The powerful mage stopped suddenly, and he glanced at Ye Ting with a look so fast that Lothar almost didn't notice.

"I would like Archmage Sander Lever to fill this role, sir." Lothar said immediately knowingly, "Khadgar can assist him, they are all trusted companions, and have faced with me many times. Orcs."

"Of course." Antonidas nodded happily, "Although he has not been with us for a long time, Liv will always surprise us."

Then he turned to the other "young man", the poor white-haired Khadgar, who had been made premature by Sargeras.

"You have indeed gone through a lot." The archmage said softly, with sympathy and sadness in his eyes. "Your experience has made a deep impression on you, far more than your appearance shows."

Khadgar turned his head slightly.

"I do what I'm supposed to do," he said quietly.

Antonidas frowned.

"That's what we have to do." He sighed, and it seemed that some heavy burden was impacting his mind. Soon, he turned to Ye Ting and returned to the current topic.

"You need to keep us informed of the situation on the battlefield, and keep us informed of Ser Lothar's latest request. At the same time, you will complete other problems with your fullest effort. I believe these are all within your abilities."

Ye Ting nodded.

"Very well, also, Khadgar, I hope to meet you in Dalaran as soon as possible, we need to discuss some other issues so that we can better help the league."

The gem on the head of the archmage's staff suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and then he blurred and disappeared.

"He wants to know about Medivh," Khadgar said suddenly, shortly after the archmage disappeared.

"Of course." Ye Ting turned around and walked out of the throne room.

"I should tell them something." Khadgar followed closely.

"The truth." Ye Ting said without hesitation, "Of course, except for the Guardian Dragon and the Karazhan Council, Aegwynn should be enough to cover their mouths."

"I'll tell them." Khadgar laughed suddenly. "The great Lady Aegwynn, if she can beat Sargeras the first time, she can beat Sargeras the second time."

A few days later, Lothar and Ye Ting returned to the main courtyard.

As Lothar's military advisor, the Supreme Commander sent a considerable number of logistics officials from various countries to Ye Ting's command, and also entrusted him with a lot of clerical logistics work-according to Lothar's words, compared to him as a soldier , Mage with high IQ is more suitable for this kind of work.

His shirk of responsibility made Ye Ting doubt for a while whether it was a wrong decision to elect Lothar as the supreme commander.

However, this time the itinerary is relatively confidential, so apart from Garona, the two did not bring any entourage.

Ryan has also temporarily returned to Southsea Town, and he needs to deal with many affairs related to the refugees of Stormwind Kingdom.

Now, they are here to wait for the arrival of Archbishop Fao. He appeared a few minutes later, and he walked over calmly.

"Thank you very much for being able to accommodate my old man," said the archbishop as he approached them. "I'm not going to hold you back for too long, and I think what I'm doing will help you a lot and the league as a whole."

"But first," he announced. "I want to tell you, Mr. Lothar. The Church has pledged to help Stormwind Kingdom. When this turmoil is over, we will do our best to raise funds to help you rebuild your kingdom."

Lothar smiled, the first real smile on Lothar's face since the fall of Stormwind.

"Thank you, Father," he said, his voice husky but grateful. "This is indeed a great help to me, and it is also of great help to His Majesty Ryan."

Fao nodded.

"The Light will fill your home again," he assured softly.Then he started talking about another topic. "According to your intelligence, the orcs are indeed too strong, and even for a soldier like you, the orcs are a huge threat. And Archmage Lever let us know that the orcs have a lot of evil power. Then , As a human, how can we fight against the orcs when the physical condition is worse and the magic is not dominant?"

Having said this, he smiled, a really happy smile.

"As I was trying to think about these questions, an idea popped into my head, like the Light told me. There is a way to make sure that those warriors can fight with the Light and have the benefits of the Light at the same time. gifts and their own fighting skills, and still have the liturgy taught by the church."

Fao said it was mysterious, but Ye Ting knew that the Paladin was not Fao's original creation.

Just like the original holy light belief originated from the holy light creatures in the astral world - Naru's spiritual inspiration for human beings.Humans felt the Naaru far away in the void in their dreams, and also gained the power of the Holy Light.

As early as a thousand years ago, the Draenei who believed in the Holy Light had the profession of Paladin. Perhaps, Fao also unconsciously obtained the knowledge of Paladin from Naaru.Otherwise there is no way to explain how the paladin system was shaped in such a short period of time.

"So you found a way?" asked Lothar.

"Yes," Fao agreed. "I'm going to start a new branch of the church, Paladins. I've picked out the first candidates for the idea. Some of them were knights and some were priests before this. I chose these people because of their devout beliefs. And their own fighting skills. They will be trained not only to fight, but also to pray and heal. These brave warriors will have both military and spiritual abilities, especially using the power of the Holy Light to bless themselves and others."

He turned and beckoned, and four men emerged from a nearby corridor and walked towards Fao refreshed.

The shining armor they wore, the shields in their hands, and the tops of their helmets all had the emblem of the church's emblem.All carried a sword and looked really well trained.

"Allow me to introduce Uther, Saidan Dathohan, Tirion Fordring, and Turalyon." Fao smiled like a proud father. "They will all be part of the Knights of the Silver Hand."

He also introduced Lothar and Khadgar.

"This is Ser Anduin Lothar, the general of Stormwind and the commander of the Alliance. Then this is his colleague, the military advisor to the Alliance, the wizard of Dalaran, Sand Lever." Fao smiled. say. "I'll let the six of you talk alone."

——The original Paladin.

Ye Ting looked at the four people in front of him with emotion. The four of them, plus another candidate to be recommended by Lothar, became the first batch of Paladins in the hands of Silver.

Chapter 0446 The Original Paladin

Although pure warriors are not powerful, but with the blessing of the Holy Light, these people's combat power has leaped by leaps and bounds, and they can almost compete with the top-level enemies - of course, only to compete - the five Paladins of the first generation, Almost every one of them is a good warrior, and every one of them has left an indelible mark in the history of Azeroth.

Although the strength of these Paladins is slightly insufficient in the future where the strong are like clouds, but now, the appearance of each of them is a considerable supplement to the alliance.

Compared with the high-end combat power of the tribe, the alliance is as strong as a spell caster, but its top talent in physics is far inferior to its opponents.

Orgrim Doomhammer, Kargath Bladefist, Varok Saurfang (High Overlord Saurfang) and his brothers Brox, Grum Hellscream, Ki Errogg Deadeye, Samuro and other Sword Saints... just take out any one who is a first-class warrior.

As for the Alliance, in addition to Anduin Lothar, only Jean Greymane and Daelin Proudmoore can do it a little bit, and the rest of the powerful warriors such as the Bronzebeard Brothers are dwarves.

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