Until then, however, he must seek the support of Anduin Lothar and King Terenas of Lordaeron.

With Lothar's military literacy, after Ye Ting's reminder, he could naturally see the possibility of trolls joining the tribe, and he could also realize what kind of threat this would bring to the alliance, but when Ye Ting proposed The commander still hesitated when it came to clearing the plan of the Amani trolls.

"Sorry, Sander, although I agree with you, we really don't have the strength to deal with the Amani trolls at the moment," the warrior explained with a sigh, "Actually, it's hard for me to Convince the kings that it will cost them a lot of money to eliminate a potential threat...after all, like the orcs before, most people will get away with it until it really hits."

"Yeah, everyone can be a 'post-mortem Zhuge Liang' (this is automatically translated into a proverb with the same meaning in Azeroth), but how many people can really see the long-term?" Ye Ting smiled bitterly and continued. Said: "However, the manpower and material resources that we need to suppress the ancestor Aman are not as much as we imagined, and there may be some rewards."

"Oh, how do you say it?" Lothar heard the words and looked at Ye Ting with interest. He was looking forward to the genius mage giving him another surprise - just like he had done countless times before.

"Actually, we're not the only ones happy to take down trolls—our new allies, the high elves, and our potential allies, the Wildhammer dwarves, would be happy to make such a deal with us."

"Go on, Sander, go on." Lothar's eyes lit up when Ye Ting mentioned the high elves and the Wildhammer dwarves.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander," Ye Ting smiled confidently: "As we all know, the high elves have had a bloody feud with the Amani trolls for generations. If it wasn't for the lack of national strength, they would have wanted to eradicate this big trouble. I listen. Said, this time joining the alliance, the high elves were originally willing to come up with more troops, but it is precisely because of the defense of the Amani trolls that they have to leave enough manpower to guard the border. If we can solve this trouble for them , will give us more help in fighting the orcs than the high elves."

In fact, the high elves never proposed this idea, but Ye Ting was confident that he could persuade them.

But Lothar believed Ye Ting's words, and felt that what he said was reasonable and convincing.

Ye Ting continued to analyze: "As for the Wildhammer dwarves, although they have not been closely related to us, they who live in the Hinterlands have also suffered from trolls, although they should support Kaz in order to Modan's compatriots joined the alliance, but I think that common interests can deepen their loyalty to the alliance, and the Amani trolls are the goal of showing sincerity."

These words made Lothar nodded again and again. He even thought of using the process of fighting the Amani trolls as an opportunity to run the army of the three tribes, and the tall trolls could also allow the soldiers to adapt to the feeling of fighting the orcs in advance.

You must know that the human kingdoms have not had wars for many years, and it is good to warm up a little before fighting the orcs.

As a result, Lothar immediately became a supporter of Ye Ting's plan, and even helped him persuade King Terenas of Lordaeron.

Originally, King Terenas did not support this kind of gambling that wasted his troops and might not see the benefit, but Lothar's reasoning and Ye Ting's analysis based on his interests still persuaded him.

And what moved him the most was Ye Ting's reason.

"If you want to eliminate the Amani trolls in the Hinterlands and Zu'Aman, since the armies of the rest of mankind are far away, the only thing that can be used is the army of Lordaeron. In this way, the favor of eliminating the Amani trolls is undoubtedly. It is all under His Majesty's head, and Lordaeron's status in the hearts of Wildhammer dwarves and high elves will undoubtedly increase greatly. The benefits of such good feelings for Lordaeron... I don't need to analyze it for His Majesty."

What Ye Ting said was true, even though the kings of the human kingdoms are now united selflessly, even if Terenas is a famous and wise king, but as long as he is a ruler... no, as long as he is a human being, there will be selfishness.

And Terenas' selfishness is undoubtedly to maintain the alliance, expand the influence of Lordaeron, not to mention the rebirth of the glory of the Arathi Empire, at least to be the same as Duke Huan of Qi, and become the leader of the alliance for a long time (of course, he does not know What is Duke Huan of Qi).

Under such circumstances, being able to have a higher influence on foreigners will undoubtedly help him to become the leader of the alliance - anyway, dwarves and elves don't care much about who the leader of the alliance is - plus Ye Ting mentioned the origin of the alliance. Even a wise king like Terenas was still tempted by the rewards of the high elves and dwarves.

Chapter 0470 Combining Vertical and Horizontal: Quel'Thalas (Part [-])

After securing the kingdom of Lordaeron, Ye Ting's second stop was Quel'Thalas.

Compared with the Wildhammer dwarves, the removal of Amani trolls is more important to Quel'Thalas, and at this moment, Quel'Thalas has officially joined the alliance, which can be regarded as a closer ally. The plan was first justified by comparisons among allies.

Of course, this time he had to seek Alleria's help first.

Compared with the rulers in Silvermoon City, the rangers represented by Alleria have always been the main force against Amani trolls in the jungle, and they also have the greatest hatred between them and the trolls. group of people.

Although they also know that Silvermoon City's plan to deal with the trolls and their leader Zul'jin is indeed a long-term consideration, but the reason is one thing, and the emotion is another.

Allowing mortal enemies to thrive in the Zul'Aman jungle, and letting enemy leaders live well in prisoner-of-war camps, the rangers have long accumulated great dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Therefore, Ye Ting's plan was a hit with them, and Alleria gave Ye Ting a deep hug on the spot after hearing it.

From her point of view, Ye Ting tried his best to connect the three forces to complete this plan thankfully, obviously for her sake.

Such a good brother, where can I find a second one?

Therefore, she expressed her full support for Ye Ting's plan, and even without Ye Ting saying more, she took the initiative to lead the volunteer army to join the plan.

Of course, in addition to this, the lobbying of the rulers of Quel'Thalas also required Alleria's help.

Although the prestige of the Windrunner family is mainly concentrated among the rangers, it has little influence in the highest level of the Silvermoon Council, but, sometimes, the prestige at the bottom has its own appropriate use.

Soon, Ye Ting and Alleria returned to Silver Moon City again.

This time the visit was not official. Ye Ting did not bring any large delegation, but visited the Sunstrider Royal Court alone.

However, the high elves did not despise him because of this. First, they were in awe of his magic, and second, it was because he made a very deep impression on the high elves during the last mission.

And the issue that Ye Ting brought up this time raised the attention of the high elves to him.

"...I can't believe it, is your proposal true?" After hearing Ye Ting's plan, Anastarian's calm voice trembled, and his hands were subconscious. clenched the armrest of the throne.

No way, trolls have always been mortal enemies to the high elves.When he heard Ye Ting mentioned that the alliance countries intend to destroy Zu'Aman's trolls with Quel'Thalas, he couldn't help but be not excited.

A mortal enemy that has lasted for thousands of years, hatred that has lasted for thousands of years, and now it may be wiped out at once. How big of a deal is this for the high elves?

In fact, if it weren't for the orcs, the high elves couldn't wait for such a good thing at all.

For humans, the Amani trolls confined in the Zul'Aman jungle are not a big problem. Unlike the high elves, humans with higher reproductive capacity don't pay much attention to the population, and a small number of casualties in the border areas are completely within their tolerance range. However, the existence of Amani trolls is a check and balance for Quel'Thalas-although high elves and humans have never had territorial conflicts, and elves have no great demands on land, but the rulers of humans Always instinctively guard against all potential enemies, and subconsciously maintain such a balance.

If it weren't for the large-scale invasion of the orc tribes now, the people of the human kingdoms were panicking. Although the rulers swear on the surface, saying that our army will win and the tribe will lose, but they themselves are not as confident as they appear on the surface.

Ye Ting only had the opportunity, because the trolls were potential allies of the orcs, and the reasons such as wooing Quel'Thalas moved Terenas and facilitated this cooperation.It can be said that this kind of cooperation can be regarded as an opportunity not to be missed.

Don't you see in the original book, the high elves didn't join the alliance until the orc soldiers landed in the city. At that time, the alliance had fully understood the power of the tribe and had a certain confidence in winning and losing. In this way, the importance of the elves as an ally was greatly reduced. .Therefore, after the war, although the Amani trolls were once a member of the tribe and could be regarded as war criminals, the alliance still did not completely exterminate them. Of course, this is due to the fact that the division is exhausted and the enemy is strong. More still want to use Amani The trolls continue to restrain Quel'Thalas.

However, although this plan is so beneficial to the high elves, it is not so easy to pass.

Anastarian soon convened the Silver Moon Council to discuss whether to implement Ye Ting's plan.

However, although the plan was clearly beneficial to the high elves, it was still opposed by some councilors.

"Although His Excellency Archmage Lever's plan is good, it is too naive," a member of parliament first stood up to object, "Perhaps Your Excellency does not understand the strength of our Quel'Thalas, in fact, we have always been All have the strength to wipe out the Amani trolls, but the war is not as simple as you think, we have never really wiped out the Amani trolls, and naturally we have our own considerations."

His words were unanimously supported by several councilors and some nobles, but Ye Ting could see that Anastarian, who was on the throne, frowned.

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