Among them, the Floo network with a fixed and stable channel has the best experience, followed by the door key, and the most convenient Apparition is also the most dangerous and the worst way to experience space travel.

It's no wonder that for the wizard's fragile body, it is indeed a very painful thing to pass through the poor quality space channel.

As far as these experiences go, Apparition breaks hands and feet every year, and for portkeys, there's also a sickness of door keys.

Therefore, unless the mana is superb, proficient in space spells, or the physical fitness is very high, and it is very suitable for space shuttle, otherwise, for most wizards, suddenly crossing the space channel will make them have little resistance in a short time.

Because of this, the first batch of Death Eaters must be elites. Otherwise, if the first batch of people did not establish a teleportation position within a short period of time, but Azkaban's Aurors rushed to the scene first, If the door key is surrounded, then no matter how many people are sent over, food will be delivered if caught off guard.

For this reason, Voldemort even thought about abandoning his compulsion and personally teleporting to the past to establish a position.

However, fortunately, he still has some good subordinates now, which has not allowed him to be the first villain to come out of his own body.

Today, these pioneer Death Eaters did not live up to his expectations. As soon as they were teleported to Azkaban, they couldn't even see the figure on the opposite side, so they immediately used the Iron Armor Curse indiscriminately.

And it was this decision that kept them from being knocked down the first time in the face of the quick-response attacks of the Aurors.

Except for the unfortunate one who didn't react in time, was hit by the whole body restraint spell, and now his whole body is stiff, and he fell to the ground unable to move.

Today, there are still five guys in black robes and skull masks, standing in front of the Aurors with iron armor curses.

"It's a Death Eater!" The Aurors exclaimed.

They never imagined that the Death Eaters would invade Azkaban.

This kind of thing, even more than ten years ago, when Voldemort's influence was at its greatest, never happened.

No, actually, they thought about it.

Or rather, someone made them think about it.

Their superiors had foreseen this in advance and repeatedly warned them not to be careless.

Now their accident is entirely due to Azkaban's past that has never been successfully invaded.

At this time, the effect of advance training and warning was immediately revealed.

The Auror captain was the first to react.

"Everyone, continue to attack, destroy the door key, and don't let them increase the number of teleportation."

As a result, the Aurors began to bombard the Death Eaters indiscriminately.

Colorful magic was shot at them.

However, the Death Eaters at this time changed their original cruelty and aggressiveness. They stood in a row and only used the Iron Armor Charm to resist the attacks of the Aurors without fighting back.

And the door key was firmly protected behind them.

The Aurors' magic attack was on their iron armor, and the method hit the invisible wall, but the Death Eaters hiding behind were unscathed.

However, the magic of the Aurors also caused damage to the wall, the wall was rippling under the attack of magic, and the Death Eaters were almost knocked back.

It seemed that the Aurors had the upper hand, and it was only a matter of time before the Death Eaters could not hold on to their defenses and fell.

However, it was the Auror squad leader who frowned.

"Tsk, trouble."

He was right.

It seems that the Death Eaters are being beaten passively, but in fact, they have made the most correct choice.

That is, they successfully protected the door key.

As long as they can hold back the Aurors, the Death Eaters will be able to receive a steady stream of support through the door key, so the only ones who will lose are the Aurors of this squad.

Now, the Auror Captain could see that there was another white light flickering behind the Death Eaters.

Their support has arrived.

0358 Collapse and Dementors

When they noticed the white light flashing near the door key, the Aurors had already sensed something was wrong.

The arrival of reinforcements from the Death Eaters meant that their plan to snip the Death Eater vanguard, destroy the door key, and nip the invasion in the bud had already been broken.

At the same time, the crow who had brought the door key to Azkaban under the cover of the dementors before seemed to have recovered from the fatigue and cold, refreshed and changed his body shape.

As the Aurors guessed.

This crow is the transformation of Animagus.

The Aurors realized that with the addition of the new force, they were completely unable to resist.

The Auror team leader made a decisive decision and looked at the team members beside him.

"Bernadette, hurry back and call for reinforcements," he said quickly in the interval of the attack. "Just say that the Death Eaters have invaded, the Dementors are suspected of betrayal, the danger level is the highest, and the others are ready to defend!"

Bernadette was the only female member of the Auror team. In such an emergency, she did not hesitate and leave without any hesitation.

And the rest of the team members did not worry about who to call for reinforcements and who to stay. Under the captain's order, they slowed down their offensive and began to prepare for defense.

At the same time, on the Death Eaters side, four or five more Death Eaters in black robes came to the roof of Azkaban through the door key. After clearing the situation and discovering that they have successfully established their positions, they immediately launched an attack on the Aurors.

Unlike the Aurors, the Death Eaters' attack methods are considered to be without scruples, and they will kill them as soon as they come up.

Explosion, Split, Crucifix, and even Killing Curse, compared to Disarming, Stunning, and Whole Body Binding Curses, Death Eaters' spells were mostly powerful black magic, and their attack power was much stronger.

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