With the brilliance of arcane magic, within [-] meters of the camp, the only way for the Amani bear cavalry had changed from a different land to a quagmire.Since the rain had penetrated deeply into this land, the effect of magic was much better than expected. Although such a quagmire could not stop the bear cavalry's footsteps, it was a great delay to their speed.

Sure enough, the bear cavalry, who had attacked the camp with galloping horses, lost their original power in the face of the swamp technique. The sticky mud made the galloping bear forcibly slow down, and had to step deeper and shallower. The feet are moving forward in the mud, and the impact of the speed is greatly reduced. Therefore, the damage they cause to the shield wall is not as great as imagined.

Basically, the shield wall in the front row was not breached at all, and the advantage of the bear cavalry was offset by a simple magic. Now, they had to get into a fight with the infantry.

0485 Defeat the troll

No matter what kind of cavalry: light cavalry, heavy cavalry, or cavalry archers, all good and intelligent officers who lead these cavalry know one thing.

When the cavalry loses speed, they lose all advantage.

At this time, the Amani Bear Cavalry was exactly like that.

When they had to engage in positional, tug-of-war with human infantry, any of their advantages as cavalry could no longer help them.

On the contrary, the disadvantage of being a cavalryman made them suffer at this time.

For example, it is difficult to control the direction, such as the turning radius is too large, the backward speed is too slow, such as the footprint is too large.

As a result, the powerful war bears became living targets on the battlefield. Although their sharp claws and fangs could tear apart anyone in front of them, they did not include the steel shield wall.A skilled shield hand will only be knocked back by a heavy attack, but not easily knocked down.And the serpent-like blade protruding from the gap in the shield wall will cause wounds one after another to the war bear.

No matter how strong and sturdy a war bear is, it will still die if it loses too much blood.

Not to mention, the high elf rangers have their sights set on them.

Although the use of bows and arrows in the rain is rather unsatisfactory, when the cavalry listens, the rangers once again show their strength.

In the face of these living targets under their noses, they easily shot arrows into the gaps in the armor, as well as soft key points.

Under the rain of arrows, many bear cavalrymen died even in the quagmire. Some bear cavalrymen had so many arrow shafts that they could not even lie flat on the ground.

However, the ferocious trolls continued, and even if the bear cavalry at the front did not open the way smoothly, the trolls in the back still rushed frantically towards the alliance camp.

First were the troll hunters and headhunters, who hurled spears and axes at Alliance formations as they ran, ignoring allies in the melee ahead.Their ruthlessness immediately made the soldiers in the front bad luck. These heroic soldiers never thought that there would be such an indiscriminate attack. Many soldiers were pierced by spear throwing or flying Axe--and, of course, some hapless bear troopers who died with them.

Perhaps cruel trolls can endure such indiscriminate killings, but the Alliance can't.

"Damn, let all the soldiers in the front row stand back and raise their shields!" Ye Ting gave the order angrily, while he himself waved his wand and used spells on the area in the melee.

Ye Ting's Transfiguration had an effect, and the armor on the dozens of bear cavalrymen who were fighting with the soldiers suddenly turned into giant spiders, attacking their original owners.

Soon, the bear cavalry fell into chaos, and some giant bear instincts stood up, slapped the spiders on their bodies frantically, tried to get rid of these pesky guys, and even threw its knight under the saddle.There was even a giant bear who was forced to roll around, crushing the spider and its knight to pieces.

In short, the bear cavalry in the front row fell into chaos, and the soldiers of the alliance finally found an opportunity to regroup and lay out their defense lines.

Seeing that the throwing spear and throwing axe lost their effectiveness, the trolls finally gave up the temptation impatiently.

Led by the tall troll berserker, the troll army attacked.

Compared with ordinary trolls, troll berserkers are several times larger in size, without armor, and their muscles are quite developed.These hill-like guys took the lead, wielding double axes and dashing towards the shield wall.

Troll hunters and headhunters follow the berserkers, their weapons are spears, daggers, throwing spears and throwing axes, they wait for the berserker to suppress the enemy, forcing the enemy to reveal the opening, and then these seasoned hunters will launch Fatal blow.

Shamans hid behind the army, holding wooden staffs with charms and skeletons, dancing eerie dances and performing their rituals.Under the influence of the ritual, the trolls became more violent, their sanity was completely removed from them, and all they could think of was to attack.

Before the trolls make contact with the soldiers, it is the rangers and mages who attack first.

The Ranger's arrows were first shot at the charging Berserkers, who were the most conspicuous targets on the battlefield.However, the vitality of these violent warriors was beyond imagination. Even if they were shot into hedgehogs, they seemed to feel no pain and let out a bloodthirsty howl.

Several mages have used blizzards. This magic can be used in rainy days. The water element basically does not need to be condensed. The ready-made rainwater is the material to be transformed into blizzards.

However, the effect was not very good. The trolls were far more resistant to the cold than expected. The freezing rain hit them, and it hardly affected them at all.

"Damn, didn't anyone tell you about the ability of trolls to resist the cold?" Ye Ting scolded, then raised his staff high, the arcane energy communicated with the sky, and in the next second, a bolt of lightning struck the troll's head. In the army, split a Berserker into charcoal.

Under the action of the rain, the residual electricity spread everywhere, electrocuting several trolls around it, and the rest of the trolls were also paralyzed.

The troll army was thrown into chaos.

"The effect is good." Ye Ting nodded, and then continued to summon thunder and lightning.

Seeing this, the High Elf Mage followed suit.In this rainy weather, the thunder and lightning reserves hidden in the clouds are quite large, enough to support a large number of summons.As a result, with the efforts of the mages, a small thunderstorm occurred above the trolls, and the mad thunder continuously struck between the trolls.With the help of the rain, every thunder and lightning is a small area of ​​AOE damage, and the trolls' attack is instantly disrupted, and even the troll berserkers run around like headless flies.Rao is how the troll commanders in the rear yelled, and there was no way to rearrange the formation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ting nodded with satisfaction, and then motioned to Sylvanas beside him.

Sylvanas on the battlefield changed from the wayward and lively (probably?) of the past, and looked serious and cold.After confirming Ye Ting's order, she blew the horn.

Only a rumbling sound was heard, and the two wings of the battlefield began to vibrate.

It was the cavalry of the high elves.

They were clad in gorgeous armor mainly in gold and red, and even the war horses were also clad in armor, holding elven long knives and swords that could stab and cut, and launched a charge against the trolls.

Behind them are high elf swordsmen. Although they are not many compared to human infantry, they are far superior to human soldiers in terms of elite level.Not to mention their swords crafted by the exquisite craftsmanship of the high elves, and their light armor with high protection ability, their gorgeous and superb swordsmanship alone cannot be compared with human infantry.

These elite high elf soldiers had never appeared on the battlefield in the battle just now. Even in the face of the enemy's cavalry, Ye Ting did not send them out.

They were ambushed on both flanks and waited until the enemy fell into chaos before Ye Ting gave the order for a full-scale attack.

As the two wings began to charge, the mages tacitly gave up the lightning magic and began to attack the powerful individuals in the enemy.

The human infantry also remained in formation, advancing slowly.

When the cavalry plunged from the flanks into the chaotic trolls, their defeat was doomed.

Chapter 0486 The Power of Loa

The failure of the trolls was doomed as early as they decided to attack in the heavy rain.

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