if you really want to mutter, please lower your voice, OK? Don't let me listen all the way apart It must be clear."

"That nasty ghost heard it!?"

"It's all your loud voice!"

"I didn't."

"Well, you two shut up. Give me peace of mind and hurry!"

The second prince looked back, and from afar, at the end of the earth, he seemed to have seen the land of the Caton Empire...

The team rushed all the way to the border of Caton. The second prince grabbed the horse's head and looked up at the once majestic first city of Caton on the western border.

now. The first pass that once entrenched hundreds of thousands of troops and firmly guarded the western gate of the Caton Empire has gone to the city. There are no ordinary residents in this city, only the relatives of the guard soldiers who have migrated. With the disappearance of the Caton garrison, as the Protoss army came out, this huge pass has become extremely deserted, and it will no longer be the hideous color that killed countless enemies in the past.

Riding slowly to the suspension bridge in front of the pass, the second prince jumped off the horse and watched for a long time that it is now lying on the ground, and anyone can walk over the suspension bridge... His eyes were full of excitement. color.

The elves and witches didn't know why the second prince stopped, they all looked around vigilantly, ready to deal with the sudden appearance of enemies.

Slowly, the second prince knelt down and silently bent his body toward the first pass of Caton. His forehead touched the ground gently, and his body was gently... trembling. Two lines of tears were always smiling from there. The eyes flowed down.

"Mother...I'm back, I'm back late..."

The elves and the witches were stunned, never expected this **** fool would actually cry...

"He cried..." The witch who had spoken earlier was surprised.

"Shut up!" The witch who led the team glared at her rather severely, "Dismount!"

The witch and the elves dismounted one after another. The witch who led the team came forward, looked at the high pass, sighed gently, and bowed to the courtesy of the demons. The rest of the elves and witches were somewhat somewhat Puzzled.

"One day, our witch will have our own home and a land we are willing to defend with our lives."

The rest of the witches couldn't help but moved slightly, all lowered their heads. Among the elves, the tall dark elves walked out, and took a breath and said to the elves behind them: "We... will build our own home more prosperous. There must be us on this continent. Where to live."

The elves all smiled.

The second prince got up from the ground and wiped the tears from his face. Looking back, they found that the elves and the witches were also standing on the ground, with excitement on their faces, and asked a little bit puzzledly: "You...what are you doing?"

"It's none of your business!" A witch glared at the second prince.

The second prince shrugged his shoulders helplessly and didn't care. But looking back at the tall Xiongguan, there was an ups and downs in his chest.

The Caton Empire has gone through a **** storm since its founding. It has annexed hundreds of large and small countries. The throne will never fade, but it will never fade, but it will always stand, like a giant beast on the mainland. Grow up gradually.

however. This huge empire was so fragile when faced with the threats of the gods and demons, and the empire that was so powerful enough to sweep the continent fell apart in a short time... I made my father close his eyes early, and let my brother sleep in the ground with only some The remnants of defeated soldiers fled hurriedly, the magnificent palace, countless people, vast land, all the blood and fire accumulated after Caton was founded...

At that moment, I deeply felt how small I was. How weak human beings are in the face of powerful forces, and now, I am back...with the support of rare races on the road. The demons who are strong enough to fight against the gods are back...

Thinking of this, the second prince could not help but tears in his eyes. This land, the land where his soul and flesh and blood were raised, cannot be trampled on by others, no matter what...you must defend it to the death, for this...at any cost !

Lifting his head, the second prince yelled, "Carton!! I'm back!!!"

"Is he crazy?" A witch pulls the elf beside her.

"It's always been a little crazy, don't worry, it's okay!" The elf kindly comforted...

After the second prince roared wildly, he felt very comfortable. Turning on his horse, shouting loudly: "Sisters! Welcome to the Caton Empire! When it comes to the imperial capital, I will ask your sisters to taste the specialties that Caton has!"

"We didn't just come out there, we have eaten anything..."

"I will protect you all the way to here, just ask us to eat something, it's really stingy."

"Yeah... Elves have always been generous to adults. Last time I was injured, he healed me and gave me a lot of treatment rolls. I was not willing to use it. I slept under the pillow every day. "

"Yeah! You actually hid the things of the elves and adults, quickly take them out and hand them over!" An elves rushed forward.

"Don't give it or not! That's for me!"

"Take it out to pay your father-in-law, otherwise you don't want to leave here today! What are you guys watching? Come and help!!"

"It's going to die! Let go of me, don't scratch my stomach, haha..."

The elves suddenly squeezed into a group, and several witches also ran over to join the battle group.

The second prince had an ambitious ambition drifting above the clouds. When he saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly fell into the bottom of his mood, and said with a depressed face: "Why are men like men, some are always popular with women, and some are hated by women." Well... the old ladies, Miss Qiao, liked me very much."

With a sigh, the second prince turned his horse's head. "This... Sisters, do we hurry up? If you want magic scrolls, I have a lot more here. Robben is afraid that I will die unexpectedly. If ..."

The second prince stopped talking, because nobody seemed to care about him...

As he hurried his horse to step into Caton’s territory, the second prince was relieved and couldn't help laughing. "This time, the Protoss must be unable to cry."

"Sisters, is it time for us to leave? You have been grabbing something for too long!"

No one cares about the second prince...

The elves have always been more casual, and the witches are, at best, more disciplined. After all, this time the witch is leading the team... you can’t be unruly in front of yourself. Most witches still stand there honestly, but they seem to be Quite wanting to have a fight...

The witch who led the team felt a bit of a headache. Although it was a war period, although the witch and the elves had a heavy mission on their backs,...how could they feel that these little girls were not nervous at all.

Looking at the sky, I couldn't help sighing. The witch who led the team didn't even look at the witches and elves who were in a group over there.

"What is the master doing? These little girls who keep arguing all day really can't manage..." The witch who led the team squeezed her forehead vigorously.

At this time, Robben, who was being talked about, was talking to a fat king in a small palace.

"We are Protoss. Do you know this?" Robben asked nonsense.

"Forgive me, the gods are here, please forgive us! Those sluggish demons...we are also forced!"

Robben impatiently interrupted the fat and oily king's endless words, "I know I know. I didn't say anything about you, I mean, we are the Protoss, now this place is under our control, and the power transfer is now in progress. , We have to implement a series of measures, where is your seal. Now I will use it..."

After a while, Robben walked out of the study with a large stack of documents with the Fat King's seal changed, and handed them to Fleet, who was waiting outside. "Post these things immediately, and then we leave here."

Fleet glanced at the top document and frowned slightly, "My lord, we really want to announce such a thing."

"Well... we might do something different from before." Robben took out another document. "Here are our general course of action and measures to be implemented. You should follow the above and do not miss any place. First of all...every country in this northwest highland, every human being should know what we are doing. ."

Fleet was stunned, "Every country, every human?"

"Well... we have to do it, of course, we must do it thoroughly." Robben turned around and left. "The things here will be left to you for the time being. The troops we have gathered from other directions are coming soon. You are responsible for the integration. I ...If you want to go out and do something, you should be back in a few days."

this time. Fleet's expression was solemn, and he stood up straight and replied clearly: "Yes! The subordinates must do everything they need to do before the lord returns."

Robben nodded, "Thanks for your hard work, I will remember to bring you some treats when I come back. Do you have something to eat?"

Fleet looked a little apprehensive, "My lord. The subordinates dare not..."

Seeing Fleet's serious face, Robben couldn't say anything more, smiled, and left slowly.

Leaving the city where the Pioneer Camp was stationed, Robben flew all the way to the remote and desolate next door, and finally stopped in a barren mountain.

Shennian scanned this barren mountain, and after not even spotting a larger beast, Robben got his heart out, found a place, leveled the ground, and began to portray the magic circle in place.

After wiping, deleting, modifying, and modifying, Robben finally sweated out and was unique in this world, and it was hard to see the unique magic circle.

"Go back now?" The voice of Queen Biris came from Robben's heart.

Robben dropped the branch in his hand and sighed, "Hmm... to be honest, I don't worry about that woman being with Sasha and the others."

"I hope to go back later, maybe that woman will fight with your woman because of something, and lose both sides..."

"Actually... I'm afraid that Sarok can't bear to run away. I forgot to mention this in the contract."


Putting your hand on the magic circle, this ugly magic circle, painted on the ground with a branch, slowly floated bright, black and white light flowing in the magic circle, it turned out to be a Tai Chi pattern faintly.

"Doctor, what is this?" Queen Biris asked strangely.

Robben laughed, "This makes me in you, and you in me!"

"Bah!" Queen Biress immediately snorted, "The dirty billet is the dirty billet!"

After laughing, Robben said: "Recently, I seem to have been able to find the balance between the power of birth and destruction. The reason why I didn't use this power often in the past is actually that it is painful every time I use it, and I rebirth quickly. On the one hand, it withered extremely quickly, that feeling is simply endless torture for the living body, and now it feels a little comfortable."

"Balance? So this is what happened?" Queen Biress seemed to be very interested in this Tai Chi pattern.

"This is a very wonderful allegory pattern in my hometown. Although it is only black and white, it represents the universe and everything, and it is all-encompassing."

"It's amazing." Queen Biress was quite disdainful. "It's obviously a man and a woman hugging each other."


The light of the magic circle gradually brightened. On the magic circle that Robben painted was not very round, the weird Tai Chi patterns slowly rotated, and bursts of soft energy fluctuations began to escape into the air...

"Doctor, the safety of the passage..." Queen Biris endured it now. Still couldn't help but ask.

"Try it first. I won't go in rashly. I don't want to die young, but when we came back, it went smoothly. If the estimates are not bad, our worst luck will be the same as before returning to the gods. There is a big problem."

Seeing the light of the magic circle getting brighter and brighter, Queen Biress suddenly hesitated, "Doctor, in that space, I seem to have...a strange memory. But it is not clear, it seems...well, I can't remember either. "

"Bi Er, what are you talking about?"

"I mean I can't remember what I was about to say!" Queen Biris exclaimed angrily.

Then don't say anything... Robben can only mutter secretly.

"Bier, I might have to go in first to see the situation. How about waiting for me here?"

"Think I am cumbersome?"

"You know what I meant..."

"How do I know what you mean? Do you want to leave me here so that you can go to the gods and find that **** woman to have **** with!?"

Robben couldn't laugh or cry. "Okay. I see. Let's go in together, but in case something accident happens. You must tell me, we just return."

"Nonsense, I don't want to die with you!"

Knowing that Queen Biris would not stay anyway, Robben accelerated the activation of the magic circle, and the streamers rose from the magic circle and gathered towards the air.

Amid the loud noise of Kerala, where the light from the sky converged, a spatial crack tore apart, revealing the entrance of the black hole inside.

Robben felt excited, "Bi Er. It's a success!"

"Humph! It was a small and a half success, what it looks like is still unclear!" Queen Biris attacked Robben without hesitation.

Robben smiled, "Then let's go in and take a look!" Jumping up, Robben flew directly towards the space crack of the black hole, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was a sudden darkness in front of him, and the peculiar misty and pitch blackness of Void Space appeared before him again. Suddenly countless spaces flowed turbulently around him, Robben hurriedly gathered his divine power to protect his body, turned his head and looked around, the crack in the space he opened is still stable, and will not close for a while.

After taking a soft breath, Robben whispered to himself as if encouragingly: "The space coordinates were left at the moment of crossing the passage last time. You should be able to find them here, you can definitely find...you can find..."

Robben's voice slowly decreased...because the spatial coordinates left at the time seemed to be insensible.

When returning to the God Realm, the space channel will briefly connect the God Realm and the human continent, leaving space coordinates on the human continent as early as possible. When the two worlds are connected, if the space coordinates can be left on the side of the God Realm and accurately positioned If the two coordinates are calibrated to each other, the position of the spatial coordinates can still be sensed even after the channel is closed...

"Can't you find it?" Queen Biress's voice is fairly stable, and it does not seem to be affected by too much spatial turbulence ~www.readwn.com~ Robben frowned and said: "This spatial crack is left in the original way. When the space coordinates of the human continent are opened, it should be not far from the space coordinates of the gods."

"The passage was full of loopholes, just like nothing. The coordinates left won't have problems because of this, right?"

"This..." Robben couldn't help but also worried. The situation was very dangerous at the time. He was about to lose consciousness, and the left coordinates might be directly washed away by the space turbulence due to insufficient energy...

"Can't find it yet?" Queen Biress asked again.

"No... Can't find it at all."

Queen Biris sighed, "Then let's go back, knowing that you idiot is unreliable, so...I have left behind."

Robben was overjoyed, "Do you have a way?"

"Huh! I owe me another condition!" (To be continued.

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