Some people regard it as a lucky arrival and make a wish for it.

Humans who have just escaped from ignorance regard the sudden appearance of meteors as great beings similar to gods or divine beasts, and the gods on earth have also noticed this anomaly.

However, after using various methods to predict, detect, and enlighten meteors, the gods did not feel the power as powerful as the terrifying white giant ten thousand years ago, so they put down their hearts.

Only one of them is an exception.

The pure girl god with long white hair found that the direction of the meteor landing was her hunting ground, so she eagerly wanted to see what the meteor was.

That's how Ye Ting and the goddess met.

Chapter 0631 Extinguishing and Goddess

I have to say that although the predatory star is powerful, its star boat functions are really monotonous.

Maybe it's because all the functions are concentrated on the Voidcell, the main control core, the starship itself has only the most basic mobility, and it can't even control the landing in the atmosphere.

At the moment of the final landing, in order to avoid causing too much damage and making too much noise, Ye Ting even forcibly applied a powerful anti-gravity magic to it, which did not cause a nuclear explosion.

Even so, the starship that landed was like a big bomb, making a huge noise, and even the earth shook.

The landing point of the star boat is a forest.

After landing, the star boat just smashed a big crater on the ground. The shock wave and high temperature destroyed everything within a radius of [-] meters. The trees farther away were also staggered, and many trees even caught fire.

Countless birds and beasts were frightened and fled in all directions.

After a long time, Ye Ting crawled out of the star boat in a daze.

As soon as he came out, the "protective fire element damage" placed on his body was triggered by the surrounding high temperature, which surprised him.

Sure enough, this broken star boat has no other benefits other than being sturdy.

With that in mind, he shrunk the star boat slightly, stuffed it into the dragon skin bag, and started to look around.

Huge craters, fallen trees, and burning fires.

There are no people around, because the earth is still relatively desolate, and human beings have not fully emerged in an era?Or is it just because I landed in an old forest?

But that's not the priority.

"Well, no, if you don't handle it properly, it will cause a forest fire."

Just do what Ye Ting said, the most urgent thing for Ye Ting to do is of course put out the fire.

In fact, the way to do a good job in putting out the fire is to summon a few water elements and let them work, but there is no elemental plane in the Xingyue world, so lazy behavior can't be done.

So, what's the most convenient magic in this situation?

Ye Ting began to connect his consciousness to the atmosphere, and then began to cast spells.

Seventh Level Spell - "Manipulate the Weather!"

Although it takes a long time to prepare and consumes a lot of energy, both the scope and duration of action far exceed those of the same level of magic.

In addition, I don't know if it is because of the age of the gods, Ye Ting can clearly feel that the atmosphere is full of "mana" - or the real ether. For Ye Ting, this is like being in a similar well of eternity anytime, anywhere. , near the core of the magic net such as the Sunwell, the abundant energy makes it much more convenient to cast spells.

With the casting of the "weather manipulation" magic, the originally sunny sky soon changed.

Within a few kilometers, the clouds quickly gathered together, covering the sun, but the sky a few kilometers away seemed to be in two different spaces, still clear.

About five minutes later, the clouds in the sky seemed to have accumulated to the limit and could no longer be supported. The rainwater in the clouds began to fall down.

The original burning trees gradually extinguished in the sudden rainstorm, leaving only the billowing smoke, and the originally hot ground where the starship landed began to cool down under the moisturizing of the rain.

The torrential rain wet the earth and wet the forest.

In the open space created by the falling of the star boat, only Ye Ting in a white robe was alone. The rain seemed to have not noticed him, leaving no trace of water on him.

More than ten minutes later, the rainstorm stopped, the clouds dissipated, and the sky cleared again, as if nothing had happened.

Only the wet ground and the smoking trees that stopped burning attest to the change in the weather just now.

After finishing his work, Ye Ting was ready to leave with satisfaction.

Suddenly, a curious female voice sounded in his ear.

"How did you do it?"

"What... what?"

The sudden sound startled him, and he immediately became alert.

Even this female voice is ethereal and pleasant, and there is no hostility in the slightest, only pure curiosity.

In the world of Xingyue, even if Ye Ting has the power of a dragon and has a good magic that is different from this world, he is very vigilant.

Because there are too many powerful people in this world, especially in the era he lives in now.

In World of Warcraft, the most powerful beings are the Titans and the Void Lords, whose power can shape and destroy the surface of the star at will.

Titans were originally the star souls of the planet, and this world also has a similar star soul - UO (Ultimate ONE), or Aristotle.

Its true body is the strongest life form among the planets, and a single one of them may wipe out the life forms of the existing world.

In addition, this world also has the existence of predatory star, and every wandering star released by predatory star has the ability to destroy planetary civilization.

As for the great gods, heroic spirits, true ancestors and other messy powerhouses in the mythology, it is not necessary to say that each of them is not so easy to deal with.

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