Therefore, the human nobles who claimed to be a civilized race naturally looked down on them, and even regarded them as the same thing as the Gurubashi trolls near the Stormwind Kingdom.

Therefore, in the first battle with the orcs, many nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom regarded the war as a good job to gain military merit, and sent their children into the army one after another.

However, they faced a disastrous victory.

Under the wise leadership of Lothar, the human army successfully repelled the orcs with good equipment, a well-organized army formation and the cooperation of various arms, but he also suffered heavy casualties, including nobles, almost everyone in Stormwind City today. Everyone who knew them left their lives on the battlefield.

Therefore, every time I talk about that war, it is a painful memory for the upper and lower Stormwind City.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Ting also went into the countryside and observed a moment of silence.

Then, Ye Ting looked at Anduin Lothar.

"As far as I know, the armament of the Kingdom of Stormwind is second only to the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the human kingdoms. General Lothar, as a direct descendant of Emperor Thoradin, can also be said to be a generation of famous generals with family background, why would he Suffering such a big loss in the war with the orcs? Even the trolls of Gurubashi couldn't have allowed Stormwind's army to suffer such heavy casualties."

In fact, of course Ye Ting knew what was going on, but now he was playing a messenger who had come from a long way and didn't know the truth, so he had to act stupid for a while.

Hearing Ye Ting asking this, Lothar sighed.

"Or we were too careless and underestimated these savage orcs. Lord Lever didn't know something. We thought that orcs were just another kind of trolls we had never seen before, but in fact, they were much more powerful than trolls. These green-skinned monsters are bloodthirsty and bellicose, and so powerful that even the strongest of men would have a hard time fending off a blow from an orc head-on."

"Really?" Ye Ting nodded, "What about trolls?"

"Trolls?" Lothar sneered. "Compared to these orcs who can fight us head-on, those big feet can only cause us some trouble in the jungle."

- That's the Loa, who you have never seen a troll.

Ye Ting murmured inwardly, but he didn't say it, and continued to listen to Lothar's description.

"Ashamed to say, although we won this battle, it was a tactical and strategic victory, and we had the advantage of magic. In fact, when it comes to frontal combat, our soldiers and these green monsters The casualty ratio is almost three to one, and if it was the militia who took up arms temporarily, it might take ten to twenty people to replace an orc."

Speaking of which, Lothar still had some lingering fears.

"So exaggerated?" Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, "So, do you have orc captives? Or corpses. I want to actually take a look at these monsters."

Hearing this request, Lothar turned to King Ryan.

King Ryan nodded.

"Then, Archmage Lever, please come with me."

Under the leadership of Lothar, Ye Ting walked through the long corridor and down the rotating stone steps to the dungeon in Stormwind City, accompanied by King Ryan himself.

In a separate cell deep in the dungeon, Ye Ting saw a green-skinned orc.

Although he knew something about this race in the last life, this is the first time he saw this race.

This orc is about two meters tall, with rough green skin all over his body, and various scars under the tattered leather armor, some of which are new injuries, and some that have existed for a long time at first glance.

Compared with trolls, orcs are shorter and sturdier, and they also have a pair of fangs, which makes them very ferocious.

From far away, Ye Ting could smell the stench of the orcs.

"This is the orc warrior we captured after the battle," Lothar said. "During the battle, he killed six of our elite soldiers with a big axe, and was eventually killed because he was too wounded to escape. left on the battlefield."

Finding someone coming, the orc immediately grabbed the railing of the prison and squeezed forward frantically. At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and let out a bloodthirsty roar.

Seeing that the orcs suddenly erupted, the nearby guards immediately drew out their sharp swords and pointed at him.

However, he didn't seem to see it.After roaring for a while, the orc began to speak loudly in an unfamiliar language, but none of the people present could understand.

Finding that the orc in front of him still did not change his ferocity even though he was in prison, even Lothar frowned, and he found that he still underestimated the madness of the enemy.

If every orc were this belligerent...

Lothar couldn't imagine it.

On the other side, Ye Ting walked towards the orc curiously, wanting to observe it up close.

Seeing that one of his enemies was approaching, the orc thought he had found an opportunity, and actually wanted to grab Ye Ting from the depths of the gap between the railings.

When the guards saw this, they immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"Sir, please stand back and don't let this monster hurt you."

But Ye Ting pushed them away easily.

"Don't worry, I'm a mage, he won't hurt me so easily." Ye Ting said, and continued to walk towards the orc.

Maybe they understood Ye Ting's words, or maybe they were surprised by Ye Ting's strength, the two guards didn't try to stop him again.

And Lothar and Ryan, who were standing at the back, were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

They saw with their own eyes that the envoy from Dalaran could easily separate two elite soldiers with just his strength.

How can this be?

Aren't mages all "freaks" and "nerds" who are powerless?

If the mages have such power, how can they let their soldiers mix.

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in the eyes of their friends.

"This mage is not easy."

This is their common conclusion.

And Ye Ting, regardless of what they thought, walked towards the orcs on his own.

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