"Okay, I've finished reading the book, and you've finished listening to what you should know. It's time to go to bed now. School starts tomorrow."

The man stood up and said this to a pair of children who were lying on two small beds in front of him.

However, his two children still did not let him go.

One of the red-haired boys pinched his fingers under the covers, counted the years, and looked at his father.

"Dad, Dad, since that's the case, that Professor Ye is your classmate, right?"

The father had the same red hair as his sons and daughters and a big nose. Under his son's questioning, he had to admit this fact that made him a little hard to tell.

"That's right, Ting and I did enroll in the same year, but we are not in the same hospital, but now you should call him the principal."

Speaking of this, he thought of the boy who made him jealous and had a close relationship with the girl he had a crush on at the time.

Now, that boy has become the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the president of the International Confederation of Wizards, the chief wizard of Wizengamore, a big man who needs to be looked up to, but he himself has to end up being ugly and mediocre. Naveen Skeeter is married and has not had much success these days, except as a store manager at the Magical Jokes chain run by his two older brothers, George and Fred Weasley.

It's really unpredictable.

Chapter 0380 Magic Origin

Ron Weasley didn't want to remember his old schoolmates, but his two children didn't let him go.

"Dad, is that famous Professor Ye really our principal?" His son was still in disbelief, "I heard from cousin Louie that the principal and professor of their school are old men, but Professor Ye is not Old man, why can you be the principal?"

"Because... he's a genius." Ron gritted his teeth and finally said reluctantly.

"Then, I'm going to be a genius too, and I'm going to be a principal when I grow up!"

The red-haired boy made a confident oath, to which Ron could only return a wry smile.

——Dear Hugo, you are really not afraid of tigers. You want to be a genius with Ting Yebi. Throughout the history of wizards, even Merlin can’t do it, let alone you are not a genius.

——I hope that in the future at Hogwarts, you will not be hit.

Son Hugo Weasley finally got a satisfactory answer, but Rose Weasley, who was lying in another cot, was still in high spirits.

However, compared to Ye Ting, Rose, a girl, was more interested in other people.

"Dad, since you and Professor Ye are classmates, you must also know Aunt Hermione, Aunt Qiu, Aunt Penello, Aunt Furong and Aunt Luna, right?"

"Uh... yes."

Hearing the name he once had a crush on from his daughter's mouth, Rao is that Ron has been married for many years and has been relieved for many years, but when he thinks of that amazing face, he is still full of emotion.

"Then Dad, what are these aunties doing now?"

Rose asked curiously.

Since they were about to become a member of Hogwarts, coupled with the relationship between her father and those legendary classmates, the little girl immediately had some affection and curiosity about them.

"...Hermione, who was also my classmate at the time, is now the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It seems that he is expected to run to be the next Minister of Magic."

"Wow, that's amazing!" the little girl exclaimed, "What about Aunt Qiu?"

"If you say Qiu, you should recognize that she is the Seeker and Captain of the Irish Quidditch team. She has led the team to the Quidditch World Cup championship for twelve consecutive years. I took you to see her three years ago. playing ball."

"I know!" Little Hugo said excitedly here, "Aunt Ginny has been playing under her, and they are going to play the World Cup next year, right?"

Although the existence of Zhang Qiu has made more witches fall in love with Quidditch, in general, most of the loyal fans of Quidditch are wizards.

"So, what about Aunt Penello?"

"She is now a famous alchemy master, and is also the chairman of the world's largest chain alchemy store, YC (Ye and Clearwater) alchemy store."

"I know! I know!" Hugo shouted again. "It's that big alchemy shop that has been working with our magic joke shop for a long time, right?"

"Shut up Hugo!" Little Rose interrupted him fiercely, "Of course I know which YC alchemy store is, you don't need to talk much!"

Due to the obscenity of her elder sister (or younger sister), little Hugo had to shut up obediently.

When it was the next character's turn, Rose suddenly became excited: "Dad, Aunt Furong is that singer group, the sister in 'Sister Nymph', right?"

"You guessed it right." Ron nodded. "She went from Beauxbatons in France to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

"It's great that Dad actually knows such a big star," Rose and Hugo both looked forward to. "Unfortunately, he is already the most famous singer in the world, why did he suddenly stop singing?"

"Maybe they have more important things to do." When he mentioned this point, Ron was still full of jealousy towards Ye Ting. Such a famous beautiful singer actually said no in order to spend more time with him. If you don't sing, you don't sing anymore, what a sinful man.

"So, what about Aunt Luna? I seem to have seen her name somewhere." Rose continued to ask.

"Of course you're familiar with her name," Ron flipped out a book from his children's desks and waved to them, "She wrote the 'My First Fantastic Beasts Discovery' you like to read. . She is now the most famous magical zoologist and science scientist of magical animals."

"It's really amazing!" The little girl exclaimed sincerely, "Every one of them is amazing, I must become a woman like them in the future."

- What a nice dream.

Ron thought to himself.

——But don’t be like them, your head can’t turn your head, everyone has such achievements, but they have to go around the same man, and not only enjoy it, but also affect other people. : Not only did Fleur's younger sister, Scholar, give up her career for that man like her sister, which eventually led to the disappearance of both "Sister Nymphs", but also brought his sister, Ginny Weasley, into the big Pit; Pansy Parkinson, Nymphadora Tonks, Hannah Abbott, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Angelina, Astoria Green Beauties such as Glass and Lavender Brown have all followed in the footsteps one after another; this is still known to everyone on the bright side, and I heard that there are many beauties who have followed the man in a low-key manner.

However, Ron is obviously thinking too much. Ye Ting is not someone who chooses his tastes. With the looks of Ron and Nawen, what kind of daughter can he give birth to?


While good father Ron was coaxing his children to sleep, the current Hogwarts headmaster, Ye Ting, did not stay at Hogwarts to prepare for the next day's school start. Leave the ninth basement floor of the Ministry and take the elevator to the Division of Magical Law Enforcement on the second basement floor to pick up one of his girlfriends, Hermione Gray, now the young head of the Ministry and possibly the youngest ever Minister of Magic in the future. Ranger.

It is now 2009 in the world of Harry Potter, and fourteen years have passed since the end of the war.

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