After the expansion of the power, all the consorts of the Black Dragon King could not bear this powerful power, and they all died after mating with him. Only Sinestra, the mother of Onyxia and Nefarian, was also Nessa. Leo's first consort survived, but her body suffered so much damage that she avoided Deathwing.

The end result of this is that the Black Dragon Legion is unsustainable and urgently needs a way to continue multiplying.

Whether it's Nefarian researching the multicolored dragonmen or Neltharion using orcs to lure Alexstrasza, it's their attempt to reproduce the Black Dragonflight.

In Neltharion's mind, Alexstrasza, the guardian dragon who is in charge of life and has the ability of parthenogenesis, is undoubtedly the best mate that can withstand his mighty power, and is an excellent tool for him to expand the Black Dragon Legion.

But, in fact, Nesario has another option.

That was his daughter, Onyxia.

As mentioned earlier, Onyxia inherited Neltharion's powerful body and strength, and in this respect, she surpassed not only her brother, but also her mother.

In addition, although there is no record of giving birth to normal black dragon offspring, judging from the number of inferior black dragons she gave birth to, she does have the talent to be a good mother - by the way, even in human form, in Ye Ting's eyes, Austrian Nexia is also an excellent birth control type.

Therefore, the poor Princess Heilong had to constantly avoid her father's clutches while contributing to her father's career. Judging from the fact that she was not as badly damaged as her mother, she was considered successful for the time being.Now she joins her father's plan to capture Alexstrasza, precisely because she wants her father to find a genuine explosive tool as soon as possible, and stop playing her idea.

At the same time, she is still avoiding her brother. Compared with the ghost father Deathwing, Nefarian is more ghostly. The goal of this research madman is not to use his sister to destroy troops, but to use his sister as an experiment to study the colorful dragon people. material.

In his words, Onyxia, who inherited her father's blood perfectly, is the best test item.

Of course, in the original, Nefarian succeeded in the end, and after Onyxia died, the black dragon prince got her corpse and transformed her.However, it seems that the transformation effect of the corpse is not as good as that of the living body, so the transformed Onyxia is not as powerful as imagined.

Most of the above were "interrogated" from Onyxia by Ye Ting during the flight.

From this point of view, the relationship between the Black Dragon Princess and her father and brother is not very good. Although she is forced to work for them, she is always looking for opportunities to trick them.

However, that doesn't mean Onyxia is a good person.

Although this black dragon princess is not corrupted by the ancient gods like her father and other black dragons, but under her father's influence, she has also become ruthless and takes pleasure in creating killing and chaos. , largely out of their own hobbies and nature.

In short, the most crucial part of this information is: Onyxia's presence in Grim Batol was known to Deathwing for a long time, so she did not attract Deathwing's attention.

This gave Ye Ting and others a good opportunity to move freely in Grim Batol.

After all, no matter how much you use magic to hide yourself, as long as people act, they will leave traces.

Therefore, Ye Ting's original plan still had a certain risk of failure.

But the existence of Onyxia makes up for these risks. While hiding themselves, they can use the black dragon princess as a shield and use her tracks to cover up the tracks they leave behind. It is more difficult to mislead than to completely hide. much smaller.

Then, in the forest of Grim Batol, a female orc in armor appeared and walked towards the gate of Grim Batol.

This female orc is exactly the form of Onyxia incarnating into an orc with the ultimate transfiguration, and like her father who gave the dragon's soul to the orc, she also disguised the form of an orc and obtained the form of an orc in the Dragonmaw clan. a certain position.But Neltharion's purpose was to set up his own conspiracy, while Onyxia's purpose was to facilitate action.

And now, her identity has been effectively used by Ye Ting.

For this reason, Ye Ting had to temporarily release part of the seal on Onyxia, so that she could just change into the form of an orc.

Ye Ting himself and his three teammates were cast by him with advanced invisibility and levitation, so they kept hiding beside Onyxia and followed her into Grim Batol. Of course, they also threatened the Black Dragon Princess at any time. Let her not dare to act rashly.

0535 Grim Batol

Under the leadership of Onyxia, the group walked along the woods all the way to the bottom of a continuous and tall mountain.

In front of them, a black and magnificent gate was inlaid on the cliff of the mountain.

Here, is the gate of Grim Batol.

Like Ironforge, this dwarven city is located in the mountains behind the gate. If it weren't for the enduring curse of Grim Batol, it might have become a stronghold for orcs.

And now, only the Dragonmaw clan, who controlled the red dragon, dared to stay in this cursed city.

The female orc that Onyxia transformed into seems to have a considerable position in the Dragonmaw clan. I saw that at the door of Grim Batol, she just roared and forced the orc soldiers guarding the door to make way for her. .

So, under her leadership, the invisible four were able to break through the entrance blocked by the orcs and enter the city hidden in the mountain.

Although the four were completely invisible and floating in the air, they still carried a breeze as they passed the orc guards.

Unfortunately, due to the presence of Onyxia, the orc guards took the source of the breeze as the female orc officer just now, so they didn't notice anything unusual at all.


Originally at the gate of Grim Batol, looking at this magnificent gate, everyone thought that what they were going to see was a magnificent dwarf city.

Kurdran, a Wildhammer dwarf, looked at everything in front of him and even almost screamed - this is the relic left by their ancestors.

However, after entering Grim Batol, everyone realized that they were not entering a magnificent dwarf city, but a shadow city full of darkness and fear.

This original dwarf city is actually a huge cave dug by dwarves. From the top of the cave to the bottom full of lava, it is almost hundreds of meters, dozens of stories high, and the area is even more amazing, even if it is a guardian. A behemoth like a giant dragon can barely fly here.

However, due to the curse, the Wildhammer dwarves have long since moved out of the city, which has caused this huge cave to be completely turned into a ghost town. The dwarf buildings built along the rock walls are as high as [-] meters and several kilometers long. Basically uninhabited, the city that could originally accommodate hundreds of thousands of people has completely turned into an empty city.

Now, after hundreds of years, the city has finally welcomed its new owners, the Dragonmaw clan, but this clan was unknown before it came to Azeroth, belonging to a group of small numbers and strength.Compared with this huge city, the population of the Dragonmaw clan is completely unable to fill it, and even one-tenth of the city cannot be fully controlled, which makes Grim Batol still like a ghost town today.

The city that was supposed to be brightly lit all year round now only has the light from the orcs in the scattered places. The rest is basically pitch black. The only thing that can light up the cave is the unquenchable lava flowing from the bottom of the cave. .

In this empty city, it's too easy to find a place to hide yourself, and the Dragonmaw clan simply doesn't have enough troops to patrol the entire city - unless they put all their manpower into patrolling, everyone won't go. Do something else.

Therefore, after entering the city, everyone found a dwarf building in a corner and walked in, temporarily dispelling the hidden magic, resting temporarily, and planning the next steps at the same time.

"If those griffins are there, we can actually ride the griffins to find the target here."

Looking at the tall and wide cave outside the window, Kurdran sighed.

"It's not impossible if our princess can feel wronged." Ye Ting looked at Onyxia, who had returned to human form, and smiled.

Compared with the ugly orcs, Onyxia, as a giant dragon, appreciates the image of humans and elves more - of course, it may be that she is accustomed to transforming into humans, so she is accustomed to this aesthetic.

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