Alleria's figure suddenly appeared.

Chapter 0475 Combining Vertical and Horizontal: Quel'Thalas (Part [-])

"Hello, my sister," Sylvanas said with a playful corner of his mouth, staring at the door with dissatisfaction, "what? Do you want to kill your sister as soon as you come back? What a terrible sister. "

"If you can't dodge arrows of that speed, then you've let me down too much." Alleria said in a rather cold voice, "You want to do something to Brother Sander while I'm away. what?"

"As a ranger general, I am obliged to give certain rewards to allies who have made special contributions," Sylvanas raised his eyebrows, "I am not like you, I do things forward and backward, and put such an excellent strategy in front of me. I have concerns, saying that manipulating public opinion is too insidious..."

From this point of view, there are indeed obvious differences between the personalities of the Windrunner sisters.

When Ye Ting just proposed the strategy of using gossip to manipulate public opinion, Sylvanas, who was more ruthless and pragmatic, immediately accepted it, but Alleria felt that this method was the use of the majority of civilians. , some unacceptable.

Of course, she didn't accuse Ye Ting head-on, and in the end she bit the bullet and carried out the plan.

"I do have to apologize for this," she said in a cool and pleasant voice, pulling down her green (?) hood, letting her long blonde hair flow freely: "Politics itself has a sinister and dark side. , this is something I should have seen...after all, I'm still too naive sometimes...sorry."

As she said that, she smiled at Ye Ting, the afterglow of the setting sun illuminated her perfectly symmetrical facial features, and those blue eyes shone in the golden light.

Just when Ye Ting was amazed by this dreamlike beauty and tranquil smile, the high elves turned to attack her sister.

"It's my fault for not fully trusting Brother Sander, but that's not why you steal food while I'm not here! Your courage is getting bigger and bigger now, Miss Moon, you know..."

Before she could finish her words, Sylvanas interrupted her sister's lecture directly.

"At a time like this, do you still want to use your elder sister's identity to oppress me?" Sylvanas looked at Alleria provocatively, "Or do you have to rely on such means to win back a city without being able to compete? "

"I can't compete?" Alleria almost laughed angrily, "Tell me, what exactly did you plan?"

"Aside from being sisters, let's use our own means, how about that?" Sylvanas's smile seemed to be like a fox, "Anyway, I won't give up!"

"...Okay, just as you said, it's up to you!" Alleria hesitated for a moment, as if she had figured out something, and then she made up her mind, "I'll let you be proud for a while now, and wait for the current matter to be resolved. After that, Brother Sander and I will leave Quel'Thalas, and we'll see what you do when the time comes."

As soon as these words came out, Sylvanas seemed to be choking, and it took a long time to say: "...You are cruel."

This time, Alleria let out a sigh of relief. She walked in front of Ye Ting with swaying steps, gave him a hug, and then Shi Shiran walked away proudly.

However, what she didn't see was that after she left, Sylvanas' expression was no longer shocked, but instead appeared confident, her blue-gray eyes stared at Ye Ting from behind, like a she-wolf locking on her prey.

"Don't you rely on your status as the volunteer army commander? Just wait and see." She said secretly in a voice that only she could hear.

Today, the tragic Shura field where Ye Ting is sandwiched between the two righteous sisters is still going on...

Regardless of the drama between the Windrunner sisters and the two women fighting for their husbands, the Silvermoon Council convened once again in the Sunstrider Royal Court.

At this meeting, the discussion on whether to accept the good intentions from the human side and start the troll annihilation war has entered a fever.

The pressure of public opinion from the commoners of the high elves seems to have injected a strong shot into the stalemate of the parliament, making the final decision of the parliament gradually clear.

The party that originally supported the war motion turned the pressure of the public opinion of the civilians into its own weapon and launched a fierce attack on the conservatives, which became a big boost for a while.

Although the conservative side always thinks about the constant change, relying on the magical barrier to stay in Silvermoon City, most of them are not completely selfish, because the high elves are born with noble qualities, so they still have a sense of purpose. Race pays the heart.

Therefore, many of them were gradually moved by public opinion and quietly changed their positions.

Those who are still holding on to the original plan have become ultra-conservatives. These people have no right to speak in the parliament. Although they still insist on their own opinions, the discerning person can see that they are just the last words. .

Finally, King Anastarian made the final call, delivering his speech in a gentle but proud voice.

"Our country has been suffering from trolls for a long time, this savage and cruel race has waged several full-scale wars with us, and even though they have been defeated repeatedly by us, they have never given up their hatred for us, and we ...and the same. Once, we captured their leader, Zul'jin, an enemy with the blood on his hands of our fellow men, but in order not to shed more blood on Quel'Thalas, we still Without killing him, we endured the enemy's existence just to weaken our enemy - which we thought was a good idea at the time."

He looked around, and the seven lords of the Silver Moon Council, as well as the mages and nobles who started, all looked at him with the same hatred.

"However, now we have to admit that we were wrong, that new enemies have suddenly descended on the world, and their presence has put our plans on hold, so we must make new responses. Some people think that perhaps maintaining the status quo is a good thing. Decided, but it's just our opinion, now our people have told us their choice, that's to fight! Yes, they never forgot the hatred of the past, nor the blood that was shed, and now they want blood debt Blood paid, and how can we refuse? Our allies are ready, so, it's time, we'll let those trolls know what they've done! This time, we're going to cut the weeds so that our people won't suffer any more Their mutilation!"

At this moment, all of Anastarian's debilitating appearance disappeared, and the high elves felt that they had seen the vitality and focus of a great king who had been through the ages.

They cheered loudly, scolded the trolls, praised the great revenge, and even the opponents were infected by the bloody atmosphere and joined in.

Quel'Thalas, the ancient kingdom, has awakened again after thousands of years of slumber.This time it awakened full of rage, and the Amani troll was destined to be the sacrifice of this anger.

Chapter 0476: The Hinterland (Part [-])

Ye Ting's plan was undoubtedly a success.

Borrowing the influence of the Windrunner family in the folk, he successfully guided the public opinion of the high elf people, and conveyed this huge public opinion pressure to the Silvermoon Council with his blood feud and anger against the trolls, and finally gave the stalemate the outcome of the parliament. .

In the end, the Silvermoon Council made a decision and agreed with Ye Ting's war plan - combining the power of humans, Wildhammer dwarves and elves, to preempt the potential threat of the Alliance's Amani trolls before the orcs attack.

And the high elves also promised that if the plan is successful, the Amani trolls will no longer threaten Quel'Thalas, then they will send the troops originally used to guard against the trolls to support the alliance's war against the orcs, and there will also be a series of supplies including supplies. All kinds of transactions, as well as the division of the ownership of Amani troll habitats such as the Zul'Aman jungle, are not listed for the time being.

Of course, the Silvermoon Council is not a fool. The storm of public opinion from the people has made them notice the strong influence of the Windrunner family among the bottom elves, which makes them have to truly admit that this man who fought for Quel'Thalas for thousands of years The status of the family no longer despised them as before.

Fortunately, Ye Ting, who planned this public opinion war from the modern society, was very careful about the arrangement of the entire rumor spreading process.

As a result, in the eyes of the Silvermoon Council, the whole incident was not intentional, but an unintentional complaint from the Windrunner sisters.Most of the true actions of the Windrunner family are tightly concealed.

This made the Silvermoon Council basically have no doubts about the Windrunner family.

Because of this, the Silvermoon Council did not deliberately suppress the Windrunner family, or sell Windrunner's influence through slander.After all, the moral values ​​that the high elves uphold are different from those of humans, and the political struggle is not so fierce. It is basically impossible to suppress a meritorious family for no reason.

In short, the outcome of the matter can be regarded as a happy ending. Ye Ting achieved his goal and eliminated the hidden dangers of the alliance. The high elves were able to eliminate their old enemies. In the original book, the tragedy of being attacked by trolls and ruining the family is really gratifying.

However, Ye Ting, who had achieved his goal, did not stop. He didn't stay in the Windrunner's house in Silvermoon City for a long time, so he had to embark on the journey again. Lan's Wildhammer dwarves.

Wildhammer dwarves are a branch of the dwarf race. Compared with copperbeard dwarves who are mostly military and commercial class, they study magic and dig underground treasures. Wildhammer dwarves are all stoic climbers. They are also regarded as barbarians by their close relatives.

After the Battle of the Three Hammers, the defeated Wildhammer dwarves first settled in Grim Batol, but in the process of fighting the Dark Iron dwarves, Grim Batol was cursed by the Dark Iron dwarves, making him unsuitable live.

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